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True, but on the other hand, in Galaxy you weren't limited to playing the same level 5 times before you could try a new one. Galaxy opens a new level every 2 stars or so, so there's plenty more to try out.

There weren't many times in Mario 64 that you would have absolutely had to play any level 5 times to move on to a different one though. But even if you weren't slightly exaggerating, those levels had so much to explore and so many secrets to find that I always felt it was worth replaying them over and over. I still love popping Mario 64 in the old N64 and playing through it again every few months now. Mario Galaxy wouldn't even let you decide that you didn't want to do a certain star and go off to this other corner of the level instead. It felt very constrained to me, and not at all like what made Mario 64 fun to begin with.


Regarding the music: It's completely orchestral, which is the main reason I'm so excited for it. Hell, I prefer this awesome orchestral version of SM64's Main Theme over the original. Then there's all the other awesome tracks returning. SMW Ghost House, SMW Athletic, I think a track from Mario 3... it's gonna be great.

Add that into the fact that Yoshi can swim in this ('bout damn time!) and various other things and... like I've stated, I'm more excited for the soundtrack than the game. But not by much.


Both 64 and Galaxy were great games. Galaxy's worlds were more linear, but 64's levels feel a bit small to me after playing Sunshine and Galaxy 1.

On topic: I'm definitely excited for Galaxy 2. Looks like a lot of fun, but I just bought 3D Dot Heroes so I gotta finish that up before I make yet another new game purchase.

Mario 64 did it in such a way that didn't lock you out of exploring the rest of the level. Also, you could find multiple stars that you weren't looking for: in the first area, you can get the cannon island star, the chomp star, or the king-bobomb star all by selecting the first one.

...Actually selecting different stars could seriously change quite a bit of the levels you were going through...

Edit: Maybe it's just me, but M64 nostalgia doesn't give me the same thrill these days. I like Galaxy more than 64 any day, although I will admit Galaxy is just 64 jazzed up like hell. But I have jazz fingers, and I like that jazz. >=/

There weren't many times in Mario 64 that you would have absolutely had to play any level 5 times to move on to a different one though. But even if you weren't slightly exaggerating, those levels had so much to explore and so many secrets to find that I always felt it was worth replaying them over and over. I still love popping Mario 64 in the old N64 and playing through it again every few months now. Mario Galaxy wouldn't even let you decide that you didn't want to do a certain star and go off to this other corner of the level instead. It felt very constrained to me, and not at all like what made Mario 64 fun to begin with.

You prefer 2D Mario don't you? Galaxy is okay but there's no feeling fir me to run back and play it after I got all 120 stars. Even if you replay it as Luigi.

...Actually selecting different stars could seriously change quite a bit of the levels you were going through...

Edit: Maybe it's just me, but M64 nostalgia doesn't give me the same thrill these days. I like Galaxy more than 64 any day, although I will admit Galaxy is just 64 jazzed up like hell. But I have jazz fingers, and I like that jazz. >=/

Agreed. Vivi acts like Galaxy shit on his dog or something, but I'm with you - Mario 64 was AMAZING, but Galaxy was the best.


preordered. unfortunately i wont have it until 25th (hopefully 24th), but whatever. $20 towards another game at amazon is worth the couple days of waiting.

but i am hyped for this. great music and creative levels, but that's really just mario for ya. playing through sunshine right now for the first time - it's fun, but it's just not the same as galaxy. G2 can bring it. :nicework:


I've seen videos and reviews, and this game looks amazing like I was expecting.

The only thing they can do to make it more perfect is to release a complete soundtrack like they did for the first one; the Bowser stages theme seems even more cool in this version *-* ...

240 stars? Either there's a lot more levels than in Galaxy 1, or they're doing the LUIGI'S STARS ARE SEPARATE thing again.

Luigi's stars are not part of the extra 120, there are 120 hidden stars after you get the first 120 stars and you unlock a new galaxy at the end.


My younger brother, who is the biggest Mario fan I have ever known (Seriously, he has almost every character as a plushy doll) quite literally begged for this game when he found out it was coming out. I set up a deal for him to get it held and payed off at GameStop and we plan on being there first thing in the morning for it. I myself was looking forward to it with my normal enthusiasm until i saw they were bringing back some Mario 64 levels. Now even I can't wait for it!

Then I can still play Mario 64 and hear the original version of the song, which I still enjoy, despite not being a huge Kondo fan. His stuff suits Mario, but on it's own I don't care for it. But great music just makes for great music. If a game isn't fun to begin with then just buy the soundtrack.

Likewise to movies, music can enhance the game play, that is, if the game play doesn't suck.

Either way though, I hated Mario Sunshine and Galaxy, so despite Nintendo's shameless attempt to make a grab for my sense of Mario 64 nostalgia (and pad the length of the game with as little effort as possible), I won't be touching this one. Maybe if someone I know eventually gets it and I can try it out, but my hopes are not high.

I haven't played Galaxy but Sunshine was the world's greatest disappointment. SM64 is still a win after many years; it's a universe of its own.


After watching a live gameplay stream for the past 4 hours, I have to say... this game is epic. The level design is fair, the bosses can be challenging (but once you figure out how to beat them, it's not as hard), the puzzle elements are exquisite... The world map is a nice touch. Also, the music fits each level perfectly. Whether it's slow and calm for a water/ice galaxy, or fast-paced and awesome for a HURRY UP AND MOVE YOUR ASS galaxy, it's great. The reorchestrations of classic tunes is well-done too. Many things are recycled from Mario World and Mario 64 as well. And instead of waiting around for comets, you collect Comet Tokens (already forgot what they're called) to trigger their appearance. The humor is intact as well.

One last thing. The first Bowser fight? Epic. I highly recommend this game. ^_^

i am probably the only person who didnt like the first one, so i have no interest in the 2nd one.

I liked SMB Wii a lot better.

You and the millions of other people who bought SMB Wii more than Galaxy.

I loved SMB Wii, but I will give this one a fair chance. I find it hillarious that Nintendo thinks they'll fool the ones who like 2D Mario better into buying this one, they may catch some, but not many.

As pessimistic, and negative as this sounds, I don't think Galaxy 2 will sell better than SMB Wii, simply because the fans of 3D Mario are far smaller than ones who prefer 2D Mario.

I guarantee that the biggest glowing aspect of focus will be the music in a lot of discussions...

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