djpretzel Posted July 29, 2010 Posted July 29, 2010 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Joshua Morse Posted July 29, 2010 Posted July 29, 2010 This is killer! The synthesis really brings out the mood in the melodies. Quote
Hollidayrain Posted July 29, 2010 Posted July 29, 2010 Reminds me of Mat Zo, who in my opinion is currently the most innovative producer in dance music. Love the drop at 0:29. Quote
BlackPanther Posted July 29, 2010 Posted July 29, 2010 How can blind make anything bad. I'm so in love with this remix it has a really nice vibe and as Joshua Morse pointed out, he really brings out the feeling in the melodies through his synthesis. You can't argue with this not like that would be an issue anyway, great work! Quote
Jewbei Posted July 30, 2010 Posted July 30, 2010 hmmm this mix is iight but i dunno something jus doesn't sit right with me with this one i cant really put my finger on it its still a good listen though. i picked up on a few things you did that i can try out in my music Quote
LazarCotoron Posted July 30, 2010 Posted July 30, 2010 bLiNd has CONSISTENTLY been one of my favorite mixers-he's one of the folks I consider "The Legends" around here. And this mix illustrates why so perfectly to me. The vocal interlude at 2:30 adds to the mysterious overtone of the whole piece, and at 4:00 dead even... things 'get real' right there. My kicker here... I want this remix in a game. Maybe the character(s) going down a dark hallway with scattered lighting and zombies and demons appear in the shadow spots. Maybe this is a technical hacking sequence where our hero has to hurry while doing a very puzzling task. Maybe this is the music that plays when we make a major plot revelation, and suddenly the bad guys are all there and we have to fight our way out while the place crumbles down around us. Don't care-this is the kind of music I would want to HEAR in a game. Quote
Jewbei Posted July 31, 2010 Posted July 31, 2010 yeah CN i agree with you on this one. personally i feel that white skies is bLiNd's best work see when i heard of him in 05 White Skies was the first song ive ever heard from him so like that inspired me to keep going in my remixing "career" after i had got to know him i went back and checked his old stuff and i didnt like it. the only song i did liked was Snowbound. alot of his recent tracks i really like like Jade Catacombs and Various tracks he did from the FF7 project and FF4. Quote
LostChronos Posted July 31, 2010 Posted July 31, 2010 I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Jordan can do no wrong when it comes to remixing. I am not at all surprised that this latest epic from him blew me through the wall and into my neighbors living room. Awesome like usual bLiNdMaN. Quote
Jenz Drake Posted July 31, 2010 Posted July 31, 2010 I agree with Jewbei and CN... this is not his best work. I'm pretty disappointed. There's no way I can sit down and listen to it all the way through. The melody does not work. I know he can do much better than this. I can't say I blame him though for several reasons. He needs to stick to FFVII's "Fading Entity", FFX's "White Skies", and Super Metroid's "Jade Catacombs" style of tracks (his FFIV mixes were good too, but these other ones are better). I believe those are his BEST and I'll never stop listening to them. To me, he is one of the best artists in the world and I will always support his music. He is trying to get himself out there with different genres though so you have to notice his effort in trying something new. Many people are not respected when they change their style like Chris Cornell's Scream or Linkin Park's Minutes to Midnight albums. I will defend him in that arguement. Sometimes I also struggle with something new despite the fact of how open-minded I am about so many things in life....but still, I can't say I will ever enjoy this one. I do hear the hard work poured into this remix and that's what he's great at. I'm sure someday he'll give us something similar to White Skies so Jewbei and the rest of us can shut up. lol Quote
Dark Vagabond Posted July 31, 2010 Posted July 31, 2010 I am quite enjoying it myself. Guess this is a love or hate remix then? Quote
delbuster Posted August 2, 2010 Posted August 2, 2010 I actually like the melody, so I kinda like this. I'm just iffy on the parts where some of the rhythmic synths cover up it xD Quote
Master_Yoshi Posted August 3, 2010 Posted August 3, 2010 I agree with Jewbei and CN... this is not his best work. I'm pretty disappointed. There's no way I can sit down and listen to it all the way through. The melody does not work. I know he can do much better than this. I can't say I blame him though for several reasons.He needs to stick to FFVII's "Fading Entity", FFX's "White Skies", and Super Metroid's "Jade Catacombs" style of tracks (his FFIV mixes were good too, but these other ones are better). I believe those are his BEST and I'll never stop listening to them. To me, he is one of the best artists in the world and I will always support his music. Question: How much of "Fading Entity" is bLiNd though? That was a collab, I know liefo at least provided the guitar, which is a huge part of the reason that track is as amazing as it is. Also, I would say that Golbez 'N Goblins is among his strongest stuff! #3 in my mind for his mixes, so that's pretty damn rockin'! He is trying to get himself out there with different genres though so you have to notice his effort in trying something new. Many people are not respected when they change their style like Chris Cornell's Scream or Linkin Park's Minutes to Midnight albums. I will defend him in that arguement. Sometimes I also struggle with something new despite the fact of how open-minded I am about so many things in life....but still, I can't say I will ever enjoy this one. I do hear the