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Chrono Trigger: Chrono Symphonic - History

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I'll let Compy worry about ellywu2....no point in all of us getting on his case if we can't even find him. As for what we do if he never appears, reproducing his music is at a slightly-below-zero probability of happening. No way we could do it in time, and his three songs are three of the best. Sorry.

Also, for the lyrics, they will be added to the website, as well as on the CD art, and perhaps in other places, whatever Compy comes up with. At this point most of the micromanaging is between Compyfox, Rexy, and Eon_Blue on art and prep, but when that final run comes along, it'll be me, DJP, and StarZander getting the show running. And then release. And then a happier world, if only for the hour and a half of music they receive. :)



No...if ellywu2 doesn't show up, we use his MP3 files and not the WAV files Compyfox is hoping for. Seeing as how every song on the project is 100% complete, as per the front page, I don't understand what train of logic you followed to assume we would screw the rest of the songs. No offense, but that was a pretty un-enlightened remark.

As for the release date, we have a timeframe in mind, but yet again, no exact date. Believe me, I'll be the first one to inform you when we know. I'm not keeping secrets, I promise. :twisted:



Ah, ok, I like your plan better Claado. I'm no audio engineer, so I wasn't really sure what Compy could do with the mp3s. I'm glad to hear that that's the gameplan though. Cool.

PS: sorry, I wasn't trying to micromanage back there, I was just curious about what the plan was.


i would mirror it but i dont know how to work my firewall lol. anyway, i cant wait till i can download this one. i love chrono trigger. And i allready downloaded burned and printed all the other albums (Kong, Sonic2, Kirby, Doom, and Metroid) I just love how yall remixed it all.. sounds great, and i know this one will sound great as well!


The cover is coming along nicely. I won't post a link in the thread, but if you're lucky, I sometimes look for feedback in #ocremix, and I'll post the wip there while I work on it.

I'm currently brightening things up a little bit - it was REALLY dark when I printed out a test copy. So far, I have the front cover with the first inlay page - you'll print it, then fold it in half for the front and back of the insert. There's also the back insert of the CD (the part that actually goes behind the CD holder in the jewel case), which is essentially finished. All that's left is the *back* of the front insert text (where the CD description goes, special thanks, etc), and maybe spicing things up a little bit.

Anyway, looks good so far.


To be on the save side, expect 180MB, better if 200MB. I'm pretty sure we won't reach that one, but then you're always on the save side. According to that, you can do the math what the bandwidth will be.

Also keep in mind that there also will be torrent files. So I'd go via that system rather than clogging bandwidth. And the sharing goes a tad faster.

Engineering goes along nicely too. Aside from my headaches. More soon.

when are the torrent files for the album going to be up

When the album is released.

In other words, don't ask when the album comes out; it will be out when it's out.

I can mirror 45MB worth of space if needed.

Uhhh...how about 45TB?

He meant storage space, not transfer. :roll:

What? You've never heard of a Terrabyte? :P


I don't understand your attempt at humor. :?:

The cover is coming along nicely. I won't post a link in the thread, but if you're lucky, I sometimes look for feedback in #ocremix, and I'll post the wip there while I work on it.

I'm currently brightening things up a little bit - it was REALLY dark when I printed out a test copy. So far, I have the front cover with the first inlay page - you'll print it, then fold it in half for the front and back of the insert. There's also the back insert of the CD (the part that actually goes behind the CD holder in the jewel case), which is essentially finished. All that's left is the *back* of the front insert text (where the CD description goes, special thanks, etc), and maybe spicing things up a little bit.

Anyway, looks good so far.

Will there be any alternate case designs? I'm looking in particular for a thin-case style.


Just for relative estimate, Dark Side of Phobos broke in herograw's server a good 180 gigs. He can handle 500 now (which is good, since the Compendium's stuff is all on there), but this is a warning to others.

Will there be any alternate case designs? I'm looking in particular for a thin-case style.

What's the difference between the thin and thick cases? If it's only the depth of the case, the edges of the back insert could be cropped off... I imagine that'd work.

Someone here mentioned a DVD style case design. As cool as that would be, it'd require a redesign of the cover itself (as the main cover is designed to be square, or close to it...)

when are the torrent files for the album going to be up

I'm working on that one. Patience... patience. Like DarkeSword and KyleJCrb said: "It'll be out when it's out".

Will there be any alternate case designs? I'm looking in particular for a thin-case style.

You more have to aim for a "douple CD" case as the soundtrack project will be released in that form. And yeah, I was the one who asked for a DVD Cover, but it's all right. Not nessecarily needed. ;)

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