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Alice:"Hey, i'm an absolute guitar fanatic! I own at least ten guitars and play them all regularly for no other reason than that I'm dead in love with them."

Bob:"Wow, that's awesome! You must be really devoted."

Charlie:"Hey, I'm an absolute DnD fanatic! I own at least twenty rulebooks and regularly create new characters and campaigns for no other reason than that I am dead in love with it."

Dianne:"Wow, you must be one of those larper fags. Get a life."

GOD I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE DONT APPLY MODERATION TO THEIR OBSESSION IT JUST IRKS ME SO MUCH GOD but only if it's not mainstream society's definition of cool


Shut up, this is the anti-furry thread, so start hatin' or gtfo.

Also, those girls in Japan that wear fake tanning solution and have waaaaaaay too much makeup on. Christ, cover yourself up anymore, and we'd have to start breaking out the shovels just to see actual skin.

But they're more of a 3 on the scale, and furries are more like an 8. It's 10 point scale, with a modifier using decimal points to help adjust for mood or time of year, things like that.

I'll post the scale later, with some nice charts and stuff. I think you'll like it.

You say that as if you've never played
or seen it before. :lol:

This shark/babe whatever thing is not that strange.

What... the... FUCK...!?

Alright, that's pretty much one of the weirdest things I've seen to date.

The Shark Babe game (Shark Attack, or whatever it's called) actually doesn't look that bad. Of course, I pretty much love all shooters, so that could have something to do with it. I don't care about the characters, really - after seeing Schwaltzvald's post, I don't think anyone else COULD care about it...

What... the... FUCK...!?

Alright, that's pretty much one of the weirdest things I've seen to date.

The Shark Babe game (Shark Attack, or whatever it's called) actually doesn't look that bad. Of course, I pretty much love all shooters, so that could have something to do with it. I don't care about the characters, really - after seeing Schwaltzvald's post, I don't think anyone else COULD care about it...

I somewhat find it strange that

's boss theme sounds more "end boss-ish" than the actual end boss theme. :lol:

In before Touhou hijack lol

Look, you find another group everyone can bash for no real reason, you go ahead and tell us about it. Until then, we have to pick on them to distract ourselves from our own crippling lack of "special and unique".

something like the church of Jedi? (I forgot what the real name is)

Or people that work real jobs in star trek uniforms.

or any of the thousands of other fetishes that are out there.

there is no lack of weird, there's enough for everyone.

something like the church of Jedi? (I forgot what the real name is)

Or people that work real jobs in star trek uniforms.

or any of the thousands of other fetishes that are out there.

there is no lack of weird, there's enough for everyone.

Those other groups don't have giant chips on their shoulders and massive community complexes about non-existent persecution. I've met furries that actually believed they were the modern equivalent to Jews. Yes, because governments around the world are shipping furries to camps for horrible deaths. Exactly the same. Exactly.

Trekies, S&Mers, even the worst fanboys don't think like that. Furries, on the other hand, seem to be all about perceived wrongs they haven't faced. Even if it is just a vocal minority, they aren't helping themselves any.

Shoving it my face when I meet them doesn't help it any. I could happily not know about your fucking fetishes when we're having dinner, thank you very much. Keep it to yourselves.


Trekies, S&Mers, even the worst fanboys don't think like that. Furries, on the other hand, seem to be all about perceived wrongs they haven't faced. Even if it is just a vocal minority, they aren't helping themselves any.

Shoving it my face when I meet them doesn't help it any. I could happily not know about your fucking fetishes when we're having dinner, thank you very much. Keep it to yourselves.


I don't think comparing gays to furries is going to win you any points there, pal. You know, because of the whole actual persecution thing they had. You want to defend furries, you go right ahead, but make sure you don't do the same thing they do, namely comparing themselves to actual victims.

My own personal experience with furries has been in the magnitude of several hundred, not a few. They basically invaded an anime convention over several years. You ever go to Animethon in Edmonton? It used to go like this: come in, watch shows, buy stuff, maybe take pics of the few cosplayers that showed up, go home.

One year, (I think around A6?) a few dozen furries showed up. OK, no problem. The next day, more showed up. Fine. Except they tried to hold a fucking yiffing session in public, without permission from either the staff or the facility. It's a family-friendly event, and it's public. Not the best place to start that kind of shit.

Next year, it was worse. They got defensive about the previous year and the staff almost had to call for facility security (not the staff volunteer guys, but actual security) to get them to calm down. Yelling partook, people were told to leave and not come back again.

The next year, they showed up in fucking force. They crowded show rooms with their over-sized costumes and wouldn't remove them for the sake of others. They wouldn't take off their masks so the staff could see if any of them were of the list from the last year.

Overall, it was year after year of shit and having to put up with them and their constant disrespectful behavior. I stopped going because I had had it with them. I haven't been back in years. I still hear about the crap they try to pull every year from others that still attend. they may have toned it down, but they show up and ruin it for others.

So, you want to say that I'm only basing my personal experiences with furries because of a few? How about a few hundred? Pretty much the entire local furry, maybe even the regional, community? Is that enough of a basis for my dislike of them for you?

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