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Harmony of a Hunter - The Metroid 25th Anniversary album

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Neither was the Dynamite Headdy project (it was never official and as far as I know has no intention to be,) and that got locked right quick until Mokram begged for it to be reopened. Official status or not, every project thread in this forum is supposed to abide by the same rules. I have to question why this gets a free pass and other unofficial project threads have been locked down previously.

If you feel so strongly against it maybe you should talk to a moderator, if you do end up getting the thread locked though, you'll be faced with an angry mob :P

Mastering has started now guys, I think people will enjoy this :)

Neither was the Dynamite Headdy project (it was never official and as far as I know has no intention to be,) and that got locked right quick until Mokram begged for it to be reopened. Official status or not, every project thread in this forum is supposed to abide by the same rules. I have to question why this gets a free pass and other unofficial project threads have been locked down previously.

Half of the site staff are involved in this project one way or another. This thread gets a free ride because we say so. Besides the project's nearly finished so whinging about it now is going to amount to diddly squat.

Half of the site staff are involved in this project one way or another. This thread gets a free ride because we say so. Besides the project's nearly finished so whinging about it now is going to amount to diddly squat.

It's funny that OCR staff has been supporting this project, yet it's completely unofficial and the first post even trashes OCR by claiming they'll "take credit" for it if it's released as an official site project.

I don't really care what happens to this thread or this project or not at this stage, since yes, it is almost complete, but this argument doesn't really help your case. Saying that this non-OCR affiliated project with no intent of being released as an official site project has been able stay here and use OCR resources while in production because OCR staff is involved (instead of being locked, moved to Site Projects or the WIP forum like other project recruitment threads in the past) just makes the double standard even more obvious and has fostered discriminatory and unfair treatment between projects that do have staff support and those projects that don't.

Half of the site staff are involved in this project one way or another. This thread gets a free ride because we say so. Besides the project's nearly finished so whinging about it now is going to amount to diddly squat.

...not really the best response to the situation. I have to agree that this doesn't help negating the appearance of a double standard, if one so exists (because if it does, I'm unaware of it, and I'm fucking site staff too)

It's funny that OCR staff has been supporting this project, yet it's completely unofficial and the first post even trashes OCR by claiming they'll "take credit" for it if it's released as an official site project.

I don't really care what happens to this thread or this project or not at this stage, since yes, it is almost complete, but this argument doesn't really help your case. Saying that this non-OCR affiliated project with no intent of being released as an official site project has been able stay here and use OCR resources while in production because OCR staff is involved (instead of being locked, moved to Site Projects or the WIP forum like other project recruitment threads in the past) just makes the double standard even more obvious and has fostered discriminatory and unfair treatment between projects that do have staff support and those projects that don't.

I'm unaware of this project getting any special treatment. I was also unaware of any other threads getting locked for trying to organize things from here. Seriously, the ONLY OTHER lock I can find in this area of the forums for the last year is the Legend of Dragoon project and I have absolutely no idea why that was locked. This is also the first I've heard about someone having to beg to have their lock reopened (in Dj Mokram's case, because if that it is true then that is quite a shame).

There should be absolutely no preconceptions on using this area as a method of recruitment. It is primarily FOR recruitment and doing very simple organization here I don't think infringed on recruiting and managing OCR-official projects. Obviously hosting and posting WIPS in a single thread here is not good because of the amount of stuff one would have to cull through, but we offer this area for people to get their shit in gear. Unless site mod staff has something otherwise to say about it, I'm in favor of keeping all these recruiting threads open even if they are halfway run out of the damn thread here. What is the harm?

There is no double standard. This isn't a case of "this thread was left open but others were locked because we are playing favorites" here. And whatever interaction OCR Staff has with the project, or the possibility of it becoming official despite naysaying to the site by anyone anywhere possibly involved, is nobody' business but the sites.

Some of y'all got your panties in a sheep shank knot. Loosen up. Its fucking music.

Kyle, you made your point and can let it go now. Darren, there's no reason to pull a "go tell teacher" or to pull mob majority threats into it.

It's funny that OCR staff has been supporting this project, yet it's completely unofficial and the first post even trashes OCR by claiming they'll "take credit" for it if it's released as an official site project.

I don't really care what happens to this thread or this project or not at this stage, since yes, it is almost complete, but this argument doesn't really help your case. Saying that this non-OCR affiliated project with no intent of being released as an official site project has been able stay here and use OCR resources while in production because OCR staff is involved (instead of being locked, moved to Site Projects or the WIP forum like other project recruitment threads in the past) just makes the double standard even more obvious and has fostered discriminatory and unfair treatment between projects that do have staff support and those projects that don't.

