orkybash Posted May 22, 2002 Posted May 22, 2002 Chrono Trigger 'Time Punk' Very nice remix from jaxx. The only thing holding this back is its length - at 1 minute exactly, I would have liked to hear a lot more. But overall, a welcome addition to the plethora of Zeal mixes. Quote
BigDRS Posted June 12, 2002 Posted June 12, 2002 Only a minute long??? This mix is way too disapointing to listen to, every time that I'm done with it I have to jump to Radical Punks on my iPod playlist to get relieved from this song. If only it were longer... Quote
TheShroud13 Posted July 2, 2002 Posted July 2, 2002 Yeah, the length is a little disappointing, but overall I love the piece. Really, really fast, and really really nice. I like it a lot. Quote
mDuo13 Posted July 14, 2002 Posted July 14, 2002 The amount of jammage that this mix fits into its teeny-tiny little 1 minute slot is amazing. I wouldn't have wanted it to be any longer - the breifness of it is part of what makes it cool. Jammage? Oh crap... now I'm talking like djp... Quote
TheWired Posted August 7, 2002 Posted August 7, 2002 This piece fits perfectly into its name of TIME PUNK, its the only punk mix i've seen no this entire site, and fits it very well, the fast beat of chrono's theme placed in completely amazingly played guitar riffs throughly stun me to the point where i just wish i were this good at making anything. JAXX prooves that no game music has a given style, and with the proper talent, you can make anything sound even better than it does orignally, no matter how great it was. Amazingly well done song there. Quote
Newfie Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 Ahh another one of JAXX's soft and beutiful pieces.. I think this would make a awsome song in the game itself. Another great piece by JAXX! Quote
OmegaPhoenix128 Posted January 6, 2003 Posted January 6, 2003 Hi ppl ok This is a great song THE Greatness but the only problem with it is that it is too short, it should be longer and has the potential to do so Quote
OverCoat Posted January 6, 2003 Posted January 6, 2003 Gee, it's a good thing I requested this get posted (hey, credit where credit is due, huh? ), or we would've been punk-less! I love it, love it, LOVE IT! Quote
reelmojo Posted January 15, 2003 Posted January 15, 2003 Nobody does it like JAXX. And no, this shouldn't be any longer, its perfect the way it is. If you ask me, it kinda sounds like Sum 41 is playing. Quote
ProFiction Posted July 22, 2004 Posted July 22, 2004 It's not punk at all though, sounds more like 80s metal.. Sweet remix nonetheless. Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted July 22, 2004 Posted July 22, 2004 ANY remix , no matter how good and sweet it is , has to be at least 2 mins in length to become enjoyable as we all know.. Quote
SixthFlyingMan Posted March 8, 2005 Posted March 8, 2005 Hey Rimfrost, does your media player have a "loop" function? Admittedly, it might be nicer if it were longer, but the end can blend so well into the start that there's really no need. That and it kicks more ass than you. And I never thought I'd ever like punk rock... Quote
cyrano Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 now this is what i call a remix!!( too bad it only last ONE minute tought.. i would have liked to listen to more of it... if you removed the silence lap at the end. it could very well be listened continously in repeat mode. Quote
Bummer Posted September 27, 2005 Posted September 27, 2005 I have lost the count of how many times I´ve said that we all should stop remixing Zeal, but this a giant turntable, sounds like a live concert in the heart of Zeal. But you did the same mistake as AmIEvil, you did a marvelous guitarmix but made it to short, we want to hear more if that´s your question. Anyhow, great stuff, JAXX, rock´n rollllllllllll. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted March 25, 2008 Posted March 25, 2008 Guitar tone was pretty bleh, and 1 minute is way short. It has decent sloppy energy, but Jaxx has way better tracks. Quote
dopefish Posted August 14, 2009 Posted August 14, 2009 A refreshing take on the Zeal theme, but it's definitely way too short. Should have looped it at least once or thrown in a solo or something. Quote
Adriel_Trigger Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 I would love listen to a longer version of this one! If possible, do it! PLEASE! Quote
DusK Posted December 27, 2011 Posted December 27, 2011 I miss JAXX. He was one of my favorite remixers. I liked this track in particular. Listening to it now, it's easy to see how high the bar has risen for production quality in order to pass a mix. It's got that old-school mark going for it, but I think that helps it stand out in the genre it shoots for. Nice, fast, gritty punk rock. I really like lead harmony on this track in particular. Quote
gyrrakavian Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 It's a bit stiff and a bit short, but really fun. Quote
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