djpretzel Posted November 1, 2004 Posted November 1, 2004 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
eternal Zero Posted November 1, 2004 Posted November 1, 2004 wow, first review i liked it its almost hypnotizing, i lost track of time when listening to this, it's just that cool Quote
endblink Posted November 1, 2004 Posted November 1, 2004 First off: MORE SEGA! WOO-HOO! endblink is a happy man. Second, while Gray stated he wanted to go back to his "new age/ethnic" roots, I feel this is very different from his early works, and equally impressive. The slight militaristic feel to it is very powerful and commanding and the overall feel of the piece is very complimentary to the original feel and ideal of Ecco. Excellent excellent work. Good stuff, Gray! Quote
krispy Posted November 1, 2004 Posted November 1, 2004 Ahhh, nice ambient work. I always felt you were stronger with these type of pieces as your orchestral works always had this traveling feel that suits new age so well. Some of the percussion as mechanical (like the snare and tambs), but other than that the orchestration was wonderful. I see you found a way around VOTA's audio buzz (through it in the background). Edit: I hear the Doduka now! I cant believe I missed it the first time. Quote
SirRus Posted November 1, 2004 Posted November 1, 2004 GrayLightning mix = automatic download. It would take me much longer than this to write up a review of all my favorite parts of this song, and I look forward to appreciating this one to its fullest extent with multiple listens (many of those being tonight) but I just wanted to say after finishing my first listen that it is already one of my favorites by Gray. Absolutely love the chilling intro, bells and strings in conjuction are enough to establish the hanuting atmosphere. "Hynotizing work" seems to be the catch phrase here, and I couldn't agree more. The choir (SOV or VOA... don't know if I really know the difference) is always put to Gray-t (great) use by Gray. Armageddon had quite possibly my favorite use of choir in a song to date, but this songs style is unique and enjoyable in its own rite. And as always, Gray is the man. He offers us some of the most mature and progressive music that challenges traditional interpretations while still being honest to the source material. Respect. Quote
Wanderer Posted November 1, 2004 Posted November 1, 2004 Totally sublime. To be honest, GL's more recent work has alienated me, but this one has such a unique, organic feel that I cannot ignore. I'll be listening to this one for a while. Quote
UnforgivingEdges Posted November 1, 2004 Posted November 1, 2004 Way to go man, GL. I'm loving this mix, even more so than your recent stuff because you've come back to that new age/ambient feel with this song. Very epic while still remaining minimalistic. Quote
Claado Shou Posted November 1, 2004 Posted November 1, 2004 Incredible shite. This is orchestral ambience at its purest, at its absolute freaking best. GrayLightning puts a new spin on the word "pwn", that's for sure. Quote
pixlz Posted November 1, 2004 Posted November 1, 2004 mmm... gray lightning remix. is there any doubt to how it'll be? man, it makes me wanna replay the Ecco games a bit. Good stuff. yeah... Spoon. ~poof!~ Quote
Souliarc Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 Hello everyone, i'm brand new, even though i've been observing OCR for about a year. I've finally decided to register since I hope to create some mixes of my own (i'm brand new at that too). Ecco brings me back, I remember the music and how deep and sort of lonely it is. This mix seems to bring back that with a little bit of perseverance added from the suspenseful violins and rising and falling bells tones. It just gives a great aura when you listen to it, an aura of a deep ocean of potential and discovery, it is wonderful. This is an aspiring community, and i'm glad to be a part of it. Quote
tyler_lucero Posted November 2, 2004 Posted November 2, 2004 Wow. I can't think of one negitive thing to say about this, (after inital listen) so I just wanted to say, "Thanks, Grey, for creating such a truely beautiful orchestral piece." So here I go: Thanks, Grey, for creating such a truely beautiful orchestral piece. I'm not familiar with the source material, but I know what I like -- and this is it. Nice bell work, too! Well done. Quote
Quinn X5 Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 Very nice. What makes this the most enjoyable for me is the fact that you can easily picture Ecco exploring some huge, dark, mysterious underwater environment, something I loved about ALL Ecco games. Sound quality, instrument selection and balance.... all grand. The only thing that sort of bothered me was that without the image of Ecco and exploration, the song seemed to drag on a little, losing important energy more than midway through..... I felt there could have been more 'music' if that makes sense... However, this is made up with the final, and BEST, part of the song, the last minute. Atmospheric, slightly harrowing, and gorgeous sound qualities. I enjoyed it! Quote
DCT Posted November 4, 2004 Posted November 4, 2004 GrayLightning does it again. Gray goes back to his new age roots with this remix of "After the Storm," borrowing some tricks from his orchestral remixes like Armageddon and Journey to Remlia. Probably my favorite mix of his; good shizz. -DCT Quote
