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Well, the weakest gba Ambassador title I can recall is Mario vs DK, and I ended up buying that one. I'm hoping for WarioLand 4 and maybe Fire Emblem? = ]

Mario VS DK is one of the best GBA games, what are you talking about?

Posted (edited)

I'm merely ranking Mario vs DK to be the least desirable game of the 5 known Ambassador Program GBA titles. I own the game and, while I did play and beat it, I didn't get into it to the point where I'm happy it's taking up a slot in the free offerings. I'm saying: If Mario vs DK is the worst we get, we're fine.

Edited by ocre

I own most of the originals that were released here, but I don't really care. They are all games I'd like to play again, but don't have much time at home, so it's great to be able to play them to and from work.

Also, they are all gems. :)


Just downloaded the Ambassador NES titles. That was probably the most unintuitive setup I've ever encountered. Other than that, no problems (I've heard some people couldn't get into it or download them, probably due to server traffic).

My only complaint is the same complaint I had about playing GBA games on the DS/Lite, namely that you can't change the control setup to make Y and B the B and A buttons, respectively. Also, the sprites seem a bit small, but whatever. Can't complain about free crap, and given the overall quality of these games, you really can't complain in general. For the GBA games, it's like others have pointed out: if the worst we get is Mario vs. DK, we're in really, really good shape.

Are the NES games in 3D?

Get out.

But seriously, no, they're not in 3D.

Another thing, I'm totally enjoying Zelda II (even though I keep dying.) I'm on the Island temple and I'm -THIS- close to beating the Jousting Knight. Zelda II truly is the best of the NES lot.

Posted (edited)

To clarify: Excitebike was released under the '3D Classics" brand which, so far, includes 3 games: Xevious, Excitebike and Urban Champion. These are classic NES games upgraded with a 3D effect.

These are separate from the NES Ambassador Program games recently released, which were only given away FREE to those who had used their 3DS to access the eShop before a certain time on August 12th. In addition to these 10 free NES games, Nintendo will give away 10 GBA titles before years end. None of the Ambassador Program games feature 3D at this time.

Edited by ocre

I'm really happy they included Zelda II. It's super good despite receiving lots of random hate, and I wouldn't mind another game like it one bit (yes, I've tried Battle of Olympus, but it lacks that Nintendo polish).

Note for new players: Once you find the current palace's key item, you don't _have_ to finish the palace right away. One reason to leave bosses for later is that killing a boss forces you to gain a level...which is much harder to do later on. This will makes getting those level 8 upgrades very easy.

If you missed out, the best place for exp is just outside New Kasuto, when you finally arrive there. Blobs actually worth more exp/time than monsters there (and most places -- monsters usually not worth it).


Anyone who complains about Zelda 2 being too hard is a wimp.

I beat it when I was 12 with no cheats and without using the corner-stab-glitch on Dark Link.

Granted, I did exploit the jump-duck-stab glitch on iron knuckles, but still, the game's not that hard. I always laugh whenever "hardcore" gamers complain about how they've never finished it.

I found the second quest on Zelda 1 much more difficult.

I'm really happy they included Zelda II. It's super good despite receiving lots of random hate, and I wouldn't mind another game like it one bit (yes, I've tried Battle of Olympus, but it lacks that Nintendo polish).

Try Faxanadu for NES. It's a similar game and quite good!


I love Faxanadu! But I always had trouble getting the stupid passwords to work for me, so I never finished it. I skipped to the ending with my game genie though, XP

I would always grind and grind like crazy near the beginning so I could get that awesome shield that cost like 90,000 golds.

Actually, it's one the wii VC now, isn't it? Hmm, that restore feature would come in handy...


Man, I forgot how pissed off I was about Nintendo censoring and changing the original Fire Temple theme in Ocarina of Time. It isn't the act of censoring the original chanting as much as it was the piss poor job they did at replacing it. Oh well. I still love the 3DS version though.

And oh man does Star Fox 64 look pretty. The changes to the battle mode actually make it appealing for once. Too bad there's no online play.

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