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OCR01241 - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "Kakariko Prom"

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This is an odd piece to critique because it's neither music nor comedy, but something inbetween. On a comic level, I think it succeeds, but you have to sit through the song to hear the end bit. On a musical level, rather, it's hard to say because Flik was obviously trying to create something cheesy, so I don't think I'm being overly harsh to say that it, well, wasn't great. If you put those two items together, you would ordinarily get a stinker, but I can see why people would like it. Looks like being fun and creative can swing the vote.


Being a big fan of the Zelda games, I have always been inclined to listen to every remix. In my opinion this is one of the best I've heard. It is very relaxing and, even without Principal Flik, the sound and feel of the tune just about takes me back to Senior Prom (which i actually connected my gameboy with my friend and we played four swords together). Keep up the good work, I look forward to hearing more.

P.S. Very humorous.


Well, I haven't heard a song that sounded anything like this in some time. Slow-paced, but a wonderful melody from Zelda 3. Considering it's my favorite game in the series, my expectations for this were pretty high. And in that respect, my expectations were met. Nice to listen to from time to time. :)


The opening talking was nice and realistic.

The music was great.

But the end was out of place. It didn't do it for me. The principal's gonna get even with the kids? WTF? That is not realistic. That ruins it for me. I guess I could cut it out with iTunes, but man. Out of place. All wrong.

But the end was out of place. It didn't do it for me. The principal's gonna get even with the kids? WTF? That is not realistic. That ruins it for me. I guess I could cut it out with iTunes, but man. Out of place. All wrong.

That's what's funny about it. Cant you imagine your principal doing that? :wink:


Flik correct me if I'm wrong, but I notice a similarity to Adam Sandler here. I must be the only Sandler fan on the site. The cd before "What the Hell Happened to Me" whose name I forget at the moment (ironically I own two copies for some reason), but it had a skit that was similar to the the principal here. Also it's like the cheerleading skit where they throw shit at the cheerleader and they scream how much she sucks the whole time.

Back to the point though. Excellent work. Very funny and pleasant to the ears as well. First review I've given in a very very long time.

Edit: I believe the name of the Sandler cd was "They're All Going to Laugh at You".


Blow my Triforce, bitch

Open up, put it in

Let's begin

Blow it like you mean it blow

Nevermind ¬¬;

This is a great mix, in that we don't have enough "wtf?!" ones on this site for my tastes. Ever since I heard Music of My Groin (now legendary), I always looked forward to the stupid, funny ones.

The mixing itself leaves something to be desired, sure, but with the context it fits nicely, I think.

I don't think anyone was taking this one seriously, but that doesn't mean that Flik doesn't rock hard.


Definitely interesting! I'm normally wary of anything with voice acting, but this one completely cracked me up. I absolutely love it.

My only problems were hearing difficulties. I couldn't tell Link was swearing in the beginning until I turned the volume up twice its normal level. And the people shouting in the background were talking at nearly the same time as the Princi-PAL, so it was hard to tell exactly WHO they were saying sucked at any given time.

What the heck is the kid saying at the end after the "Suck my Triforce" bit? I thought he was just yelling "YOU did it!" but it almost sounds like there's more than one syllable in the "You" part. Since he's shouting at the same time as Principal Flik, though, I can't make it out. Can anyone, probably with better speakers, enlighten me? It's driving me crazy. =D

I really hope to hear more like this one! The premise of a Hylian prom is just the sort of thing that knocks me out laughing.

The guy at the end says 'Gannon did it,' but it all runs together and sounds more like 'Ganno'd'it' so you really have to strain to hear it.

Great, thanks! I kept thinking it sounded like, "Yoda did it!" or "Yuna did it!" and of course, neither of those would FIT in Zelda 3. *Laughs*

Okay, that just further raises my amusement of this track. In addition to a Hylian prom, now I'm going to have the image of wannabe-gangsta Ganon and his leather-jacket cronies tagging school property while Link's trying to get his chords right. I really hope there'll be more as amusing as this one.


Haha, Comic ReMixes always get a thumbs up in my book. I love to hear that sort of thing. I though it was a riot.

Anyways, I thought the music itself was pretty good, and I applaude you for the bit where Link has a false start on the guitar. It gives it a more human edge, and I respect that.


This was definately a great idea from "Principle" Flik to arrange this silly little nostalgic theme to make his debut. He definately nailed the prom feel. The only thing missing would be the typical slightly over-enthused prom singer singing the melody. Instead that was replaced with a sweet and cheesy woodwind section. This was all great but for one thing, how many high school kiddie bands playing at a prom are going to have a proficient clarinet/flute ensemble. The only thing that really bugged me about the song was the incredibly-reminescant-of-greendays-"Good Riddance" intro. Flik buddy, the two slip ups and curse was done before, and if you ask me it didn't work then either. Other than that, the song's theme hit it's mark and was thouroughly enjoyable. Well done Flik!


The intro's dumb, except for the part where the guy screws up on the guitar, that was 'less' dumb than the rest of the intro,

ild enjoy the rest of the song if the intro wasnt there to ruin the whole song

the mega man needle intro is better

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