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Kirby's Adventure: Rise of the Star - History

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Here are the names I can think of:

Pink Cup Headphones

Mouse Pen Inflation

Looking around the room isn't helping, so I'll just think, and see if that helps.

Poofball's Progress

Kirby's Divine Remix-omedy - hey that's a good one

Dancing Mad

Stars & Stripes Forever, Peach Coffee

Uncorragable Mimes - The Here and Now

PopStar Casa Nova

Unction Sing-along

Unction Junction

Kirbunction Junction

Kirbiferous Remixide Hexalbumium

The Kirby's Adventure Project thing

Canned Wobbly

Undermine that!

Reflake thy Mad

I'm out of ideas.

I don't have a full idea, but I think something with the meaning of Evolution would be cool, seeing that Kirby is progressing from a Water Drop to a Hero of Lore.

hot or flop?


Hell, even something plain like "Kirby: evolution" sounds cool ^^

Celestial Evolution

Kirby's Adventure ReMix Project

I couldn't think of "Celestial" before. It's a much better word.


I beat you :wink:

I said that one on page 12 or something. I still think it's a good one. Considering how significant the stars are in the Kirby games, "Celestial" seems to fit perfectly. It rolls off the tongue, too. No, really. Say it.

So, there's my idea... again.


Celestial Evolution

Kirby's Adventure ReMix Project

I couldn't think of "Celestial" before. It's a much better word.


I beat you :wink:

I said that one on page 12 or something. I still think it's a good one. Considering how significant the stars are in the Kirby games, "Celestial" seems to fit perfectly. It rolls off the tongue, too. No, really. Say it.

So, there's my idea... again.


Now whilst the words celestial and evolution individually have meaning that directly relates to kirby, together their meaning would be something like "The gradual process in which the sky/Heaven changes into a different and usually more complex or better form". Which makes no sense at all...

In other words, it sounds cool, but really has no meaning :S


Hmm, well think about it logically.

Kirby starts out as a Water Drop, he becomes a Hero of Lore. Often, heroes of lore are immortalized as stars in the sky.

When looked at literally, we can say Kirby's a water drop ascending to the heavens.

Words that come to mind are:









Next we need to apply this theme to both Kirby and music.

Sadly, this still doesn't bring a decent title out.

*goes into deep thought*

For some reason I can't get the title "Star Ocean" out of my head.

-Kirby's Celestial Conquest?

That makes him seem like the bad guy. <(>_>)>

-Kirby's Celestial Concord

-Kirby's Celestial Chorus

-Kirby's Celestial Concert

I'm getting closer... argh


I have 10 suggestions.

1.Kirby Arrangement

2.Super Kirby Arrangement

3.Kirby HeadPhone

4.Kirby Music Arrangement

5.Sonorous Kirby

6.Yatta Kirby Arrangement

7.Super Yatta Kirby Arrangement

8.Kirby Music Adventure (My favourite suggestion)

9.Pink Kirby Arrangement

10.Super Kirby Music Adventure


k, I'm just gonna chime in here, first off, I think that "Evolution" is a good start, although I'm not sure about "Celestial Evolution", but we're working on it, I understand.

Anyway, secondly, a name that just came to mind, I'm sure it sucks, but how's "A Night of Dreams"?

Maybe I've just been reading too much shakespeare lately.

Also, once we have a name, I have a great idea for a cover, but I won't reveal it until we have a guaranteed name.

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