Navi Posted November 8, 2004 Posted November 8, 2004 Look Gray! I did it! Gray Lightning’s latest remix, a self proclaimed return to “new age/ethnic” style music after his recent endeavourers into more cinematic styles, is an excellent example of how one can take a small amount of source material and turn it into a four minute long epic piece that is chock full of Gray’s touch. While this may not be his best mix, it definitely works as an excellent remix with We open up with chimes and waves, a soothing ambient opening with bells, which, as DJP stated, have become Gray’s staple instrument. The strings are emotional and work well to compliment the mood of the mix. As the song continues, the bells continue to repeat their melody and we are introduced to a filtered choir that has an ethereal feel to it. The drums are subdued during this part, and along with the piano that plays segments of chords as well as the waves that resurface, create a moody ambience that builds up to the next section. At 3:00, we shift gears to the finale. The strings pick up the pace and we have an increase in percussive activity. The song ends and we have closure, with the waves that brought us on our journey, bringing us to the end. While this mix may not have a lot of energy until the last minute, its beauty is in the emotions it creates. DJ Pretzel described it as hypnotizing, and I doubt I could come up with a better word than that. Excellent stuff from teh Lightning that is Gray. ~Mythril Quote
Israfel Posted November 8, 2004 Posted November 8, 2004 Gray's music has been increasingly cinematic and lush these past few months and this mix is no exception. When I say cinematic I don't necessarily mean orchestral, but rather that the music has a very expansive, or even epic, quality. I particularly love the way the dissonances are handled in this mix. Long drawn out suspensions (for instance the choir at 2:05) that beg for resolution until... at last the tension is concluded. Despite the preponderance of sustained notes, the piece gives the feeling of a constant forward momentum- of a seemingly calm river that hides a powerful undercurrent. Beautiful work. Quote
Fray Posted November 11, 2004 Posted November 11, 2004 Very nice! I've always held the opinion that when artists expand into different styles, their original style becomes richer and more refined -- I think this happened for Gray. The first thing that struck me about this piece is how the timing is cleverly teased. The whole piece is in straight four, but much of the piece is presented in such a way that a non-attentive listener won't realize where the downbeat lies. Specifically, the bass root note -- often a queue for the beginning of a measure -- often isn't brought in until the second beat. The point of this? It creates a dreamy unmetered feel without losing form, and retains the listener's attention by throwing them something subtly different than they're expecting. The second most standout quality is that the mix sounds huge. The effect is accomplished with surprisingly little reverb on the main instruments -- Gray does things the right way by relying instead on good panning and subtle ambient effects to create a sense of depth. The result is a mix that sounds vast, but retains clarity. Also, although this is new age music, it's definately not "relaxation" music. It seems a bit low-key on the surface, but the emotional build, while subtle, is nevertheless quite intense. I can offer nothing substantial in the way of criticism; GrayLightning really has this style down pat. Great work as always Quote
Nizidramanii'yt Posted November 11, 2004 Posted November 11, 2004 Amazing. It has a certain allure to it. It captures well the feeling of being underwater just like the game. A great job by Gray and some of his best work. Congrats. Quote
GrayLightning Posted November 12, 2004 Posted November 12, 2004 Thanks for the comments everyone. Quote
Darangen Posted November 23, 2004 Posted November 23, 2004 Dang dude, you're almost getting *too* good Quote
greenyoshieggz Posted January 4, 2005 Posted January 4, 2005 takes my breath away. excellent song to listen to 2 calm your nerves. _________________ "...go to the hunting department of Wal*Mart and ask for antidepressants..." Quote
Homo Pocket Posted June 19, 2005 Posted June 19, 2005 Definitely a fantastic take on Nilsen's - 'After the Storm'. The first word that immediately popped into my head while listening to Gray's Ecco 'mix for the first time was the word "epic". Graylightning, the crafty lad that he is, managed to take the shortest theme from the original Ecco the Dolphin CD and crafted a much longer and more epic sounding masterpiece. The bells, strings, wind chimes, flute, percussions, and pizzicato strings really stand out and all come together quite beautifully throughout the song. This mix is 'epically hypnotic' OR 'hypnotically epic' - are those even Words?? Bah, doesn't matter! See what I mean, Music so good it has you making up phrases! Quote
42 Posted January 21, 2009 Posted January 21, 2009 Deeply profound, the title is highly appropriate here. Can't really say I'm digging the drums though, but still this is a great mix. Very cinematic, majestic, full of abstract alien wonder like deep see exploration and seeing all the bizarre forms of life down there. Definitely worth checking out. Quote
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