It wasn't trashing, it was to inform those websites that it wasn't confirmed as an OCR thread and I felt it was unfair to give credit to something that hasn't happened yet or may not happen at all. Also, "Using resources" such as what exactly?

It does sound like you're disappointed and i'm sorry you feel that way. However I feel this thread deserves to remain due to the tremendous amounts of effort by myself and everyone on the project. There has been a lot of dedication and everyone seems to be quite motivated and I am thrilled that it has happened for Harmony of a Hunter.

If you're not happy with this, maybe you shouldn't comment further.


Besides, it seems like it's kind of an impossibility of it being an OCR Official Project just because of all the other projects waiting in line, and this one is supposed to be released in August 7. So isn't the point kind of moot anyway?

Also, "Using resources" such as what exactly?

He means utilizing OCR, which is a vast source for projects such as this, including a fan-base and artists, etc...

Besides, it seems like it's kind of an impossibility of it being an OCR Official Project just because of all the other projects waiting in line, and this one is supposed to be released in August 7. So isn't the point kind of moot anyway?

I don't think so. Double standards are bad.


This thread stayed open because I fucking missed it, alright? Last time I checked it (which was months and months ago) it didn't look like the project was actually being run in here, so I didn't pay it any mind, and since I was already recruited for the project I didn't bother checking it again. Now I come back and check stuff and people are getting all huffy and puffy about it.

This isn't a fucking favoritism issue or anything. It's a moderation issue and practically none of the staff members chiming in right now are moderators, so please disregard what they're saying, especially TO. The thread doesn't get a free ride because the staff is involved with the project, the thread got a free ride because I was doing other things. We don't play favorites, so cut me a fucking break.

The fact remains that there is a rule in effect that people should not be using the recruitment forum to RUN PROJECTS. The recruitment forum is here to get people to help you work on shit, that's it. You wanna run a project here, you contact us, you make a proposal, and if it looks good, we'll hook you up with some private forums and everything. If you wanna do shit on your own, that's cool too, there are plenty of places that'll hook you up.

My apologies to Darren for blowing up, but jesus guys, get a fucking grip. Stop viewing everything we fucking do as some horrible injustice.

I'm going to leave this thread open because this album is basically done, but hey, no more running the project here, and no more talk about why the thread was left open and why is DarkeSword such a douchebag and oh my god the OCR staff hates people and they're all a bunch of elitist pricks. Any further discussion along this line will be met with a swift deletion of posts and temporary ban.

Now talk about Metroid.


I never liked the gamecube ones. Going from the super-smooth controls of Super Metroid (which is my favorite, too) to the bulky, stiff, gamepad-controlled FPS controls of the Prime series was a nightmare, imo. I was also struck by that bug where I had to play the game all over from the start after not receiving that item after killing that boss, which made the nightmare unbearable. I never beat the game.

Not saying Metroid won't work as an FPS, btw, I just prefer playing FPS games with a mouse and keyboard.

Not saying Metroid won't work as an FPS, btw, I just prefer playing FPS games with a mouse and keyboard.

It wasn't an FPS and if you tried to play it like one it was a nightmare. Shooting wasn't the idea, scanning and solving puzzles was. When you fought enemies and stuff you wouldn't fight them like in an FPS you would scan them look around and lock on to their weak point and SPAM THAT SHIZZLE (ice or fire or what have you).


What would people say are the high points and low points of the Metroid series over the past 25 years?

For me, I think the release of Metroid Prime is a defining moment of the series and at its lowest...the divide that Metroid: Other M caused. Not the game itself...but how the franchise seemed to suffer because of the feelings people had over one game. I hope this project will be a step in the right direction for people to enjoy the series as a whole.


As your brother already pointed out, yeah. Regardless, Super Metroid was a fast platformer (though a very scary and atmospheric one), and I missed that kind of gameplay in Metroid Prime. Annoying controls helped break the suspension of disbelief, too.

I dunno about high and low points in Metroid history. Super Metroid was the first one I played, and I loved it to bits, and never really got along with any of the other games I tried. To me the first 2 games were technologically inferior, slow and ugly compared to Super Metroid, and whatever came after were misinterpretations that deviated from its unique atmosphere. I used to blame Gunpei Yokoi's death for the turn the series took with Prime, but I don't really think he had much to do with either anymore. Lots of people love the Prime series, but I sure don't.


I hope I'm not reopening a can of worms here, but I must ask: Why can't this album be a collaborated release between Shinesparkers and OverClocked ReMix? For example, the Heroes vs. Villains was released between The Bad Dudes and OverClocked ReMix.

