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OCR01249 - Donkey Kong Country 2 "From Within"


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Kept trying to post a review for this on VGMIX, but somethin' didn't like me. This song mesmerizes me every freaking time...I just love how the guitar takes everything under control. Sometimes I just sit back and close my eyes. The question->answer section is followed up with an awesome electric guitar..amn this is where it reaches the climax for me...great great job...

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The beginning of it had me worried with the sound quality, but i had completely forgotten about it within the first 20 seconds.

Amazing guitar work with mellow drums that just fit the feeling. Dj P hit it right on when he mentioned Blue Oyster Cult and Sting. This song is addicting, and I keep playing it over and over.

It's mellow, yet has the 80's thriving in it. On my playlist for sure.

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First off, I'm completely unfamiliar with the original. Never heard the song, never played the game.

With that said, this blew me away. If you do end up making a version with vocals please post it in the forums because I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to hear it. This just rocks. DJP mentioned that it kinda sounded like an instrumental Game Over track and that had me expecting all out rock, but this is much slower and more flowing. Great mix, and one that no one should miss.

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Congratulations Darangen. I read alot about your rejected mixes on the Judges Forums. It's great to see you finally made it through with perfect technical execution and excellent guitar playing. This does have an 80s feel and thank goodness no reverb on the snare drums. I also found the keychange very fitting as this them didn't sound great in D minor.

Good job and congratulations again.

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After playing DKC2 many years back, and reveling at the great soundtrack it offered, and then after I discovered OCRemix, I searched frantically like a madman trying to find the one score that completely captivated and entranced me everytime I stepped foot in the place that played said music.

To my dismay, I couldn't find it, and I began to frequent OCRemix more often just to hope to see that someone had remixed it. Days passed and nothing. Weeks passed and nothing. Months passes and nothing still. Wallowing in my woes, I waited even longer.

Until one day, one that had caught me off guard, I sat in shock, awe and surprise! It was a new DKC2 remix! I tried not to get my hopes up just in case. I glimpsed over the review; reading random words from random lines. Once again in dismay, I began to leave the review site...

...until one word popped up that I had missed in my frantic reading: "mines". I quickly performed a double take, this time taking time to read the entire review. I sat once again in shock, awe and surprise, as well as a mess but that's beside the point; anyways, I couldn't believe what I was reading! After my long awaited wait, I had finally found the ever elusive song in the form of an OCRemix.

But long story short - I am SOOOO phsyced that this has finally been remixed, and in such a good manner as well! Very very very good work! Now as I type this, and for the upcoming months, I will listen to this song nonstop to the point that I want to listen to it some more!

[really - I really really really really really really really really like this song - really!!! Thank you for making this long-winded, and excited person happy!]

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Just a small note for now:

While people haven't commented on it here yet, in other places I've gotten comments on the "violin sample" referring to the higher/declining section played during the acoustic guitar break in the beginning. This isn't a violin, nor a violion sample, or even any kind of sample. It's a guitar with delay and gain that I used a volume pedal on to give it that swelling sound.

Thanks for the comments :) It's good to see people enjoying it.

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The DKC2 mine music is one of my all-time favorite pieces of video game music... I still hum it to this day... there's something powerful about it... it FEELS empty and infinite, like a cave, and this '80's-licious rock mix captures that vibe a lot better than I'd had expected. Gorgeous.

Regardless of how bad ass this mix is, I'd still like to hear something closer to the original tune... that hard-edged industrial sort of thing.

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