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OCR01280 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV "Waste Water Wipeout"

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2nd post...w00t! I LOVE the beat layered with the synth pads here, and the little dropout at 2'43 is just sweet. This remix flows together so well, it's hard to believe it's a colaberation...nice work, guys! 9.8/10 :)


Makes me want to dance(which is a VERY bad thing), I tried to remix this song into a loop a couple of days ago and it came out NOTHING like this badass mutha, and I especally love those violins and drum/bg fx used in this one. Greatness In a MP3, I'll be listening to this for a while 10/10


A great feat for both tefnek and zirc - really catchy stuff! I especially like the low-key breaks with that awesome sync lead - the rest is cool too, what with the cheesy bass and the shrill leads. Percussion is good too, very distinctive. I really like that sync lead. Sync is my favorite form of modulation, by far. Like ever.

Ok, enough about sync. OSC SYNC RULES!

No, seriously. Osc sync is the bomb and this mix is good and tefnek is good and zircon is good.


I remember hearing the wip of this back a while ago, and it's come off really well since then. Some of the chord changes in this really are soothing, great to listen too. As electronic and mad beats this is, it's a great comfortable listen. I love the injection of funk and disco into this, comes of really nice.

Nothing much else to say really, my fingers are beat, I'm off to sleep! Goodnight you two crazy music doers.


i love it. i really like the one part where it breifly drops back to the orginal sound at 2:40. the only thing i would have added would be some crys of "MY TOE!! MY TOE" but that's just a big part of that song for me.


This game has (and you probably won't agree with me) one of the best soundtracks ever made. Think about it. Youve got that one, the main one, the train, the boat, the elevator was sweet, neon night riders was the shit. Almost every level in the game has memorable music. Memorable gameplay? I dunno.


*jealous* Aww! I wanted to do a song with tefnek!

Haha, anyway, this remix rocks out. Fantastic programming of FL's BooBass makes it sound pretty damn realistic and makes for one hella funky bassline. The drums are like AE meets Mint Royale, which is pretty standard fare for tefnek, but it's something he does fantastically. I love the chiptune breakdown in the middle, too. Great string work reminds me of tefnek's "Damn I'm Cool," and makes for a super lively and massive addition to this song. It all layers together really nicely, and you're left with a masterful electronic composition.

Nice work.


Great funk! I love the contrasting sounds of the samples, from the modern synth to the NES sounds in 2:40; they're just used perfectly in conjunction to each other. One thing I'd complain about is the Strings SFX involved earlier around 2:30 I guess; it was a little out of place.

I love the introduction; the sounds and style of the articulation is really catchy. I would ask for a more staccato sound of the general synth in 0:30; it seems like the articulation there is a little lazy. Right, I love the mass of sounds; it brings alot of crazy textures and colors but also manages to keep it's main direction/melody in the spotlight.

It's a great listen; the breaks are placed juuuust right, like the one in 2:55, and the sounds evolve in a natural manner. Great work.


I must comment! This track is excellent.

Another success of Zircon. I've heard his other two tacks and they're awesome, I didn't even know he was involved in this one until I started listening to it. Well done.

Tefnek deserves credit too ofcourse, also heard like one of your other peices of work, it was good as well. Made an excellent track teaming up with Zircon.

Well done to the both of you.


hey, thanks for the comments everyone! I just want to add a few words to djp's review :D

Basically, this was a seamless collab - we sent a project file back and forth because we use the same sequencer, and used synths effects and samples that we both had, so we could easily tweak eachother's work. It was truly a blast working with tefnek, and I give him most of the credit for this. The way it generally went was I'd throw down some arrangement and synth ideas, and he'd take those and, essentially, make them go crazy. Of course, I tried to do that too (I'm glad he was there to fix it up) and he put in his arrangement and synth ideas as well. We ended up with more audio tracks, effects, and patterns than I had ever used before.. I really learned a lot.

Bottom line is that it was an extremely fun project, especially for me because I got to work in a style I love but had never tried before, with someone who (imo) has mastered that style.

Glad people are enjoying it!


This remix is awesome!!. I have listened to it for almost an hour, over and over and over and over... you'll have to pay my therapy guys! :lol:

Terrific work!. Congratulations.


Un-be-fricking-lievable. I wasn't even going to bother with a Turtles remix. I had forgotten how good this soundtrack was, and really just did it because I was bored on the forums and they were slow. I'm glad I got this. I knew instantly that I loved it. I must have listened to it at least 20 times today, and it never gets old. Not since AEs MM2 remixes has anything been this...captivating. Mad props.


This is really cool - awesome synth programming and neat new ideas and changeups in the arrangement are thrown in throughout the mix. My only complaint is that the strings sounded slightly out of tune. That didn't bother me too much, though, and overall I'd say this is one of the best electronica mixes on this site that I've heard.

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