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Hurrrr... I haven't beaten Bioshock yet. Is the sequel really worth it, guys? I'm not talking money ($10 is more than reasonable), but time. Is Bioshock 2 worth my time?

Hurrrr... I haven't beaten Bioshock yet. Is the sequel really worth it, guys? I'm not talking money ($10 is more than reasonable), but time. Is Bioshock 2 worth my time?

Bioshock 2 is Bioshock 1 Enhanced in terms of actual gameplay. The story....ehhhhh, it works, but it's not what you would call stellar.

The hacking minigame has changed from pipe dream to a Hit The Monkey QTE, and you can use weapons and plasmids at the same time.

Overall, it's decent enough that I do not regret the time or money I spent on the rental of it for the 360.

However, I just checked, and it requires Games for Windows Live on top of SecuROM. Yes, even the Steam Version.

Based on that ALONE, I'd pass on it for the PC.


So Burnout Paradise is on sale for a whopping 5 bucks. I was tempted to get it last year... is it worth the $5? I've played Burnout 3 on console and from what I remember I liked it. I have a PS3 controller that I would probably use to control it if I don't like the keyboard controls.

So Burnout Paradise is on sale for a whopping 5 bucks. I was tempted to get it last year... is it worth the $5? I've played Burnout 3 on console and from what I remember I liked it. I have a PS3 controller that I would probably use to control it if I don't like the keyboard controls.

Its burnout. for 5 bucks you cant go wrong, plus it is the ultimate pack, so it comes with a lot of good dlc ( I think) I paid 20 bucks for it, then sold it. But I wanted to play it so bad I bought it again on the PSN. Its good fun. Totally worth the full price.

Bioshock 2 is Bioshock 1 Enhanced in terms of actual gameplay. The story....ehhhhh, it works, but it's not what you would call stellar.

The hacking minigame has changed from pipe dream to a Hit The Monkey QTE, and you can use weapons and plasmids at the same time.

Overall, it's decent enough that I do not regret the time or money I spent on the rental of it for the 360.

However, I just checked, and it requires Games for Windows Live on top of SecuROM. Yes, even the Steam Version.

Based on that ALONE, I'd pass on it for the PC.

Hmmm... sounds like I'm better off spending my time and money on other sales this year.

Here's hoping for Mass Effect sales!

It's in your best interests to only buy Daily Deals until the last day.

Quoted for truth. Remember the last few sales, they bring EVERYTHING, and I'm talking EVERYTHING back and on sale for the last day, if you missed anything - and usually a few deals that are reserved for the last day.

So glad I get paid next this week, and I have money in savings. The last few days are what I'm saving for.

(Though I did get the Deus Ex combo for <3$ and the indie beat pack for $5. $8 was good enough for me sofar.)


Honestly, Bioshock 2 ain't that worth it.

Yeah, it's more of the same, but for such a story-driven series to have a sequel with such a meh story, it's like, what's the point?

It's like people buying Final Fantasy XIII!

Ba dum tsh


Last year some games that were for example, originally put up for 50% off ended up going to 75% off towards the end, so unless a deal is really grabbing you, patience and daily checking of deals is probably in your best interest.

Unfortunately, unlike last year I really don't have too many big ideas on what to pick up, did get a couple things to go through on spare time for old time's sake (Deux Ex pack and Half Life Source), and I'll probably get Amnesia at some point, sneaking suspicion it will eventually go to 75% off, but I guess we'll see.


So far, I've gotten Rocket Knight and F.E.A.R. (with the two expansions) for $10 total. Not bad thus far. I'm tempted to get RE5, as I've never gotten to play it.

As for Bioshock 2, I enjoyed it. Yeah, the Windows Live thing's a pain, but there are ways around things. Anyway, I liked the story. It was narrower in scope and not as in-depth to be sure, but I felt it was told just as well as the original tale and wasn't meh (loved the opening cinema). Various endings are there too (like B1), the big sisters were a nice touch on top of the big daddies, and the dual wielding was a welcome addition. Worth the $10 IMHO.


New sales... eh. Some of them might be pretty interesting for the rest of you, though. AvP, Bully, DoD, Just Cause 2, Assassin's Creed 2, Call of Duty 4, Spore, and the complete Monkey Island pack. Hey guys, what's Recettear like? The art style keeps making me think of recent Tales series games, but I'm not sure that's quite right...


It's fun and addicting for a while but I stopped playing it after I beat the main story. There's plenty of features though and it's really fun. When you go dungeon diving it pretty much turns into a mini action RPG. Personally I think you need to play with a controller instead of keyboard/mouse.

The price tag is worth it but I got it in an indie pack with four other games for $5 over Thanksgiving.


Yeah Recettear does not use the mouse for anything in the game except maybe the title menu and even that's not a requirement. And the game is perfectly fine that way :D

Keyboard though. Definitely keyboard.


Get Trials 2: SE. It's nearly free for another 12 hours or so. If there's a good deal on Machinarium you should really consider that, too.

I spent a few hundred bucks on last year's sale. Most of the games I got then I still haven't even installed, but then again, many of them were simply for the sake of good conscience - I've never paid for a Quake game in my life before, so I figured it was about time. Shame none of those Quake games work without using open source hobbyist non-official engines though. I also bought Bioshock for 5 bucks, which I've regretted ever since, since I didn't like it. I'd rather have paid another 15 for System Shock 2 despite already owning a physical copy (though from my understanding buying Bioshock is the only way to pay homage to the SS2 devs, as buying SS2 only helps EA, completely nullifying the whole "for a good conscience" idea).


A good deal on Machinarium you say? Not to derail a thread about Steam sales, but the games featured in the Humble Indie Bundle #2 are spectacular and well, probably even cheaper than what you'd pay for them on Steam at the moment (and that's assuming you decide to donate more than say, $1).

The games are also now flaggable on Steam, and you can even unlock the games from the Humble Indie Bundle #1 now if you donate more than the average (which is why you should donate more than $1... you'll still end up paying less than $10) pretty awesome stuff!

Edit: Powerlord beat me to it but the HiB deserves all the promotion it gets!

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