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Chrono Trigger: Chrono Symphonic - History

Claado Shou

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Looking forward to this release.

But I'd rather see two separate torrents than one. I don't know how to use "do not download" though I could probably figure it out. I bet many, many other people who would be torrenting it will ALSO not know how, and some of them won't realize they can or should. So it may be easier to manage to have one torrent, but two parallel torrents will probably cut bandwidth usage and ease of use for downloaders significantly.

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Chrono Symphonic Wallpapers - show your support for the project to your mom, boss, significant other, pet, etc:



They're basically larger versions of my sig - two versions of the planet - one before Lavos, and one after; with corresponding in game quotes to match.

They're both 1024 x 768. Extra points for using one on each monitor in a dual screen setup.

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It's not the Doom or Kong project...

*no it's not*

It's not the Metroid or Kirby project...

*no it's not*


Everything listed there except for DSoP was freakishly awesome.

Does this imply that CS will be... Not freakishly awesome?

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So yeah. I hear that you guys might be wanting an additional mirror? If so, let me know how big the zip would be, and I'll let you know whether I could help. I've got pretty darn near unlimited total bandwidth, but fairly limited size (on the order of maybe a 100 megs, if I scrap a bunch of other stuff that's currently there).

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Chrono Symphonic Wallpapers - show your support for the project to your mom, boss, significant other, pet, etc:



They're basically larger versions of my sig - two versions of the planet - one before Lavos, and one after; with corresponding in game quotes to match.

They're both 1024 x 768. Extra points for using one on each monitor in a dual screen setup.



I feel like an asshole for screwing with your beautiful wallpaper, but I couldn't resist.

Compy, I don't think that's possible.

<3 Compy

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I feel like an asshole for screwing with your beautiful wallpaper, but I couldn't resist.

Compy, I don't think that's possible.

<3 Compy

QFE on all accounts. Ah, just kidding you, Red Omen.

Anyway, I imagine that what CS meant was that it will be...let me wrap my mind around this...more than freakishly awesome of the "Kong in Concert" sort? That's the sort of tall tale you tell to your grandchildren...

"And then, yes, there's more. And THEN, THE BIG ONE came out..."

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From StarZander (the website guy):

I'm extremely sorry, but I can't make it. It's too little time. I made the script for the random link first, but then it didn't work properly. It opened the song in the browser instead of downloading it, and I couldn't change it no matter what I did. So I started encoding something else, more simple, but then I ran out of time. If I had known that the deadline for the website was New Years Eve, then things might have been different, but you never told me about that. I've been stressing all morning to get it all to work, but I just ran out of time. I have to hurry now, to catch my train. I will finish the website when I get back, on sunday, and then e-mail you. You will have to let everyone know the bad news, unfortunately. Blame me if you want, but I just ran out of time.

Well, you'll hear from me again in a few days, and sorry again for ruining the whole thing. I tried, atleast.

New releasedate: January 2nd, 2006.

Sorry, guys. It'll have to be a few days late. Unfortunately. AGAIN.



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You can't be serious. AGAIN!??! Can't you just release the damn thing?

Just whip something up in html or something, just give us a page with a bunch of raw text links.

I beg of you, I am losing faith. When it was promised before New Years Eve... I didn't believe it. Please give me something to believe in!

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