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This didn't happen to any of us I believe, but I think everyone who went or is planning to go should read this thread about something that happened with some Shizzie women: http://theshizz.org/forum/index.php?/topic/33720-magfest-rapists/

It is absolutely something that shouldn't be tolerated, and something we should be on guard over as a community.

Yea, I read this earlier. It is just so unbelievable how some people can seriously do this shit.

I got the ladies' backs if I am around and shit goes down. This is for damn sure.


Yeah.. I was sadden to hear about that. Something has to be done.

Yea, I read this earlier. It is just so unbelievable how some people can seriously do this shit.

I got the ladies' backs if I am around and shit goes down. This is for damn sure.

As you told me when you were drunk - "I GOT YUR BACK CHICA" hahahaha I'm still laughing about that.. You're so crazy.

Just came in here to post that I had an awesome time jamming on bass with melody, DrumUltimA, Harmony, bustatunez, Danny B, Shnabubula, ktriton and any others who I sincerely apologize to, because I either didn't recognize you or have not met you before. That whole night was awesome and totally surpassed my expectations for jamspace.

WHAAAATTTT!!!!! You were there?!


Yea, I read this earlier. It is just so unbelievable how some people can seriously do this shit.

I got the ladies' backs if I am around and shit goes down. This is for damn sure.

Sounds like it coulda been a lot worse...But even still it's fucked up. But with more and more people going each year, bad shit is bound to only increase. Let's hope this or something worse doesn't happen again.

Just came in here to post that I had an awesome time jamming on bass with melody, DrumUltimA, Harmony, bustatunez, Danny B, Shnabubula, ktriton and any others who I sincerely apologize to, because I either didn't recognize you or have not met you before. That whole night was awesome and totally surpassed my expectations for jamspace.

That's why I need to buy more OCR stuff to wear so people who might not recognize you but recognize the shirt. If I see the logo, I'll just walk up to someone and ask if they're on the forum or a remixer etc.

Just came in here to post that I had an awesome time jamming on bass with melody, DrumUltimA, Harmony, bustatunez, Danny B, Shnabubula, ktriton and any others who I sincerely apologize to, because I either didn't recognize you or have not met you before. That whole night was awesome and totally surpassed my expectations for jamspace.

Heh, had no clue you were there, would have liked to meet you. Such is Magfest.


I am really fricken sick from MAGFlu, and have been sleeping through most of today. So this may not be all that coherent, but I wanted to write my thoughts about MAGFest while I'm actually awake for a short while.

Srsly it was awesome to see everybody and hang out. The biggest highlight for me was hanging out with Alexander Brandon and finding out that he is a close personal friend of Andrew Sega, band member of my favorite band, Iris!!! Totally made my weekend.

Other highlights:

- all the jam sessions

- getting to perform with OA, Stevo and Connor for the OCR panel

- "It's not pogs, bro"

- randomly showing up with Vinnie in our fancy attire between the ceremony and reception of a wedding we went to the same weekend

- some good heart-to-heart chats with people

- oh and I was SO HAPPY a giant trip was organized to Busboys and Poets and that mostly everyone seemed to like it because that is like one of my fav restaurants

- the after-MAG party at Stevo's

I did not like:

- the parking and elevator situations.

I think the main thing was that there weren't enough elevators :-o

I got touched in ways I wasn't comfortable with due to over-crowding

This happened to me too, when a bunch of guys yelling something about theshizz crammed into an already too-crowded elevator, not to mention this was horrible for my already aching back. I wonder if these people were associated with the people in the link Wes posted, or the same people.

And now I am like super sick with the MAG Plague but whatev, it was worth it. <3 you, MAGFriends!

This didn't happen to any of us I believe, but I think everyone who went or is planning to go should read this thread about something that happened with some Shizzie women: http://theshizz.org/forum/index.php?/topic/33720-magfest-rapists/

It is absolutely something that shouldn't be tolerated, and something we should be on guard over as a community.

That is absolutely unacceptable. I agree with the Shizzy that said this about those guys on that thread:

They're a different species, mate. Homo-cuntus.
Oh you know it, I'll be there too, and I may drink unlike this time.. I didn't know there was a drinking party going on. Josh had one too. I missed both of them? Pretty lame. The one time I decide to sleep.... :-P

That's why I asked you, "Where you been Brandon?" and the entire day on Saturday I kept asking people, "Where is Brandon?"


Had a great time. Thanks go out to everyone! Was especially enlightening to learn that one of Jimmy's major influences is the king of pop himself, Justin Beiber.


- randomly showing up with Vinnie in our fancy attire between the ceremony and reception of a wedding we went to the same weekend

I know... It definitely was a tad unusual to see folks at MAG as dressed up like this:




Another highlight for me was right when we were all saying goodbye, looking back on that I could friggin cry. XD But the man djp sang a Teen Agent riff and said that stuff gets stuck in your head, and I was blown away. :-P I'm still not sure if that really happened or if I dreamed it.

It hit me after I dropped Ababoss off at the airport. I saw these two sisters (or friends) hugging goodbye. It make me think of how far apart most of are and how rare it is for us to get together. The forum and facebook help but it's not the same of course. sad.gif

elevators elevators elevators elevators waahhh

I would tell you guys to just use the stairs, but I don't think you'd know what I was talking about. Google them or something. You'll thank me.

(Seriously, at big hotel-based events, you could walk up to the roof and come back down in about a fourth of the time it would take for a single elevator to appear from whatever dimension those things hide in.)


Best part of MAGfest? Winning a Neo Geo CD from OCAD!

Naw, that's not it...

