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SEGA is gaming with PEE (alternative title: it takes AGES to go to the bathroom)

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That's right, folks, you can now game while you pee and NOT get your DS all covered in urine! It's like a combination of peeing, crappy Wii-style minigames, and Japanese creepiness all rolled into one. I mean, who wouldn't want to blow wind up a woman's miniskirt with the power of piss? Or...you know what? I just can't even approach a game which kotaku quotes as being a "bukkake battle". I'm sorry, there's a line even I won't cross, and that's definitely it.

So, basically, instead of designing more than one decent next-gen Sonic game in the last decade or conceptualizing a Dreamcast 2, they've decided to cater to drunks by making games to distract your from intentionally peeing on the floor.

Nice, Sega. Really classy.


Edit: Oh yeah, this is for urinals. Sorry, ladies, you'll have to get your piss-aiming gaming on somewhere else.


my buddies and I used to play urinal trough hockey at a bar we went to frequently in college. We'd split up into 2 teams, and try to piss the urinal pucks across the trough to the other team's side over the course of a night of drinking, sketchbooks, and karaoke. Whoever had the least pucks on their side of the trough by the end of the night won. It got pretty strategic as we improved our technique.

Losing team had to buy the last round, and chicken wings (which were half price after 10pm!). Man, those were good times. XD


my buddies and I used to play urinal trough hockey at a bar we went to frequently in college. We'd split up into 2 teams, and try to piss the urinal pucks across the trough to the other team's side over the course of a night of drinking, sketchbooks, and karaoke. Whoever had the least pucks on their side of the trough by the end of the night won. It got pretty strategic as we improved our technique.

Losing team had to buy the last round, and chicken wings (which were half price after 10pm!). Man, those were good times. XD


that's... umm.. yeah. okay

my buddies and I used to play urinal trough hockey at a bar we went to frequently in college. We'd split up into 2 teams, and try to piss the urinal pucks across the trough to the other team's side over the course of a night of drinking, sketchbooks, and karaoke. Whoever had the least pucks on their side of the trough by the end of the night won. It got pretty strategic as we improved our technique.

Losing team had to buy the last round, and chicken wings (which were half price after 10pm!). Man, those were good times. XD


All I get from this is...

"Dude, nice skills. No Homo."


That's a damned good idea and I'm disappointed that none of us ever thought to do that.

(going by urban dictionary definition number three)

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