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Chrono Trigger: Chrono Symphonic - History

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Hehehe... Well, despite the name butchering, I think it's cool. And stay tuned for their next episode at http://www.vgdj.net, because they said they're gonna do more!

More, eh? Perhaps I should contact Mr. Rayza or Ms. Aurora for this particular episode...



Yeh we mentioned the Remixer interviews on 006. You'll never know if Aurora thought one of them was cute or not tho.. :)

Okay, I've finally sat down to focus on writing. And now I realize why nobody wanted to do Guardia Castle.

It's in F# Major. Six sharps. AUGH.

Lol i just dont see how that makes it any mnore difficult...

And when the trumpets kick in its in B major, and then theres key changes after that (after that its in like lydian C# or something for 4 measures, then then back to b major). I could be listening to a crap midi though :)

The first not of the string melody is F# though....are you confused or am i wrong? :lol:


You are correct. F# B C# F#, E# F# G#, F# E# F# E# D# C#


I'm not sure about how many bizarre modulations there are after that. The melody seems to all fit in F# major, but I don't know about the trumpet fanfare in the background.


The people working on the project feel it's better to keep the songs private until the project is revealed or else there won't be any surprise at the release. Having just two samples gives a taste of how awesome the release will be.


Ok, hi, I exist :)

sorry :P

Yes, I have been busy - everyone gets busy at some point in their lives, so I'll spare you the details.

Here's the bad news: I swore not to do orchestral ever again until I get a decent orchestral library. It was too taxing... the results were great, but simply sucked my soul away trying to get it to sound good. I'm referring to OVGMC2 here, by the way. Anyway, the good news would be that I'm hoping my parents will get me Sonic Reality's Philharmonik (new EXCELLENT orchestral library coming soon) for my birthday. I would buy it myself, but that money is already destined for something else (no, it's not something exciting, it's college...)

The library comes out early August. September 27th sounds great for me if my parents come through... they might think it's kind of silly to give me a present so big that it will span 2 or 3 consecutive birthdays, but I think it'll be worth it :)

Question: has the "movie" stuff been ditched, or is it still on? It's great that you made the script, but I don't relish the idea of having to do all that extra coordination and such, partially because it would take a lot more effort and partially because it would take away from the creative process... but I'm willing to go along with it if that's still the idea.

Looking forward to getting re-started :) again, perfectly willing to go along with whatever the standard is for this project, whether I like it or not...


Hello everyone! I know I've said I was going to post a demo a while ago, but I'm upgrading from the Reason Orkester library to EWQLSO silver/Project SAM in a few days, so it would be pretty pointless. The arrangment's going pretty well though - if you want to picture something, it's a mixture of your typical film score affair with a touch of the sort of Waltzy stuff you'd hear in the 18th century.



Well, I figured that since this project is based on a script for a MOVIE - and movies usually have PREVIEWS to advertise - that maybe Chrono Symphonic needed its own TRAILER.

So I made one!

Here it is: http://symphonic.herograw.com/Chrono-Symphonic-Trailer.mpg

And...commence enjoyment!!!!!!



Well, I figured that since this project is based on a script for a MOVIE - and movies usually have PREVIEWS to advertise - that maybe Chrono Symphonic needed its own TRAILER.

So I made one!

Here it is: http://symphonic.herograw.com/Chrono-Symphonic-Trailer.mpg

And...commence enjoyment!!!!!!


Awesome trailer. I pictured in my mind what the trailer would/could be like, and when I watched the trailer it was just what I had imagined. Very nicely done. I was afraid the text would become cheesy, but it didn't. Not even once. It was a bit big and pixelated though ;)


True about the quality issue. Problem is, that was the feed from the PS1 cutscenes, and it looked that way on the console, so...that was an accurate version of the anime. I wish I had something better, but Squeenix probably won't give me the original files, so...tough luck. And the text, yeah...of course, I'm a simple person, so it doesn't matter so much to me. I'll update it later, maybe.

For now, enjoy the editing, at the least. And credit to sephfire for providing the song...I thought it worked well.


Okay, I've finally sat down to focus on writing. And now I realize why nobody wanted to do Guardia Castle.

It's in F# Major. Six sharps. AUGH.

*Checks his official piano score*

hmmmmm....its not in F# as far as I can tell. And it only has one sharp. Maybe using a user-homebrewed-midi for a resource makes it difficult. I know that was the case when I once took a peek at Frog's Theme in midi, and it was almost ALL in occidentals.

but if you are going for the midi arrangement, I think you may just have to buck up and deal with it?

good luck, you can do it!


Remember mixers, post in here with status updates! Just because you can't SHOW us the work doesn't mean you can't TELL us about it.

Also, the site has been getting a lot of hits lately, so thanks to everyone visiting. Everyone here appreciates it.




Hi, I love the sample tracks, and can't wait for this to be released, but what's with the movie thing? Is it an actual movie, is it getting made, or what?


Still, I love the tracks here, and on the official soundtracks. I might actually play the game one of these days...

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