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OCR01241 - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "Kakariko Prom"


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I really liked this song, cuz the beginning and the end makes me laugh every time i listen to it and the music itself is slow and calm... When you listen to the black/death/viking metal all the time, you tend to respect these songs more. Or atleast i do.

Overall rating is something like 11-12/10 in my opinion.

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I really liked this eventhough I usually avoid listening to(not in a bad way) Zelda 3 mixes. Flik managed to establish a solid arrangement which didnt feel repetitive. I loved the intro end ending you created ("Suck My Triforce" haha). Great job overall.

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  • 2 months later...
The guy at the end says 'Gannon did it,' but it all runs together and sounds more like 'Ganno'd'it' so you really have to strain to hear it.

Great, thanks! I kept thinking it sounded like, "Yoda did it!" or "Yuna did it!" and of course, neither of those would FIT in Zelda 3. *Laughs*

GAH! It does sound like yoda did it. That or Kyoto, but that's a Japanese city! For crap's sakes! Who did it!?!

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  • 2 months later...

I open the file for the first time, and I think "crap! I mixed my sound bytes with my OCRemixes again!" Then the principal mentions "Kakariko High School," and I have to start the file over just to get the full flavor... rather than wonder what movie I may have grabbed the byte from.

HILARIOUS intro! I usually laugh at how perfectly the melody fits in with the piece. This got me on the ground before the thing starts officially.

Like has been said before, the percussion is a weak point... I'd have to say it's worst just before the end.

And for closing with as much humor, props to ya!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Okay, all I can say is hahahahahahaha! "Suck my triforce", lol, only a real die-hard crazy Zelda fan can come up with that and throw it into a mix. I mean, imagine somebody actually did spray paint that on a principle's office door, lol. I'd be...just...I dunno...hysterical or just rendered speechless.

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  • 4 months later...

Well, I can't say I was that into the intro/outro skits, not really my sense of humor, and the principal at my high school was one of those "Dead Poet Society" kind of guys, who was all down with student activities and the like. I know my viewpoint on the humor in this track seems to be unpopular on the forum, but I found it a bit annoying. However, I definitely respect the effort to try something original and dig the creativeness. And whoever made that "Don Knotts" comparison, to quote "My Cousin Vinny": Dead on balls accurate.

All that aside, really enjoyed this piece. A very faithful, yet unique, rendition of the original track. This really captured the breezy feel of the original while still applying an original tone to it. Don't know if that made much sense, but simply put, I liked the song. Know that!

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  • 7 months later...

gay, gay, gay...

...gay, guy, gicky, go, goo, goo, goo, gicky, gay, gie, guy, go, goo, gicky, guy, go, goo...

This track goes right up there with that other "Hey everyone, I'm Sonic and I'm the fastest thing alive!" crap.

If you're gonna re-mix something, for goddamn's sake, RE-MIX IT! Keep your sense of humour OUT! It only ADDS to how sucky the re-mix is!

I'm not downloading it, even though the waltz sounded "OK." I don't want my friends to hear that gay part at the beginning... SHEESH.

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  • 2 weeks later...
gay, gay, gay...

...gay, guy, gicky, go, goo, goo, goo, gicky, gay, gie, guy, go, goo, gicky, guy, go, goo...

This track goes right up there with that other "Hey everyone, I'm Sonic and I'm the fastest thing alive!" crap.

If you're gonna re-mix something, for goddamn's sake, RE-MIX IT! Keep your sense of humour OUT! It only ADDS to how sucky the re-mix is!

I'm not downloading it, even though the waltz sounded "OK." I don't want my friends to hear that gay part at the beginning... SHEESH.

Wow, way to be a complete, elitist faggot. I like that you're too embarassed to play this infront of your friends. Haha.

I really liked the intro and outro. Had it simply been the song, it would not have been nearly as memorable. Really good stuff, I say.

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gay, gay, gay...

...gay, guy, gicky, go, goo, goo, goo, gicky, gay, gie, guy, go, goo, gicky, guy, go, goo...

This track goes right up there with that other "Hey everyone, I'm Sonic and I'm the fastest thing alive!" crap.

If you're gonna re-mix something, for goddamn's sake, RE-MIX IT! Keep your sense of humour OUT! It only ADDS to how sucky the re-mix is!

I'm not downloading it, even though the waltz sounded "OK." I don't want my friends to hear that gay part at the beginning... SHEESH.

I take it you don't like Team Gato or Music of My Groin either.

As for the song, it is fairly standard. Nothing really leaps out, save for the intro and outro which happen to be speech.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Are you kidding me? 'Suck my Triforce'?? NOT FUNNY? I gotta tell ya, this song is awesome. The song is what it was meant to be, a sappy prom soft instrumental. It was good, I coulda danced with my wife to it if we weren't too busy playing the intro and ending over and over again. It runs along the lines of such classics as Team Gato and Needles. Awesome mix.

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  • 5 months later...

The moment I heard this song I thought "This would be perfect for a flash video!" I can see it now, the whole prom scene with people dancing, fighting, telling stories, and of course ganon seaking in to spike the punch. To bad I suck at flash, You should ask someone @ newgrounds.com to make one. People might like this song more if you had a video to go along with it, but thats just My opinion.

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