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I searched for a topic about this, but it didn't show up so... merge if I missed it.

New video and interesting map I found!

Found this on the game's official JP site. Uploaded to my YouTube.

also on the site was this map...


and then there's this cuteness~


Is this confirmed? Because if it isn't and you posted this. Fuck you. I played the shit out of this series.

It's confirmed. If you consider "revealed at E3" as confirmed, then yeah, it's confirmed.

F%^& I want this game. I'm even considering buying a DS _JUST_ for this game, I absolutely loved the first and second ones.


Hey guys, if it ain't barouque, don't fix it, amirite?

But seriously. I beat the first game (barely) and I never got a chance to play the second. If I get a chance to play this one, I'll definitely take it. Looks awesome!


'bout goddamn time!

I might have to find my old ones and replay them now...

I really should be more organized with my GBA games, I was really stoked when DS boxes came with slots for Advance games, reaaaallly stoked.


It looks alright, but I won't expect much out of it. The story and characters will probably be utterly mediocre, generic, and one-dimensional again.

Edit: I hope they improved the battle system too. It was pretty conventional. Also, if my character kills something that another one was targeting, the latter better automatically attack someone else instead of defending.


Also, if my character kills something that another one was targeting, the latter better automatically attack someone else instead of defending.

Oh god, yes, this. If you're going to rip off every JRPG ever, at least be thorough (I'm sure the targeting thing was already done in FFVI, six years before Golden fucking Sun).

Oh god, yes, this. If you're going to rip off every JRPG ever, at least be thorough (I'm sure the targeting thing was already done in FFVI, six years before Golden fucking Sun).

Even DRAGON QUEST, the poster boy for traditional turn-based JRPG's, fixed this when they rereleased IV and V on the DS.


Is there a JRPG where "defend" is ever a useful option? And I specifically mean the "take 1/2 damage from physical attacks" kind of defend, not the "take 0 damage" or even FF5's ridiculous "take 0 damage to you AND one other person, AND counterattack for free".

DQ4 and FF3(j) both eliminated "ineffective" attacks, so that's been gone since the Famicom days. Though I think that magical attacks misfiring on empty targets stuck around until DQ5/FF4, the SNES era.

Is there a JRPG where "defend" is ever a useful option? And I specifically mean the "take 1/2 damage from physical attacks" kind of defend, not the "take 0 damage" or even FF5's ridiculous "take 0 damage to you AND one other person, AND counterattack for free".

DQ4 and FF3(j) both eliminated "ineffective" attacks, so that's been gone since the Famicom days. Though I think that magical attacks misfiring on empty targets stuck around until DQ5/FF4, the SNES era.

I seem to recall it being useful in a few games so you could set up your party's buffs and stuff before attacking, but I forget what games.

Is there a JRPG where "defend" is ever a useful option? And I specifically mean the "take 1/2 damage from physical attacks" kind of defend, not the "take 0 damage" or even FF5's ridiculous "take 0 damage to you AND one other person, AND counterattack for free".

there are some instances where it's useful in Persona 3 and 4 since defending nullifies any elemental weakness in addition to upping the defense stat for that turn/attack

Is there a JRPG where "defend" is ever a useful option? And I specifically mean the "take 1/2 damage from physical attacks" kind of defend, not the "take 0 damage" or even FF5's ridiculous "take 0 damage to you AND one other person, AND counterattack for free".

DQ4 and FF3(j) both eliminated "ineffective" attacks, so that's been gone since the Famicom days. Though I think that magical attacks misfiring on empty targets stuck around until DQ5/FF4, the SNES era.

Chrono Trigger, I think. If you hit someone during certain points, they'd get a free session on your ass with some uber-death-mega-win-ray 5000.


that's the exact same situation as the previously stated FF7 one

that's just a non-attacking situation where you can fill up time with healing or buffing/debuffing

there is not directly any benefit to just defending


Pretty much every JRPG will have a stereotypical boss that charges for one turn and rapes you the next turn unless you defend, so that one battle can justify the existence of the defend command.

In general though, defending is only useful in a battle system that incorporates and exposes the concept of initiative in a way that's actually meaningful (e.g. the Grandia series, maybe FF10). If you can see when and whom an enemy will attack next (and they actually do significant damage), you suddenly have a legitimate choice to make: do I attack and take full damage so I can take this baddie down faster, or should I defend this turn and let my other party members take care of him? Not defending in a Grandia game is a good way to die pretty fast.


New video!

I assembled this myself from 8 short videos found off of the games official Japanese site. The Djinni images were also ripped from there.

I placed them in order of characters you gained in the original (Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury = Isaac, Garet, Ivan, Mia). It took me all day to get this ready, but I hope you all enjoy it!

Music, Graphics, Scenario, and Program copyright 2010 Nintendo and Camelot Software Planning.

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