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Posted (edited)

Someone was a dick, and renamed my sign or put a new one there "Halt's House. I like kitties" Is now "Halt's House. WHAT A FGT."

I suspect brandon did this.

Edit: I guess its been there for a while, to whoever did it. Not cool.

I also replaced the sign.

Edited by Halt
That's why I'm leavin, cause you're like the Christian Bale of video games and I accidentally trashed your lights...... but hopefully we're not through professionally. :-o

sorry i was mad at you for being completely unaware of the fact that you broke into a cleaned and finished room...and then started installing steps up to the rest of my house.


Someone was a dick, and renamed my sign or put a new one there "Halt's House. I like kitties" Is now "Halt's House. WHAT A FGT."

I suspect brandon did this.

Edit: I guess its been there for a while, to whoever did it. Not cool.

I also replaced the sign.






This is what the basic Hyrule castle looks like in Minecraft, at least as far as I guessed. Fire Slash is also working on his own too, from the Link to the Past model as well. I think both are going to look awesome in their own rights.

lol, i'm at work until 10pm, with a commute of about an hour after that. i'll be on around 1130 EST at best.

I won't be home, going out with some friends. I'll show you where it is this weekend.

Also, if any of you see brandon in my house, tell him to get the fuck out. He just randomly dug a room in my wall for no god damn reason. Said he was "paying rent" and whatnot. RAAAAAAGGEE.

kirgio, can you say anything to prove you're not a bot? because i think you are one. how about telling me what color elephants are?

c'mon, everyone knows elephants are pink!


I can connect to the server, but after about three minutes, the game crashes and gives me this error message:

--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT a1dce528 --------

Generated 14/10/10 10:19 PM

Minecraft: Minecraft Alpha v1.1.2_01

OS: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1

Java: 1.6.0_21, Sun Microsystems Inc.

VM: Java HotSpot Client VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.

LWJGL: 2.4.2

OpenGL: GeForce 310M/PCI/SSE2 version 3.1 NVIDIA 188.64, NVIDIA Corporation


at fz.b(SourceFile:58)

at fz.a(SourceFile:54)

at bn.a(SourceFile:152)

at e.a(SourceFile:942)

at iq.c(SourceFile:342)

at iq.b(SourceFile:284)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:608)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

--- END ERROR REPORT bec9b24b ----------

I've sent it off, but until it gets patched, I can't join in.

I can connect to the server, but after about three minutes, the game crashes and gives me this error message:

I've sent it off, but until it gets patched, I can't join in.

spawn crashes everyone to a point.

also set your graphics on fast, normal draw distance (not far), view bobbing off...etc. if it draws more than a gig of memory, it'll usually lock up. do what you can to limit that.

Yeah, Brandon there is being a giant fucking asshole. He blowup most of Proph's base.



Can someone do something about him? Prophet worked hard on that, and this guy is just being a massive asshole.

You're the asshole. If you wouldn't have posted this, he would never know. I already fixed it in like 5 minutes, it only took out like 4 stones and they all got replaced, and then extra stones on that to keep it reinforced. And they were REFINED stones. So there. You're on a game for 1 day and already you're causing a fuss.

I can connect to the server, but after about three minutes, the game crashes and gives me this error message:

I've sent it off, but until it gets patched, I can't join in.

turn down your draw distance.

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