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I tend to drop stuff in my queue when I hear about something that interests me. And then, a while later, it shows up and I get to play it! If it turns out to suck, I send it straight back and get something new. If I like it, I'll keep it until I beat it. If I really like it, I'll buy it from them (and they send out the box and manual and such to go with the disc you already -- though this isn't available for all games). Also good is getting older games that you never got a chance to try when they were new -- Gamefly's stock goes back to PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, and GBA, not just the newest generation of consoles.

Their selection is pretty good, and (unlike any Blockbuster or equivalent I've tried), I've never had a problem with damaged discs and the like. I <3 my Gamefly account.


Absolutely yes. I've been loving it and I hate that I won't be able to get it in Canada.

Mind you, if you're the type that must have new games on day one, you'll probably want to pass. Pickings tend to get slim for newly released games. You can counter this by putting only the new game you want in your queue, but it's not a perfect fix.

However, if you've got a long list of games you want to catch up on, this is perfect. And if you like a game, you can pay to keep it at a very good price. They send the box and manual to you in excellent condition. And you already know the game works, so it's like getting a new game for a low used price.

Seriously, it's worth giving a shot. I think they offer a trial period.


with the lengths and difficulty levels and average times until a game gets boring nowadays i would say absolutely

i dont play console games anymore though so i cant speak from real experience with it


Wow that's a really nice thing! I think it won't work for european people though...

There're so many games I would like to rent, too bad here is almost impossible :(

I actually never knew about being able to buy the game if you like it. What's the usual percentage off for more popular games?

Your discount increases the longer you use the service. I'm at the full discount level now. Here are some of the "Keep It" prices I have:

Mass Effect 2: $26.99

God of War III: $25.19

Crackdown 2: $43.19 (because it just came out)

All better than Gamestop's used game prices, and this way you get the manual and box art in pristine condition. And you already played the game, so you know it works. It's like buying a new game that you got to test run first.

To sweeten the deal, every couple months or so they give me a free $5 discount to take even more off the price of the next game I choose to keep. Awesome deal.


I'm at the max level too, and I've got a $5 coupon. :-P I have Red Dead Redemption and Lego Harry Potter through them right now. I've saved SO much money on games I otherwise might have bought and they turned out to be crap. I might keep Red Dead but Lego Harry Potter is more of the same.

I think Gamefly is worth it. You can't beat the deal. Plus, when you keep a game, you also get any DLC slips that were placed within. You pretty much get everything that came with the game to begin with. A lot of games, if they're good, you can finish in a day or two and send back and not need to buy it anyway. That's what I should have done with Modern Warfare 2 and Splinter Cell: Conviction x_X

Why for work, my dear Canadian fellow! I'll be living in downtown Vancouver in less than two weeks.

So not Toronto then, which was what I was getting at. Oh well, Vancouver is awesome. Just don't end up working for EA unless you don't mind not having a life.

Your discount increases the longer you use the service. I'm at the full discount level now. Here are some of the "Keep It" prices I have:

Mass Effect 2: $26.99

God of War III: $25.19

Crackdown 2: $43.19 (because it just came out)

All better than Gamestop's used game prices, and this way you get the manual and box art in pristine condition. And you already played the game, so you know it works. It's like buying a new game that you got to test run first.

To sweeten the deal, every couple months or so they give me a free $5 discount to take even more off the price of the next game I choose to keep. Awesome deal.

They're paying you, aren't they? That's how you can afford those three Ferrari's I saw you cavorting to town in!

He speaks the truth, Kanthos.

To make his videos, sephfire goes to Canada where the air is both thinner and slightly mixed with helium. It's how he gets his voice higher for the videos.

I KNEW it!

What's the main difference between Goozex and Gamefly?


It's somewhat expensive month to month. I've only really ever kept one game. I think i got Red Faction Guerrilla for something like $1.76. I'm at the highest level of rewards or whatever now. I think about canceling it sometimes because of a drought of games or just because I don't have time to play when I have classes but I don't because I dig the sweet discounts. It's pretty awesome to get such massive discounts on new games, they are usually around the same price as when Amazon does their "gold box deal of the day" stuff.

It's somewhat expensive month to month. I've only really ever kept one game. I think i got Red Faction Guerrilla for something like $1.76. I'm at the highest level of rewards or whatever now. I think about canceling it sometimes because of a drought of games or just because I don't have time to play when I have classes but I don't because I dig the sweet discounts. It's pretty awesome to get such massive discounts on new games, they are usually around the same price as when Amazon does their "gold box deal of the day" stuff.

True that. Red Dead Redemption just sold on Amazon's deal of the day for $42.99, same price I get from Gamefly AFTER TAX.


In short, it's totally worth it.

I've actually gotten a subscription twice. Once, because my Dad used to buy it for me. A second time, because he became a different person, and stopped buying it for me (as well pretending I don't exist). And yet, buying it again for myself was worth it THAT much. There are so many games nowadays that are worth just a rent, and not much else. It saves you lots of money, whether from renting instead of buying games, or because you take advantage of their sweet deals. Also, the games are always in great condition, in my experience. Just make sure that you have enough time for all of the games you'll be playing, lol! :lol:

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