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Ah well. Would have been cool to have a cameo ala Link in Soul Caliber 2.

So I pre-ordered the Blue 3DS from futureshop yesterday. March 27 can't come soon enough. I'm hoping to get Steel Diver with it, or maybe Pilotwings.

I was actually surprised that even the people at futureshop were confused about the 3DS. The guy I talked to was convinced it was just another permutation of the DS, and not a new system (I knew better than to argue with him). But if only hardcore gamers like us can tell the difference, what about the average consumer?

It's kind of weird how upset people got with Nintendo for releasing the DSi and the DSiXL when they've done exactly the same thing with every handheld line they've ever made. I mean, this is the 3RD TIME they've released different models of the same system. You'd have thought people would expect it.

Edited by Overflow
ah well. Would have been cool to have a cameo ala link in soul caliber 2.

So i pre-ordered the blue 3ds from futureshop yesterday. March 27 can't come soon enough. I'm hoping to get steel diver with it, or maybe pilotwings.

I was actually surprised that even the people at futureshop were confused about the 3ds. The guy i talked to was convinced it was just another permutation of the ds, and not a new system (i knew better than to argue with him). But if only hardcore gamers like us can tell the difference, what about the average consumer?

It's kind of weird how upset people got with nintendo for releasing the dsi and the dsixl when they've done exactly the same thing with every handheld line they've ever made. i mean, this is the 3rd time they've released different models of the same system. You'd have thought people would expect it.



Didn't the DSI LL come out in Japan before N. America got the DSi? Yes, Nintendo always does this but it seems like they released them as fast as possible this generation. I don't have a problem with them iterating so often. Gamestop usually does decent trade in specials for the new system if you absolutely must upgrade.

Didn't the DSI LL come out in Japan before N. America got the DSi? Yes, Nintendo always does this but it seems like they released them as fast as possible this generation. I don't have a problem with them iterating so often. Gamestop usually does decent trade in specials for the new system if you absolutely must upgrade.

see: Game Boy Advance Micro

...Gamestop usually does decent trade in specials for the new system if you absolutely must upgrade...

Rather than me post a picture of this kid crying on the carpet that he sold his large game collection/a couple of games for $4.95 total as, "decent trade" and "Gamestop" never or rarely are ever in the same sentence seriously...

What was the last system or game you've traded/sold in to Gamestop that made it worth while..?

Rather than me post a picture of this kid crying on the carpet that he sold his large game collection/a couple of games for $4.95 total as, "decent trade" and "Gamestop" never or rarely are ever in the same sentence seriously...

What was the last system or game you've traded/sold in to Gamestop that made it worth while..?

This x100.

Amazon/ebay/craigslist/your local newspaper's website classifieds will bring in far, far more then Gamestop will.

What was the last system... you've traded/sold in to Gamestop that made it worth while?

Why would anyone trade in their systems?

You already bought it, and by the time you think it's time to upgrade, guess what!? It' so old and obsolete that you'll get next to nothing for it.

Keeping it may take up some room, but if you ever want to play the games you have for it, it's there and ready to go. Even if you get a newer system that is backwards compatible with your old games, you still benefit from keeping it, like having a backup system for your favorite games, or being able to take it to LAN parties... The only reason reason to trade or sell it is to get a very small amount of money for it, which isn't usually enough to get anything new or decent with.

I donated my old N64 to Goodwill because I only had a few games for it, and I figured that maybe someone from a less well-off family might be able to use it and get some enjoyment out of it. Same with my old Game Boy Colors; they hopefully went to someone that got something good out of them.

Kept the GameBoy games of course. That would just be stupid.


I traded in my old ps1 and ten (mostly) crap games for $100 off of a new ps2 (back when it was still EB Games).

That thing was beat up to hell and on its last legs anyway, so really the only thing about that transaction I ever regret was trading in my copy of SaGa Frontier, but even that was alleviated by the fact that I found a damned good condition copy of it in that same Gamestop two years later for $15.


I traded in my ds lite for a dsi and got 60 bucks or so. I can live with that. I also recently traded in my dying 360 and the 50 dollars or whatever seemed worth it. I would have sold it on craigslist but I could never sell an actual person faulty electronics. Gamestop sucks but they have their place.

well, my blue ds lite from hong kong's battery died... Does the 3ds play ds games? If so there's no reason for me to not pick one up...

Yes it does. Better to get that preorder in now.

Rather than me post a picture of this kid crying on the carpet that he sold his large game collection/a couple of games for $4.95 total as, "decent trade" and "Gamestop" never or rarely are ever in the same sentence seriously.

this one time i got 20 bucks store credit for trading in a game that was on the exact same store's shelf for 12 bucks


Yes it does. Better to get that preorder in now.

Hmmm I wonder if the blue 3ds is as good looking as my Blue DS lite (keep in mind, mine isn't the crappy blue and black the US got, but an all blue one from asia... awesome.


Hoping to pick one up, and also looking forward to PSP2. I liked PSP, but damn I couldn't play it because of the loading times. The only game I could really play on it was SF Alpha 3 because of the relatively quick load times.

I have a bunch of other games I just gave up on because the loading was so slow. Hoping PSP2 has a nice sized HD and all the games are downloadable / installable this time around.


So Reggie confirmed that there'll be no Zelda or Kid Icarus before E3


Looks like the 1st party launch games are Pilotwings, Nintendogs+Cats, and Steel Diver. Reggie mentioned that the hardcore gamer can look forward to Street Fighter 4, Dead or Alive Dimensions, and ... Madden (hardcore?).

So looks like I'm picking up Street Fighter and maybe Pilotwings. Or I'll skip Pilotwings until its price drops and just play Pokemon and Dragon Quest VI on the 3DS. There's also a Devil Survivor upgrade coming out, and since I haven't played the first one, that might have to be a buy as well.

You know, they've been pushing this thing like crazy in the last couple of weeks, and they've probably had this launch window planned since some time last year. They're releasing a system where not only is there no Mario-series game, there are no games within their 'big 3' series at all. And that wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that Pilotwings, though the last two were good back in the 90s, is at best a 4th tier series in the grand scheme of Nintendo's world. This is uniquely one of the company's worst system launches in terms of quality software.


well, maybe so, but I would personally prefer them to take as much time as they need to perfect OoT3d and Kid icarus, rather than rushing them for launch.

Besides, I think it would be nice to play a completely new IP(Steel Diver) using a new gameplay style(3D) on a new system. I mean, the 3DS is NEW. Why would you want the first game you play on it to be something old? I love OoT, and I know people love SFIV, but really, you should try something new on this new system. Kid Icarus and Steel Diver are both new, and maybe pilotwings, since there hasn't been one in a while (Although there's the flying mode in wii sports resort.)


They should put Wind Waker on the 3DS. I feel like I would play it more thoroughly if it were portable. I'm part of the problem, I hope they make 3DS sequels to games, but some ports of the games that were too beefy to be ported to the DS would be nice in the mean time.

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