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You're the asshole. If you wouldn't have posted this, he would never know. I already fixed it in like 5 minutes, it only took out like 4 stones and they all got replaced, and then extra stones on that to keep it reinforced. And they were REFINED stones. So there. You're on a game for 1 day and already you're causing a fuss.

You blow up half the fucking area, and caved in who knows what else. If it was a honest mistake, that's one thing, but you then gloated about it and mocked us for telling you to stop it.

You blow up half the fucking area, and caved in who knows what else. If it was a honest mistake, that's one thing, but you then gloated about it and mocked us for telling you to stop it.

I gloated and mocked about blowing up MY area, and perhaps about being able to fix the little spot in prophet's so fast, but not about breaking their stuff. I blew up mountain and ground. Nothing owned by anyone else was affected.


And here's a picture of you digging into the rock I placed to reinforce prophet's house.

How do you place actual rock (not cobblestone)?

Use one of the stoves with coal and cobblestone to make refined rock.

More like coming down to see what happened. Just because I'm holding a pick doesn't mean I was mining right then.

You can look to see what happening without digging into it... I only took the screenshot because you were mining there, the proof is in the blocks in the ground and the fact that I watched you from the ground then climbed up to see the little room you had made. :-P I'm not shifting the blame, there's no blame to shift, I'm just giving you blame for tearin' up my nice refined stone :-P If you're going to start turning people in for the littlest offense regardless of whether they have it fixed already, expect it to happen to you too. :-o


If you can't mooch diamond tools off of someone it's probably best to do stuff in this order:

- Punch a tree until you get wood. (doh ho ho)

- Turn the wood into planks.

- Turn the planks into a bunch of sticks and a workbench.

- Make yourself some wooden tools (pickaxe, shovel, etc.)

- Find a cave with coal near the entrance, make a bunch of torches and upgrade your tools to stone.

- If the cave is deep enough you will find some iron, make a smelting oven, and smelt some iron ingots.

- With an iron pickaxe you can mine everything except obsidian.

- If you get lucky and the cave is deep enough you'll come across diamond. -> diamond tools.

Yeah, Brandon there is being a giant fucking asshole. He blowup most of Proph's base.



Can someone do something about him? Prophet worked hard on that, and this guy is just being a massive asshole.

After he blew things up I went to check out the damage and it was limited to a half dozen blocks on one wall, nothing that justifies you freaking out at him, especially considering he fixed it. If he had blown the hell out of all the bookshelves proph has, I could understand but it was just regular stone block that were replaced. I don't think proph would have been any more then annoyed.


I accidentally break people's shit all the time, so I always keep a stack of smoothstone handy when I go visiting just in case I do

fix it if you break it and I think everyone should be cool

also you guys are super bunched up wow

I can connect to the server, but after about three minutes, the game crashes and gives me this error message:

I've sent it off, but until it gets patched, I can't join in.

Also, turn the option from "Far" to "Normal"

I accidentally break people's shit all the time, so I always keep a stack of smoothstone handy when I go visiting just in case I do

fix it if you break it and I think everyone should be cool

also you guys are super bunched up wow

The map is suppose to be something like 8 times as big as the earth, I don't know why people are all bunched up around the spawn like that.

The map is suppose to be something like 8 times as big as the earth, I don't know why people are all bunched up around the spawn like that.

I am so i can go /home and im right by my house.


New people:

Follow the bridge out to an unoccupied area.

Explore the area to make sure there are no cave entrances people might have made.

Once you're sure, make that your home, then extend the bridge to your new home or request someone else to.

This is to ensure you have plenty of land to work with, and you won't run into anyone else.

After he blew things up I went to check out the damage and it was limited to a half dozen blocks on one wall, nothing that justifies you freaking out at him, especially considering he fixed it. If he had blown the hell out of all the bookshelves proph has, I could understand but it was just regular stone block that were replaced. I don't think proph would have been any more then annoyed.

i wasn't as mad that strader barged into my room. i was mad that he barged into my room, saw that it was a ROOM and not a cave (lit with torches, symmetrically built, had a pathway leading to the rest of my house), and still started installing steps and shit like it was his. then when i patched it up, he kept on breaking in again.

and then he massacred the entire facade of my house, too. that was annoying as well.

as for having everything around the spawn, i at least have a good reason - that's where the monolith got started (there was a one-block tower right there already that the game spawned in). as noted by the "home away from home" sign on my door, i'm still planning on moving the important stuff elsewhere eventually. i need finish what i've got going first, though.

i wasn't as mad that strader barged into my room. i was mad that he barged into my room, saw that it was a ROOM and not a cave (lit with torches, symmetrically built, had a pathway leading to the rest of my house), and still started installing steps and shit like it was his. then when i patched it up, he kept on breaking in again.

and then he massacred the entire facade of my house, too. that was annoying as well.

as for having everything around the spawn, i at least have a good reason - that's where the monolith got started (there was a one-block tower right there already that the game spawned in). as noted by the "home away from home" sign on my door, i'm still planning on moving the important stuff elsewhere eventually. i need finish what i've got going first, though.

You're not the only one, he came into my house last night and dug a hole in the wall claiming it was his apartment. Then I check my house and he dug all the way to my unfinished basement, and to the canal in a huge cavern.

I hate him. My house might have sucked but I was working on getting things for it. Now I just don't care anymore. My glass castle will be my humble abode when its finished. :\

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