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I read a facebook post from Willrock about DB Evolution on TV and of course I cracked wise about it. Looks like there might not even be a sequel, which would be the first smart move Fox has ever made. :-P

But in the process of googling about that, I found out about this Dragonball Z Kai. At first it sounded like, ugh, yet another remaster of DBZ. But then I saw this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66sY7PcAFuo Well not actually that, but I accidentally copied something else and I couldn't find the one I saw, which was HD and had a better frame rate than this.

But the point is, Dragonball Z Kai is a REMAKE with all the FILLER CUT OUT. So instead of 9 seasons, it might be like, 2 seasons... hahaha.. Any huge DBZ fans out there, keep an eye out for this on the Nicktoons channel on May 24th. I don't want to speak too soon but the idea itself looks awesome, the new animation is sweet. A little modern with just a bit less detail than the original show, but still good.


And if you were worried about the characters being different or cut out (like Krillin) no, it's all there.

BTW little did I know, the 24th is tomorrow


Yeah, Kai's been airing in Japan for a while now. The basic idea was that when they were making the show, the manga was still running, so like a lot of adaptations of shounen fighting manga, they had to stretch out the series to stick with the pace of what was being published in Weekly Shounen Jump.

This resulted in a massive amount of filler as well as really horrible pacing of single episodes (i.e. characters standing around for a long time not doing anything, drawn out powerup sequences, etc.). People criticize DBZ for its horrible pacing without realizing that the manga it's based on just isn't like that. A powerup sequence in the manga is like, one page. DBZ reads a lot faster than it watches, and Dragonball Kai (the show doesn't have 'Z' in the title in Japan) basically pares down the anime quite a bit to match the pacing to Toriyama's original work.

The funny thing is that a lot of fans of DBZ are whining about Kai, saying "WTF it's basically DBZ with everything cut out!!" without realizing that this is what the anime was supposed to be like in the first place.


I heard about this when it first started airing in Japan and I'm actually pretty excited to see how it turns out. The clips I've seen look and sound great, and the idea of watching the series in about a hundred or so episodes is really appealing to me. Like DarkeSword said, the manga reads way faster than the show, so it'll be nice to see the two come closer together. Plus, I have a big soft spot for this series, so having any excuse for it to get another 15 minutes of fame is something I can get behind. I mean, I saw Dragonball Evolution in theaters on opening day. There were like 10 people in the theater. Terrible.

Dokkan dokkan! GoGo let's do it!

But the point is, Dragonball Z Kai is a REMAKE with all the FILLER CUT OUT.

Wait... so you're telling me my entire childhood was stolen from me by filler that wasn't even supposed to be in the show?

My life was such a waste...


This resulted in a massive amount of filler as well as really horrible pacing of single episodes (i.e. characters standing around for a long time not doing anything, drawn out powerup sequences, etc.).

Sounds familiar. Anyway, if it's DBZ without the long-ass episode fillers (not that I complained, cause I was indifferent to fillers back then), I'm all for it. :smile: DBZ Kai it is!


Wait, so is this literally a remake in the sense that they redrew things? Or is it just a re-cut/re-edited version of DBZ? I'm not sure I understand. It's not accurate to call it a remake if they just used the same library of 'footage' from DBZ and cut stuff out.

Wait, so is this literally a remake in the sense that they redrew things? Or is it just a re-cut/re-edited version of DBZ? I'm not sure I understand. It's not accurate to call it a remake if they just used the same library of 'footage' from DBZ and cut stuff out.

Nah, it's not redrawn, just cleaned up and remastered for HD viewing (along with the edits for length). They rerecorded the vocal work, though.


Heh about time they did this.

I gotta admit that it was pretty awesome seeing the fast pace battles, but it was a little taxing watching them power up for a whole episode before the battle and next episode, there was a 5 minute action sequence where they kick the crap out of each other and then 20 minutes of small talk and telling each other how much more powerful they are than the other :P

Nah, it's not redrawn, just cleaned up and remastered for HD viewing (along with the edits for length). They rerecorded the vocal work, though.

Some parts are redrawn, such as those pieces of film that were too degraded, etc. So it's at least a partial remake. :-P

I'm gonna miss every episode "Omg, their pwoer level! How has it grown!"

"I can sense a power level! It's approaching!"

Three episodes later

"This power level! It's getting closer!!"


I was at Best Buy picking up Mario Galaxy 2 when I noticed that the first DVD of Kai is apparently out already. It's only got the first 13 episodes, but apparently Goku and Vegeta are already fighting at that point. That's pretty quick. I'm looking forward to this.



This means it'll be totally ruining the realism associated with Goku's, like, 6-month-long training journey on the way to Namek. Or how it took a quarter of a year for Goku to run across that damn Snake Road. Or how it takes characters longer to power up than it does to make a nice stew in my Crock Pot! I could always count on DBZ to be a better gauge of cooking time: start the Crock Pot just as someone starts charging, and then by the time they're almost done, dinner is ready. Two days later.

All exaggeration aside, I think this would be more worthwhile if it was more of a 100% remake: redraw in full as well as revoiced, and cut down on filler. The biggest issue I had with the original is how adding filler AND bad english translation voice acting would really test my patience with the show. On the plus side of that, however, I could miss a few weeks of it and in fact have not really missed much at all.

If someone posts a comparison of how many episodes of the old show fit into one episode of the new show, then I'll consider giving this a taste.

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