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Wait you want to call kirby sucking up people stale when Nintendo has been recycling ideas over and over for I don't know how long? I don't have a problem with it but what you just said is very hypocritical. They should not have messed with Kirby's trademark abilities in my opinion that's what I love about him. It's whatever I guess, I'm still gonna play it when this comes out and I get my wii fixed.

I didn't say anything hypocritical because I didn't mention anything about any other Nintendo franchise. I was actually kind of disappointed with the new Zelda because of how little they've changed so far.

It's not to say that recent Kirby games are bad, quite the contrary. I'm just bored with them (Squeak Squad especially). Compare that with Canvas Curse, which admittedly wasn't as polished or long as SS, but I had a lot more fun playing.


Can't say I was any more or less impressed than I was with the MS show. Felt about the same.

- Zelda didn't thrill me.

- The 23rd iteration of the DS just made me roll my eyes (c'mon Nintendo... how many damn versions are you going to pump out?).

+ The Donkey Kong game piqued my interest.

?? The Kirby game I want more info on before I decide how I feel. Looks creative visually and they seem to be branching out the gameplay. But while I like the franchise, "branching out" doesn't always equal fun or good.

?? I don't own a Gamecube and thus have yet to get to play the 3D Metroids to know if I like them.

?? Another Paper Mario game (I played the first one and liked it, but I haven't played the sequels yet).

+ Dragon Quest IX got my attention. Hope they did at least as good a job with it as they did with XIII.

- Never got the "OMG WOWZORS!" for Goldeneye on the N64, so an upgrade doesn't do a lot for me.

I also have to say the DS got a lot more attention this time. Seems like it's getting more big franchise names than the Wii right now (beyond the expected Nintendo franchises). I know they have yet another "upgrade" to it so it was sure to get more time in the spotlight, but it seemed to be more the focus for third parties.

Ok, what's the power in that freaking 3DS. The graphics are well above the level of N64 graphics, its amazing.

Actually, upon watching the Kid Icarus trailer, the graphic don't look like they've been beefed up from the DS generation at all.

- The 23rd iteration of the DS just made me roll my eyes (c'mon Nintendo... how many damn versions are you going to pump out?).

I see your point, and I felt the same way about the DSi, and especially the DSi XL. However, so far it seems that the 3DS is VERY different from its predecessors. Playing 3D games is obvious, but if it has improved graphics and has a large library of 3DS only games (including Professor Layton), then I will probably need to get one.

I feel bad for people who just got a DSi, though. Nintendo made us think it was the next best thing and that it would have its own games, but nothing substantial has come out besides a handful of DSi-Ware games. Now, it'll probably just be a footnote in the Nintendo hand-held history.

Actually, upon watching the Kid Icarus trailer, the graphic don't look like they've been beefed up from the DS generation at all.

You're kidding me, right? That's pushing a lot more polys than I ever saw on the DS. Still isn't anti aliased, which a big reason why the trailer looks pixelated on a computer screen. The graphics are definitely better this time around though.

Kirby Epic Yarn: Oh my fricking goodness, what a disappointment. What does Kirby need a whip for? What was wrong with...sucking up enemies? Why are his abilities limited to freaking vehicles? What is this sickeningly-cutesy art style? I feel like I just gulped down a cup full of cake frosting. No, no, no...all wrong.

Are you kidding me? You're actually complaining about a Kirby game looking cute?


honestly i'm a little disappointed at how much of the stuff nintendo revealed this year was just straight up nostalgia baiting. kid icarus and kirby looked like the only games based on older franchises that weren't mostly prettier rehashes (metroid other m, too, but we've already known about that for a while). dkc4 and goldeneye are cool, obviously, but are they doing anything drastically different? and the 3ds is cool, but personally i don't really give a shit about playing games i've already played on much older systems (star fox, animal crossing, kingdom hearts, mario kart - i realize a couple of these might not be pure remakes but they certainly don't look like they're offering particularly new gameplay experiences). it's just kinda weak, especially for a company that has spent this entire generation priding themselves on their innovation. and it's also disappointing considering that they are very capable of reinvigorating their old franchises with new gameplay, which they proved with the galaxy series. it just seems lazy.

Here's a list of developers and games for the 3DS, according to the screens they showed at the event.

* Square Enix and Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy franchise, Chocobo Racing 3D

* THQ and Saints Row

* DJ Hero

* Capcom and Resident Evil

* Ubisoft and Assassin's Creed

* Namco and Ridge Racer

* Konami and the Metal Gear Solid franchise

* EA Sports and Madden

* Tecmo Koei and Ninja Gaiden, Dead or Alive

* Professor Layton and the Mask of Mircale

That's... that's most certainly not the usual "kiddy" list people expect.

Harmonix was listed as well.


Holy crap this is a lot of info to sift though!

Stuff that made impressions:

New Zelda - Meh, looks like more of the same. Maybe he'll transform into a bird rather than wolf this time. Skyward Sword? Who knows?

Metroid: Other M - Yay a release date!

DKC Returns - About time another side scrolling Donkey Kong game came out! Theres a lot of crap going on in those videos. I like the blending of the background to the action of the foreground, might be a little too much though...

3DS seems to be hitting the ground running. They've got a lot of developer support already AND movie studios. I guess they didn't want to miss out on what is essentially the DS2. Wikipedia says ~130 Million NDS sales, yeah... Developers want in on that early this time. Oh, Anyone else see some potential homebrew for the 3DS? Is that a 3D video camera in your pocket or are you happy to see me?

I just gotta mention. What the hell is with Goldeneye? Don't get me wrong, I played hours and hours of this game as a kid. Yes it brought shooters to the masses. Yes it had insanely fun multiplayer. And Yes whoever picked OddJob was a dick :razz:. I just think without the magic that was Rare in the mid-90s it doesn't have a lot going for it outside of nostalgia.

I need to stop typing now.


Nintendo have really upped the ante lately. Their new games look very creative. The Kirby game really looks like Nintendo are shaking things up. THANK YOU Nintendo. I'm sorry to sound like a broken record, but Skyward Sword looks awesome. I'm happy about the vibrant style, and the controls look sick - not just the motion plus but the way how Link can actually run and jump. I really liked Twilight Princess, and I'm playing through it again right now, but it looks like Miyamoto is holding a knife to the throats of the designers and programmers while this new game is being developed.

I haven't even came around to Galaxy 2, Star Successor, and Other M hasn't even come out. NBA Jam and Golden Eye. Holy shitballs.


Star Fox 64 remake for 3DS?

Totally sold. That's all I need to hear.

The fact that they've included MGS3D is a bonus.

And Kid Icarus looks fun as hell.

Sold, Nintendo. I've bad mouthed your Wii in the past, but damn do you guys know how to make exciting portable stuff. Well played.


Hmm, after looking over the Zelda SS footage, it seems Nintendo is trying to strike up a new balance between the "realistic" and Cell-Shaded looks. I've always liked the cell-shaded look myself, so this new development is looking pretty nice in my eyes.

Well just about every franchise that I was wishing would get a new game is getting a new game.

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