Getting to play Tron for the first time in MANY years! I totally loved that game when I was a kid.

Naw, that's not it either...

Actually, the best part of MAGfest is getting to hang out with such a wonderful group of geeks that are a hell of a lot like me. You have no idea how good of a feeling it is to meet people that are genuinely glad to see you. It reminds me that I should be more social instead of locking myself in my cave for weeks at a time. I may be turning 37 next month but getting to hang out with all of you keeps me feeling young.

Using the stairs all the time is not really a viable option when you're on the 26th floor. :P

Fair enough. Depends how often you're going back to your room, I guess, and I'm not sure how often that happens at magfest. From personal experience at a different convention thing, the stairs saved a ton of time, and I ended up completely abandoning the elevators (the hotel was maybe 10 floors though). I swear those elevators ceased to exist at some point between floors.


It was a pain in the ass because if you just needed to grab your coat or something to go out to eat it'd seriously take you at least 15 minutes, which compounds when a LOT of people are trying to go out together to get food or something.

Overall I liked the hotel; it was a very pretty place with lots of nice, open areas, the rooms were good, and the hotel staff, from the few that I encountered, were very nice. I just think that Mag just might've been too big for them.

Fair enough. Depends how often you're going back to your room, I guess, and I'm not sure how often that happens at magfest. From personal experience at a different convention thing, the stairs saved a ton of time, and I ended up completely abandoning the elevators (the hotel was maybe 10 floors though). I swear those elevators ceased to exist at some point between floors.

When your room is on floor 24 and you are on floor ll, the 20 min wait for the elevator is worth it.

edit- somehow missed ds's post. but still, f the stairs

This didn't happen to any of us I believe, but I think everyone who went or is planning to go should read this thread about something that happened with some Shizzie women: http://theshizz.org/forum/index.php?/topic/33720-magfest-rapists/

It is absolutely something that shouldn't be tolerated, and something we should be on guard over as a community.

Yeah this was pretty upsetting to read. I did get at least one very persistent creeper talking to me and it was pretty uncomfortable, but not nearly as bad as what was mentioned in that thread. This is definitely something that needs to be watched for, and I know it can turn off a lot of girls from a con like this.


My highlights about MAGFest IX:

-Finally able to see everyone again from MAGFest VII and meeting some more new people such as Monobrow, Protricity, diotrans, Abadoss, Vilecat, Brushfire, Brandon Strader, Mustin, Obtuse, Melody, Darkesword, Beatdrop, FFmusic Dj, Dale North, Arek the Absolute, Scytheful, ella guro, jmr, Shnabubula, wildfire, Dhsu, Velocifero, and superjoe30. (I tried to remember as best as I could, so if I forgot any, I apologize!)

-Seeing The OneUps for the first time - holy shit, they were amazing!!

-Spending time with my closest friends like Bahamut, Audio Fidelity, (not Level 99 as much as I would have liked) but nonetheless, super grateful for having some of them there. Jewbei & Global-Trance has to go SOMEDAY. >.>

-Audio Fidelity coming despite of school.

-SUPER GRATEFUL for Monobrow and Protricity helping me out with a place to stay because it didn't work out staying with Bahamut... and for Stevo letting me hold my stuff in his room the last day (since I didn't sleep that night).

-Talking to djpretzel about my project's release date and having it CONFIRMED for Dec. 20, 2011. :D :D :D

-The OCR Panel overall, it was much kooler than MAGFest VII.

*Seeing diotrans, Level 99, OA, & Cyril the Wolf perform! It was SO EPIC!!!

*The Bad Dudes preview video.

*Having my name called regarding Wild ARMs project and commenting on it. :)

*Brushfire and Devon going at it.

-OCAD panel was so friggin' hilarious. Great job guys! I was there the whole time front row because I'm a big fan! :smile:

-Being in Stevo's room listening to the fan-fiction regarding Batman and Robo-Cop *cough* LOL

-Brushfire's costume was so friggin' awesome!

-Being at JamSpace on Friday late night...watching a lot of people play like Drum Ultima, bustatunez, BGC, Melody, prophetik, and Harmony then Dom (from Rare Candy band) showed up later putting on an AMAZING show that made me tear up. :lol:

-Saw bustatunez do some capoeira. :-o

-Meeting Hiroki Kikuta (Secret of Mana composer)!!!!!!!! Dream come true! :nicework:

-Being at the gaming room watching some of the OCR crew play.

-Seeing A_Rival live again.

-Meeting Dale North (I know I said that already, but it's worth mentioning again 'cos it's a big deal to me hehe) and actually being in the same circle he was in! :wink:

-Seeing Starla being in that AWESOME costume and her win something. 8-)

-Spending a lot of time with Starla and Rama. SO HAPPY they live in the same town as me! :nicework:

-Pulling an all-nighter on Saturday night with a few people.

-Watching Drum Ultima and Shnabubula go at it on the piano for at least an hour that they played. What a way to end MAGFest IX....

-Meeting Connor Bear at last! :D

Things I did not like:

-Saying goodbye to mostly everyone (I'm sorry to those I did not personally say farewell to!) and crying a lot about leaving. :cry:

-Having Post-Mag Depression...sucks balls man. Worst thing ever.

-Seeing someone walk and vomit....God, that was terrible.

-Not seeing Rare Candy on Thursday night because of the....


-Stating the obvious - the elevators. Yes, I used the stairs often because of it. That's dumb and lame.

-Hotel staff be incredibly rude most of the time (don't know who you met that was nice Darkesword because the hotel did not like us this year at all)

-My flight being late going back home and the ride being very uncomfortable. Last time I fly with Delta Airlines.

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