hard work poured into this remix and that's what he's great at. I'm sure someday he'll give us something similar to White Skies so Jewbei and the rest of us can shut up. lol Normally, I'd agree with you here. But of course, there's a few problems with this argument. Minutes to Midnight was Linkin Park ripping off U2's style, and doing it badly. Scream wasn't that bad, really. Doing something new is pretty cool, and we can get behind artists expanding their fields of expertise. The community damn well celebrates it. Look at the overflow of comments commending people for making joke rap mixes! (Looking at you, Elixir! With intense Ire.) Star Salzman is an amazing musician whose work does not usually get relegated to a particular style or genre, but is always top notch. When he released his follow up to the life-affirming "Forever until Tomorrow" there was a lot of pressure, so he just released something that was fun to do and that -he- loved. The lesson that I am meandering towards is that the biggest thing in presenting music to a site like this is that you (the artist) loves it and puts it into their work. As an aside, the thing about putting out more traditional trance-style tracks is that they don't feel like they are exploring any new territory. The production is up a bit, but structurally and such it sounds like Dream of Zeal, the Star Fox tracks, etc! So without the fun of exploration, we turn to the amount of love we can feel in the track. And what I feel here is effort put into production and not really love. bLiNd has already proven that he can take sources that don't normally warrant it (J-E-N-O-V-A, Underwater Ambiance, Snow Woods) and adapt them into something electronic, cool, and fun to listen to. I want to see more of what he does with something he loves and adapts it into a genre -he- loves, or a genre he's never really done before! Imagine, bLiNd doing a Jazz-electronic fusion, or something else cool like that? To give a "real world" example, Moby was highly unsuccessful until he released play, which used recordings of music that had a lot of love poured into it, and spent time putting those recordings to use in some fantastic electronic outings (If you haven't heard the Play album, fix that!) You don't have to reinvent yourself or the formula to set the world on fire, but I'd love to hear your take on some new styles, see what your already extensive talents in production, arrangement, and simple musical sense can bring to the table in different styles! Quote
moonra Posted August 5, 2010 Posted August 5, 2010 I liked this one. I wish it was a little bit shorter, 6 minutes at most. But it's awesome nevertheless. White Skies is one of my least favorites bLiNd remixes. I love Golbez 'N Goblins, Jade Catacombs, Aerofunknamics, and, well, a lot of his remixes, but White Skies is probably my least favorite one. Winamp tells me that my favorite one is Jade Catacombs, followed closely by A Ring and a Promise, and White Skies is the third least heard one. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted August 6, 2010 Posted August 6, 2010 This track is massive - great builds and breakdowns and you can really get lost in the soundscape. I dig it. Quote
Loning Posted August 8, 2010 Posted August 8, 2010 wow... I know now that every time i see your name for a remix, it has to be amazing and you never let me down. I can crank your mixes any day around anyone i know and everyone will enjoy it, this track is definitely no exception. Thanks for your great contribution over the years! Quote
Firefeng Posted August 12, 2010 Posted August 12, 2010 I've been using OCRemix for over four years now, in silence. I've only created a forum account now because I had to say that after one listen, this is now my favorite song from this site, and is one of the most sublime pieces of new music I have heard in years. (And yes, I've got the rest of bLiNd's songs, too. Still like this one the best.) Quote
Dubanubiel Posted August 16, 2010 Posted August 16, 2010 I honestly don't know what people's problem with this song is. It's probably one of my new favorite Blind songs. I like Jade Catacombs and White Skies, but I'm more into some of Jordan's more experimental stuff like this and Path of Deception from EoB LoR. Guess you can't please us all. Blind, keep up the good work. Quote
Martin Penwald Posted August 19, 2010 Posted August 19, 2010 I enjoy this one, maybe because it is different from his usual stuff. Interesting and captivating arrangement and choice of sounds; very easy to get lost in. And gettting lost in it is what happened to me; until I read this thread, I did not realize that the song is 8 minutes long, and I listened to it about 15 times over the last week. Often, I'm the first one to cry "meandering" and "more variation", but in this case, these thoughts never popped up. Now if we could get a version with a higher bitrate... Quote
Emunator Posted September 7, 2010 Posted September 7, 2010 Dunno what y'alls are smoking, I really think the melody of the song is perfectly suited for this kind of music, and it's been very well adapted. The mood of the remix accentuates the best parts of the source melody and couples it with Jordan's signature big thumpin' beats and intricate breakdowns/buildups in a very appealing manner. This definitely doesn't feel like an 8 minute remix either, time tends to fly while you're listening to this one. I can see some of the reasons people don't like it, but I personally disagree Quote
Crulex Posted September 10, 2012 Posted September 10, 2012 bLiNd owns trance. Do I really need to say much more? I mean, honestly, the variation, the length, the solid steady beats, the breakdowns, all of it was just fantastic. Anyone who doubts bLiNd, I doubt you can even doubt this song. Quote
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