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So, tomorrow is the day that Monster Hunter returns to the console since the PS2. Anyone else picking this tomorrow? Gamestop has my pre-ordered version waiting for me!

If you've played the demo, what did you think?

Being a huge fan of the franchise and having loved MH2 and Freedom Unite, I am thrilled to see this coming back to the console and can hardly wait for tomorrow!


Well, I think its safe to say that after playing the demo awhile back, I've come to the conclusion that I pretty much suck at video games, or am at least seriously out of practice. I couldn't even kill the easiest monster in the demo is how bad I was. They don't kid when they say this game is made FOR gamers.

In any case, I'm probably going to wait for it to drop to 50 or 40 before picking it up. I'm loving the visuals and the underwater fights but I just can't get out the nagging vibe that this game will hand my ass to me repeatedly if I don't get a few other opinions on it.

Keep in mind I'm also a newcomer to the franchise and I guess the difficulty is part of what people like about this series. I just don't care for aggravating games as much as I used to. On top of this, I've got a bunch of lame-ass friends who either don't own Wiis, sold them, or use them as paper weights and I guess this is one of those titles that's much more entertaining and fun with friends of yours.

In conclusion, I'll pick it up eventually, but not on launch day.


I'll be picking it up, but not starting it immediately. I still have Fragile Dreams to get through.

And Cursed Mountain.

... And Brutal Legend, and Condemned 2, and Strange Journey, and I still need to pick up Red Steel 2, and I never truly finished Muramasa, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Spirit Tracks, Punch-Out, Endless Ocean 2....

Well, I think its safe to say that after playing the demo awhile back, I've come to the conclusion that I pretty much suck at video games, or am at least seriously out of practice. I couldn't even kill the easiest monster in the demo is how bad I was. They don't kid when they say this game is made FOR gamers.

In any case, I'm probably going to wait for it to drop to 50 or 40 before picking it up. I'm loving the visuals and the underwater fights but I just can't get out the nagging vibe that this game will hand my ass to me repeatedly if I don't get a few other opinions on it.

Keep in mind I'm also a newcomer to the franchise and I guess the difficulty is part of what people like about this series. I just don't care for aggravating games as much as I used to. On top of this, I've got a bunch of lame-ass friends who either don't own Wiis, sold them, or use them as paper weights and I guess this is one of those titles that's much more entertaining and fun with friends of yours.

In conclusion, I'll pick it up eventually, but not on launch day.

Yeah man, the difficulty curve for this franchise has never been anything less than completely vertical :). However, with online being a real option in this version, it really makes the game more fun AND it lowers the difficultly level a little bit if you're working with semi experienced people. Let's face it, the majority of the people playing this will be playing it because thy love the series!

Don't wait too long or everyone will be so high level that they won't want to play with you ;).


Pre-ordered at GameStop. I don't think it will arrive here before 26 april but better than nothing :)

(wow I've been promoted to Ryu Hayabusa :D )

I'll be picking it up, but not starting it immediately. I still have Fragile Dreams to get through.

And Cursed Mountain.

... And Brutal Legend, and Condemned 2, and Strange Journey, and I still need to pick up Red Steel 2, and I never truly finished Muramasa, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Spirit Tracks, Punch-Out, Endless Ocean 2....

Man I'm in the same situation, but some friends of mine pre-ordered MHT too, so I've decided to do it, I'll be able to actually use WiiSpeak :D


Like many of you, I have the game pre-ordered and ready to pick up. However, I've got a crapton of homework to do this week and may not be able to play it until Friday at the earliest or so.

Can't wait though. I never beat either of the demo quests (though for the first quest, that was more lack of time than difficulty), but I had so much fun that I can't resist the final product.

I never beat either of the demo quests (though for the first quest, that was more lack of time than difficulty), but I had so much fun that I can't resist the final product.

I didn't had the possibility of trying the demo :( seems that in Europe they forgotten it...

Well, I think its safe to say that after playing the demo awhile back, I've come to the conclusion that I pretty much suck at video games, or am at least seriously out of practice. I couldn't even kill the easiest monster in the demo is how bad I was. They don't kid when they say this game is made FOR gamers.