I think both communities worked pretty hard here. The album wouldn't be nearly as filled up if it wasn't for Shinesparkers OR OverClocked ReMix. Besides, the more people who know about the release of this album, the better.

I can understand OverClocked ReMix not wanting to make an exception by releasing this album infront of the rest of their hectic lineup. I can also understand if Shinesparkers.net wants to keep to schedule with the 25th Anniversary of Metroid. We don't want to miss that deadline. What I don't understand is if we're not releasing it as an OverClocked ReMix collaboration, simply not to. Is it the fear of one website dominating the other? I can only see both sites gaining more publicity with the collaboration.

So, if everyone is okay with it, can we talk about how we plan on releasing the album, OverClocked ReMixers and Shinesparkers? To argue at this stage of the album would be terribly disappointing.

That's my two cents.


i'm assuming the issue is timing - there are way too many projects waiting for their time in the sun, and this is releasing rain or shine on august 7th. the album hasn't passed review, they haven't worked up a website that ocr can plug into metroidlol.ocremix.org, etc. the backend isn't there. however, i am not site staff, so i have no real idea. i'm just guessing.

can i say that i've never played metroid? i had to ask darren for ideas for names of tracks, since i didn't know what was happening during them -_-

I hope I'm not reopening a can of worms here, but I must ask: Why can't this album be a collaborated release between Shinesparkers and OverClocked ReMix? For example, the Heroes vs. Villains was released between The Bad Dudes and OverClocked ReMix.

Heroes vs. Villains was released by OC ReMix. We handled practically all of the logistics for that.

I think both communities worked pretty hard here. The album wouldn't be nearly as filled up if it wasn't for Shinesparkers OR OverClocked ReMix. Besides, the more people who know about the release of this album, the better.

Um, what exactly do you think we're going to do? Not mention the album when it gets released? We're going to promote it and tell people that it's out and we're going to tell them to go download it.

I can understand OverClocked ReMix not wanting to make an exception by releasing this album infront of the rest of their hectic lineup. I can also understand if Shinesparkers.net wants to keep to schedule with the 25th Anniversary of Metroid. We don't want to miss that deadline. What I don't understand is if we're not releasing it as an OverClocked ReMix collaboration, simply not to. Is it the fear of one website dominating the other? I can only see both sites gaining more publicity with the collaboration.

Where do people get these ideas? There is no "fear of domination." That's silly. It's a Metroid remix album. We'll post some remixes and pimp it out on Twitter and Facebook. It's a community effort, it's relevant to everyone. Nobody is competing.

So, if everyone is okay with it, can we talk about how we plan on releasing the album, OverClocked ReMixers and Shinesparkers? To argue at this stage of the album would be terribly disappointing.

It is not logistically possible for us to release this album as an official OCR album in time for the anniversary date. This is purely a scheduling and logistics issue. We have albums in the pipeline and cannot do everything we normally do in terms of QC and promotion for our "official" releases before the anniversary date. The timing didn't work out. No big deal.

i'm assuming the issue is timing - there are way too many projects waiting for their time in the sun, and this is releasing rain or shine on august 7th. the album hasn't passed review, they haven't worked up a website that ocr can plug into metroidlol.ocremix.org, etc. the backend isn't there. however, i am not site staff, so i have no real idea. i'm just guessing.

can i say that i've never played metroid? i had to ask darren for ideas for names of tracks, since i didn't know what was happening during them -_-

If I understand correctly, the website and album work is all complete. I could be wrong though.

I do have one more idea though: We COULD release the album through ShineSparkers on August 7th... and release it on OverClocked ReMix at a later date. Both parties win. Then again, that might start to complicate things. I just feel like it's unfair to both communities to have their work not released via their community. Then again, if both communities are just happy with the album being released, I suppose it doesn't matter.

As long as we don't get into a great big fight about who did what, I'm pretty happy with whatever happens. Worst comes to worst, the album gets released via ShineSparkers, and those who want to hear their work on OverClocked ReMix, submit it to them as an individual piece.

If I understand correctly, the website and album work is all complete. I could be wrong though.

I'm pretty sure that's not all that goes into releasing an album. 0_o


Also, if you release at a later date, it won't really be an "Anniversary" project anymore. That, coupled with the fact that there are other projects that are in line you might be waiting a year or two for Metroid's 25th to be released on OCR (when Metroid is 26-27). And I think someone around here is working on a Metroid Prime project that's he's more than halfway done on. Whichever is released first between the two will probably push the other back by a lot of time because there shouldn't be too much metroid in the spotlight. So that poor kid's Metroid Prime project will have to wait so much longer. D;

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