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Posted (edited)

Playing through Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge just makes it hurt so much that Legends 3 isn't actually happening.

Goddamnit, Capcom.

Also in the process of adding you peoples, so add meh and let's do some DOA and Mario Kart when it hits!

Edited by Malaki-LEGEND.sys
Posted (edited)

That thumbstick attachment makes my hands happy at the thought of how much bigger it will make the 3ds. The thing makes me think of a Game Gear for some reason... and a 32X as well, ominously. Makes me wanna play Shadow Squadron and Star Wars Arcade again; those two games need to be ported or on virtual console.

Also, what's the deal with 3ds game demos? Are they available or what? Are there even any plans for that sort of thing?

Edited by Darth GourryGN
Posted (edited)

I've done my part and have both registered mechafone and purchased SML2. I've even BEATEN SML2 as of right now. It's a little sad that we didn't get a Fire Emblem trailer as part of that batch of upcoming game trailers. I'm still holding out hope that we'll get it. : ( I don't think the Japanese even got the trailer, so there's that going for us.

Edited by ocre
  • 2 weeks later...

3D Classics: Kirby's Adventure and 3D Classics: Kid Icarus.

Hopefully these come to North America too. : [

I've been hoping we'd get Intelligent Systems Hiku-osu and now it's been announced as Pushmo. :3

And a free friend messaging system too. :3

  • 3 weeks later...

Long time no see, thread. Where you been? The bottom of page three? Oh, poor thread. Here, have some news.


The special edition Zelda 3DS, that black one with the gold trim and emblem? It's not a Europe exclusive. GameStop is having a Black Friday sale (that's a US thing, sorry Canada) and they clearly depict the Zelda 3DS in the ad.

So, shiny black with gold trim in the style of Zelda? Nice looking. But can Ambassador status be sent to a new 3DS?


No, it can't.

So who picked up Cave Story 3D? It's great fun, and the 3D effect is gorgeous, but it is literally a 1:1 port of the game besides the graphics. No dynamic cutscenes (it really woulda helped since it's zoomed-out to hell), the music is the same chiptune stuff (not a problem for many people, though), and the translation is the same as before. Still... This is one instance where the 3D really completes the visual effect.

EDIT: Not to say the music is EXACTLY the same, but it bears the same chiptune style of the original music.


I passed on Cave Story 3D because I've played Cave Story enough. I just don't care for that game anymore. I really like the art-style, especially the WiiWare version of the game. But I'd rather pick up Mario 3D Land (which I'll be doing tomorrow).

I also have to get Solatorobo, and see how good it is.


I just want Mario Kart to come out. That is literally the only game this season I am eager to get.

No, I mean, literally. I have no interest in any other new game this winter. Not Skyrim (not into western RPGs), not any of the military FPSs, not Sonic, not Pokémon Rumble-whatever it's called. Nothing else.

Mario Kart 7 only!


Didn't really get into the last several Mario games. I love the music for Galaxy 1 and 2, but I only played them part-way through. Same for Nee Super Mario (DS and Wii).

Skyward Sword... I'm pretty neutral about it. It's another Zelda game so it should be good... but it's also another Zelda game, and they aren't exactly pushing an envelopes these days. I did complete Twilight Princess, but over the last few years, I've tried to play it again, only to give up at how uninteresting it felt.

So no, not really looking forward to either of them.

Playing Mario Kart DS a few weeks ago, I felt excited to play through all the tracks again. Even without unlocking all the karts and characters, it was still fun to race through the 50cc and 100cc tracks again.

I'm expecting Mario Kart 7 to be a worthwhile purchase.

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