In any case, I'm probably going to wait for it to drop to 50 or 40 before picking it up. I'm loving the visuals and the underwater fights but I just can't get out the nagging vibe that this game will hand my ass to me repeatedly if I don't get a few other opinions on it.

Keep in mind I'm also a newcomer to the franchise and I guess the difficulty is part of what people like about this series. I just don't care for aggravating games as much as I used to. On top of this, I've got a bunch of lame-ass friends who either don't own Wiis, sold them, or use them as paper weights and I guess this is one of those titles that's much more entertaining and fun with friends of yours.

In conclusion, I'll pick it up eventually, but not on launch day.

Keep in mind that you can't think of Monster Hunter as an action-RPG. You have to think of it as a hunting/tracking simulation.

Keep in mind that you can't think of Monster Hunter as an action-RPG. You have to think of it as a hunting/tracking simulation.

Truer words about the game have never been spoken. MH is not a hacky-slash button masher. If you go into the fights trying to play it like Kingdom Hearts, God of War, etc, you WILL get your ass handed to you!

MH takes a LOT of strategy and patience. God, I love it! I'm about to go pick up my copy!

Keep in mind that you can't think of Monster Hunter as an action-RPG. You have to think of it as a hunting/tracking simulation.

Yeah, a co-worker explained that to me as well, and I noticed a heavy dose of item/weapon management was mentioned in several reviews. Overall, I'm not sure if its going to be my kind of game (I am in the crowd that tends to prefer a plain, ol' action RPG with a higher emphasis on dodging attacks and laying the afformentioned smackdown). That being said though, I'm not ribbing the game in any way, and it does look like a blast if you're into meticulously planning out your attacks and ambushes.

Like another person said, I've got other titles to keep me busy for the time being....and school work to finish, heh.


Well, first day down! Clocked in about 10.5 hours on it. God I love this franchise!

It has been a fairly productive first session. Finished the tutorials, the rank 1 offline missions and urgent mission. Hopped online with Sephfire and we finished all but 1 or 2 of the rank one online missions and I'm at HR 5 (seph is to if I'm not mistaken) and we're both sporting MUCH better gear than what we started with :-).

Suffice it to say, even though the game mechanics (how you fight) is very similar, MH3 is not a repeat of MH2 or MHFU. The enemies are brand new and very challenging! Great music and they really amped up the intensity of the orchestra. Very Zimmer-esque. The under water battles are INTENSE and crazy, but fun.

Even though I stock piled items in single player, I used A LOT of them in the online. Need to regroup a little and do some more offline missions.

Even though I knew it before I played it, you gotta get this game!


I didn't get it today, because that would mean driving into Victoria. And that's easily at least an hour. Not to mention I'd probably have to go to several different stores before I found it...

So I'll wait until Sunday or something.


As I stated, I haven't had time to play it, but I did pick it up. What I find odd though is that my Gamestop sold out of the copies it got on Day 1 (besides reserves, thank goodness). I thought this was supposed to be a niche franchise in America. o_O

As I stated, I haven't had time to play it, but I did pick it up. What I find odd though is that my Gamestop sold out of the copies it got on Day 1 (besides reserves, thank goodness). I thought this was supposed to be a niche franchise in America. o_O

Gamestop probably only ordered 2 copies.


I preordered my copy with the new Classic Controller Pro bundled together for $60 a while ago, and I'm gonna pick it up today.

I've never played a Monster Hunter game before, didn't get around to playing the demo, and haven't played my Wii by myself since I bought my XBOX 360 over a year ago, but something about this game spoke to me.

I'll have to add you OCR peeps as friends so we can do some co-op battling together!


Been getting into this. Solo mode is a bit 'bleh,' I find some events get 'really' frustrating when you're rolling by yourself (main example, Peco summoning a certain big dragon I'm not ready for), but it's GREAT fun online so far. I'm still a low HR since I just started today. That said, though, if anyone wants to add Hunter ID: Z16YW3 to their friends list with a note that you're from OCR, I'll gladly accept and friend you back. Let's hunt together ya? <3

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