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I donated $20. I discovered OverClocked ReMix in 2001...somehow. I don't remember exactly how I got here, but the immense talent of the community keeps me coming back.

Twenty bucks doesn't even begin to cover the enjoyment that I've had (nor the bandwidth that I've used), but I feel it's time for me to show some love to the community, even just a little.


Enthusiasm is what we need guys, spread it! This thread should be constantly getting bumped with it, it's contagious!

I can't help but be a little bummed that I see a lot of the same people donating year after year. Mad props and gratitude for them, they're doing way more than their part. I know we've got not only a ton of lurkers (many of which who have also stepped out into the light long enough to donate) but we have a LOT of super active forum members who spend literally hours each day/week on these boards who haven't donated a cent. You know who you are, and you have a right to not donate, but if there's any way we can appeal to your better nature, please think about throwing a few $ toward the site in exchange for providing you with one of your primary daily/weekly activities.

Thanks everyone! Let's keep the month going hot!

Well I haven't found a job so I can only spare what I have, which is.. $5.. I'm not that experience with Paypal but I'll see if I can figure it out. I've had that $5 on there since January.

That's awesome man. And that's really the whole point of this. If we can just get a fair amount of people to chip in $5 or $10, we wouldn't need people to feel obligated to donate $100 or $500 (yes, we received a $500 donation in the past). It's awesome, and I hope that individual knows just how grateful OCR is, but it definitely would be just as awesome if we could just get 100 people to donate $5.

I hate to sound like a life insurance commercial, but $5 once in April boils down to about 1.3 cents a day for a year. Considering all the music, albums, interviews, forums, contests, etc that OCR offers, that's a pretty sweet deal. It's certainly not required, and we're not about to charge subscriptions, but DJP has worked pretty hard to keep this place up and running without resorting to that, or even alternatives like those invasive, mandatory pop-up ads that you have to manually skip past, considering Google Ad revenue isn't nearly what it used to be years ago.

Again, I'm not trying to guilt-trip anyone, my intent is to just put some basic facts & figures into perspective, and then again, appeal to the better (and more generous) nature of each who reads this :)


Jimmy, Nekofrog and I are hoping to donate sometime next week. Just waiting on hearing back from him via snail-mail as to if that's okay (which, knowing him, it definitely is, as I know he's donated before). It's just that I want to make sure before I just go ahead. :)


Thanks guys!

Also, as I said last year, if you can't afford to donate (or won't, whichever the case may be) that's fine. I'm not asking for any of the reasons why anyone doesn't. I realize that some people don't have jobs or have prior financial engagements that make finding spare money difficult.

I am 100% ok with that.

But here's the deal, if that's the case, then no problem, but I'd also rather you just keep your reasons for not donating to yourself, and continue to merely spread encouragement for others to contribute. Enthusiasm is contagious, just like excuses are. Even if your excuses are, well, excusable and sincere (and I'm sure for those of you who have said as much that they truly are) I think it's just more effective to simply bypass stating such and remain encouraging and enthusiastic.

I hope this doesn't come across as any kind of berating, if you interpret it as such, rest assured that is absolutely NOT my goal. I'm just saying that the positive spiral effect is absolutely critical to the success of this fundraiser, so let's just keep this thread moving in that direction :)


I just ordered some studio gear from Amazon using our affiliate link.

Mogami Gold cables. Rawr. :)

*edit* It's worth noting that I needed these cables to use my new monitors, so I was going to buy them anyway. Coincidentally, guess who had the best price? That's right, I got the best price out of all the sites/stores I searched on, and OCR is getting a cut of that sale, and all I had to do was buy it through our Amazon store link.


I believe that you can still buy anything that Amazon carries. If it's not directly in the OCR Amazon store, I think it will simply direct you to the full site. Maybe DJP can chime in, but I think as long as you go through our link OCR should still get the credit.

*edit* OCR gets 6% of the sale from our aStore and Zzounds (does not cost extra!). And with direct donations, OCR gets 80%. The other 20% goes to buy Larry soap, because he smellz. ;)


You are wrong. I use lavender soap that The Lady bought. I smell great.

You can't buy everything off Amazon and have OCR get a cut, because not everything is available through our aStore. But most items in our demographic (games, computer parts, tech, comics, Blu-ray/DVDs, etc.) are eligible through the aStore. The aStore always clarifies when something's not available for purchase that way. OCR gets 6% of Amazon purchases, and there's 0 extra charge to the order.

You are wrong. I use lavender soap that The Lady bought. I smell great.

You can't buy everything off Amazon and have OCR get a cut, because not everything is available through our aStore. But most items in our demographic (games, computer parts, tech, comics, Blu-ray/DVDs, etc.) are eligible through the aStore. The aStore always clarifies when something's not available for purchase that way. OCR gets 6% of Amazon purchases, and there's 0 extra charge to the order.

1) they just said you smell, not HOW you smell.

2) lavender makes you smell like a lady

and finally, I couldn't resist:

Yo, dawg! We heard you like donating. So we put aStore in your store so you send while you spend!


Bumpity Bump.

Got the headphones I bought. Holy crap, what a difference listening to good music is, especially uncompressed music. It's like an orgasm for the ears.

Donate to OCR to keep this mad love going! <3


I recently DJ'd between acts at a local Battle of the Bands. I played a 60/40 OCReMix/Biznut Original concoction, and it was an awesome contrast to some of the acts that played. I threw the OverClocked ReMix main page up on the projector and let people know if they liked the tunes, there was plenty more free music here. That was right before I announced the contest winners, as I was appointed one of the judges for the evening.

In true OCRemix judge fashion, nobody won anything and I told 2 of the 9 bands to resub at next years Battle of the Bands. :D

Just kidding of course. The band who won were a bunch of 17 year olds who played Megadeth's Hangar 18 to a stupid level of perfection. It was just like the real thing, only way more energy!

All this to say that I totally support OCR. I'll do it with cash too once I have some more of my own.


Donated the change in my pocket, just don't spend it on booze buddy.

No, seriously, this music is amazing and I would never be able to listen to 75% of the stuff on my iPod guilt-free without dropping some love now. The Xenogears album and recent Grand Robot Master Remix Battle alone are worth spending on, much less the weekly singles from games long forgotten (but fondly remembered).

Thanks, and a toast to the lasting support of OCRemix!

Bumpity Bump.

Got the headphones I bought. Holy crap, what a difference listening to good music is, especially uncompressed music. It's like an orgasm for the ears.

Donate to OCR to keep this mad love going! <3

I know, right?! I remember when I first bought my first pair of high-end headphones. I was using like a $30 pair of Sony something-or-others before, and I always thought they sounded ok, but then when I tried out my Q40's, I was like "WHAT???!!!" They sounded so good. :)

Anyway, great job folks, I'll see if we can get an update on our total.

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