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Chrono Trigger: Chrono Symphonic - History

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Yeah...well, if your tools aren't available yet, then please take a few extra days. But if you're doing the piano thing, and the piano font is already at your disposal, then I would REALLY LOVE to see the piece next Friday. Remember, I'm expecting a lot of stuff to NOT be turned in, which means a lot of makeup work previous to release, and that means a big crunch time for me, the website, and everybody. This plus school (for me) equals painful.

So yeah, we're all trudging ahead. Anything you can get in on time, please do...if not, keep me informed. I don't want to kick you off the project - you WERE the first person I asked to join - but there isn't any room for error here. Sorry.


P.S. "Claado of the Past" sounds badass. I'll use it somehow elsewhere. Thanks.


As info... IK Multimedia told me via a german retailer that Philharmonik will be shipped within next week. If you need a good piano, simply score it in MIDI and I can port it if you want. I have like 8-10 pianos with different sizes and sounds in my repatoire.

I'll post about the mastering thing in the next days. However, those who participated in Soundtempest's "Aura and Omen" (which is NOT forgotten) know how I want the files for further editing. ;)

Thanks for accepting me in the team.


No, it's fine, I've got a nice enough piano for my standards - the reason I'm doing piano is because I'm not really willing to try to do a full-fledged orchestral arrangement until I get my hands on Philharmonik :P

Thanks for the info, Compy - mid-next-week is what I heard from Squids, too, although it could be as late as Monday (!!)

Claado, I know this is a challenge for you, probably moreso than anyone else - everyone has crunch times sometimes :P. Obviously if I go the piano route, next Friday will be fine (since it's much less labor intensive) although it is quite a challenge so far - pretty fun, though.


One of the two things that has been consistent with all official site projects to date has been the usage of an ocremix.org sub-domain for the official project URL, the other being an official torrent tracked via bt.ocremix.org.

It appears a separate domain has been purchased for this project and is already in use.

This is something of an issue, if it's to truly be an ocremix site project, as while the qualifications are minimal, seeing as there's only two of them (with some associated ID3 tagging requirements), to break one is to break half.

I will work on formalizing these requirements and making a sticky in this forum, but in the meantime, I'd like to talk with the powers that be - publicly, on this thread, or elsewhere - about the domain issue. We haven't made an exception yet and I don't really intend to. Perhaps it's not an issue, but I thought I'd raise it in case it is, beforehand.


Ooh, DJP! An honor it is.

About the domain...I fully intend on dismantling that as soon as the project has the OCR subdomain for its address. I mean, I only set it up because of the convenience of the addy (considering the drawn-out name of StarZander's hosting) but believe me when I say I have NO intention on using that as the website placeholder. In fact, whatever you will as to its existence, DJP, I will fully abide by. Totally your call.

I await further instruction. :)



So this won't be my first piece made with Philharmonik after all...

I went ahead and took the plunge on doing another expansive orchestral arrangement, once more armed with a lack of any reasonable set of tools. This is actually going much more smoothly - coming along at a much nicer pace than I expected. Am I allowed to post WiP's in this thread?


http://www.tjhsst.edu/~alederer/Music/CT_Rellik_WiP.mp3 is what I have so far. I'm fairly happy with how it's shaping up - the main problem is that I can't get what I really want during the heavy section due to unwieldy samples, and the light section isn't quite as "lush" as I think it should be, but it's, you know, shaping up.

I've done a little mastering on it just so I get a better sense of what I'm doing during the process - I'll be sure to remove anything on the Master track that Compy wants me to.

can't an ocremix.org domain be redirected to whatever domain they purchased?

Absolutely, and it sounds like this won't be an issue, but the real point I suppose is that the ocremix sub-domain URL should be the publicized, official URL. Whether the underlying URL is something seemingly official or something off on university webspace doesn't really matter. It's not really a redirection, if you look at the existing site projects - with the exception of KiC, which actually has DNS routing straight to their IP (might be possible for Chrono, too, depending on hosting), everything else is a URL mask, which puts an invisible frameset around the target URL.

Anyways, didn't wanna ruffle anyone's feathers or cause panic, just clarify what's essentially become a policy on these site projects.


Yup...good stuffz.

This may or may not be appropriate, but anyway, click the SD3 project banner in my sig. Trying to draw attention to it, y'know, so it doesn't slip away. Considering my song for it is already complete (minus one important aspect) you should check it out.




Sorry that I'm late with the infos from my side - but I guess you know the thing with "time issues".

Anyway... regarding the mastering of the whole CD.

I'd say that we have the WIPs first to listen to what can be changed mixtechnically and what not, then the stuff will be fixed (maybe even in private via AIM) and after that I want to have the raw files if possible.

That means for you:

Absolutely DON'T discart your original and/or project files as the project is not finished yet. After it's released you can do with them whatever you want to. But until "Chrono Symphonic" is out, I see this project still as "in progress".

How I want the files:

Well first I thought "render the files without any master reverb" to maybe unify the track with convolution reverb and a designed concert hall I have on my disposal. But I guess that's not possible as everyone has own opinions and likings of the sound. I know from Claado that he at least wants a unified sound, so if you mix, try not to make it too dry. Maybe listen to other productions and aim for the same sound. If you think that your reverb doesn't sound good, we can talk about that and I can look at it if there's some afterediting needed.

It's a thing to discuss if I take control of the master reverb or not. It's up to you.

What's more important to me is the following:

The files have to be mixed properly. That means, if I master the files and don't have a stripped down version of your arrangement for mixing (which would be a lot of work for me and you have to trust my mix - that'll also delay the releasedate) and your mix has issues that I can't fix (mostly volume stuff) then I can't do pretty much. So please think of a proper balanced mix where we can talk about after the WIPs are due to come in.

Now the important part

After we (Claado and I) decided what's okay I, like I already mentioned, want a raw file from you. RAW means: no master compression, limited to -2dB max, stereo wave file. If that isn't possible for you due to filesize or internet speed problems, highend flac or 320kbit mp3 stereo (not Joint Stereo! and not frequency band cropped) are possible too, though not recommended. The rest lies inn my hands.

I'll come back to this topic after the WIP check to tell you where to send the files to for mastering. Until the next major deadline, I wish you a very nice day.


Haha, I just had this memory of the deadline being August 16th, rushed to the topic, and then realized I still have three more days. woo!

as for an update, yeah, the arrangement's completley done, and productions about halfway through, I'm just still trudging on.

hey, what's the word on posting WIPs? Do we have to keep them off the internet until the release, or can we post them at the VGM WIP area and the OCR one?

hey, what's the word on posting WIPs? Do we have to keep them off the internet until the release, or can we post them at the VGM WIP area and the OCR one?

WIPs are fine. But e-mail/send the finished product to me, and don't post it publicly online. OR if you do, don't say it's for the project. Keep it secret.



For the deadline, mind if I just post a small "Update on Chrono Symphonic" for Compendium news? It'll be a fun precursor to the big birthday bash on the 22nd. I've got a surprise from a well known remixer for that, too!

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