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I am interested in the 3DS XL, but as someone that hardly ever uses their regular 3DS, I can't justify the purchase even if I can easily afford it.

It just seems wasteful to have two of them, when I can't really be bothered to use one at any given moment.

Maybe when more 3DS games I can be interested in come out later this year and into next year...

(And before anyone asks, I have multiple 3DS games, including most the highly rated ones, so it's not a matter of "Oh, you just need to play this game and this game and then you'll love your 3DS again". It's a matter of I've already played them, so don't bother suggesting games I already have)

I read gamestop was doing a trade-up deal where they actually allow you to transfer your data from your 3DS into your new XL in the store. Pretty kewl. Not sure how much they take off of the XL's price though.

That is considerate, at least. I saw a post somewhere recently outlining Nintendo's schedule for the rest of the year, and honestly besides NSBM2, it looks meh to me, it's not like the Vita is much different (not trying to strike up any competition between the two in this thread AT ALL.) I just own both systems, so in my mind they are both competing for my time (and money).

On a somewhat unrelated note, I graduate from nursing school next week. I still have to take my state boards and find a job, but after that I should have much more time for games. Looking forward to having a more "normal" life again. /end TMI

On a somewhat unrelated note, I graduate from nursing school next week. I still have to take my state boards and find a job, but after that I should have much more time for games. Looking forward to having a more "normal" life again. /end TMI

We're in the same boat, man. Good luck and stay positive.

But seriously though, nothing coming out? There's Fire Emblem, Paper Mario, NSMB2, Luigi's Mansion 2, Kingdom Hearts next week, Castlevania, and plenty of other stuffs. 3DS line-up is looking good.

We're in the same boat, man. Good luck and stay positive.

But seriously though, nothing coming out? There's Fire Emblem, Paper Mario, NSMB2, Luigi's Mansion 2, Kingdom Hearts next week, Castlevania, and plenty of other stuffs. 3DS line-up is looking good.

That's true, the list I saw was Nintendo published only. I'm looking forward to Castlevania and maybe Fire Emblem (I haven't played one except for 20 minutes or so of the Ambassador GBA one).

I hope the 3DS gets a Final Fantasy Tactics spin off, much like the GBA and DS ones. I never enjoy them as much as the original, but at least the gameplay is similar. That would be pretty cool, now that I think of it.

Posted (edited)

PSA - Game of the Weekend

Colors! 3D – This weekend's featured title is Colors! 3D, a powerful painting application that caters to everyone from serious artists to aimless doodlers (and allows you to create amazing 3D paintings as well as browse a gallery of other peoples works- with the ability to watch a replay of their painting process!). For a limited time, download this title from the Nintendo eShop at a discounted price of $3.99. Offer is valid from 9 a.m. Pacific time on Friday, July 27, through 9 p.m. Pacific time on Sunday, July 29. (For Nintendo 3DS)

My first impressions can be read here.

And there's an upcoming update that allows subscriptions to specific artists and adds a search function to the online gallery.

Edited by ocre

So is anyone else looking at Code of Princess? I just noticed it looking around on amazon, and it led me to this. It looks pretty good, a beat em up with RPG elements and 4 player co op and 50 playable characters? I could really get into that sort of thing.

Oh also totally spaced that Kingdom Hearts 3D is coming in like 3 days. I can't believe I forgot it, good thing I pre-order the special edition awhile back.


so, new super mario brothers 2 is a very good game. the 3d is tastefully done and very subtle, and the game has the same nice feel the new super mario bros. series has always had. the whole 'collect tons of coins' thing is really pretty entertaining, obviously you're gonna have a whole ton of extra lives but running out of lives hasn't been an issue in mario games for awhile now. getting coins is satisfying, especially when they're stacked together in large numbers, which they have been more frequently than in past games.

it has also managed to make underwater levels really entertaining for the first time in recent memory. which to me is a pretty big feat.

in conclusion, if you have a 3ds this is really worth looking out for. it's an iterative improvement, sure, but given that it's very comfortable, and plain fun to run around in.


I don't understand why anyone would be losing their shit over late adopters paying $170 and getting to buy(that's right, spend more money) on the games that early adopters got free for being early adopters.

Just like anything you buy, it's all about perceived value. The only way I can see you losing out on buying the 3DS for its original $250 over a year ago(by now you've probably made that money all back) is if you hardly touch the thing. Myself however? I'm always on the damn thing. I don't have a single retail game on this thing(I have about 10) that I haven't put at least 40 hours into. That's a good dollar per hour value right there, and I know I have at least 3(DOA, Mario Kart, and Kid Icarus) that have close to if not over 100 hours logged. Consider that compared to something like the movies where you'll be spending close to if not more than 10 bucks for at most 2 and a half hours.

Not only that, early adopters got 20 free games that if you were to price at 4 bucks individually would be worth a total of 80 bucks, which is essentially what they lowered the system price by. I don't understand the bitching. There was a bit of a down period early in the system's life, but now is a damn great time to own a 3DS, regardless of when and for how much you got it.

Posted (edited)

Wanted to divide the post into 2 for less reading headaches. Following are game impressions!

So I grabbed Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance over the course of the past month.

Man is Theatrhythm some kind o' crack. I have to force the damn system shut or I won't stop playing. The premise of the game is simple enough, but it's so mind-numbing addictive. I'm pretty sure I already have more than 50k Rythmia as of this post. Haven't been able to grab the DLC just yet, but I'm sure it'll all ruin my free time. There are 3 major modes in the game: Series, Challenge, and Chaos Temple(where you complete randomized "dark notes") and three difficulty modes that are progressively unlocked in addition to museums where you can listen to music, look at collectible cards with cute artwork and character descriptions, as well as watch even movies.

The game has a sort of "RPG-lite" aspect added to it with your party gaining levels, stats, and skills, as well as being able to use items to help you through the different types of musical stages of which there are three: Battle, Field, and Event stages. The better your performance, the higher the chance for better items and colored gems that unlock new characters. Naturally this means that the better your characters stats, the more chances you have of getting farther in dark note stages. There really isn't more to say about the game as it's pretty simple, but I can't get over it! If you're looking for a directed, meaningful experience, you need not apply, but if you love Rhythm games, but more importantly are a fanboy for FF music and the series in general, then this game is right up your alley.


I just grabbed Kingdom Hearts yesterday, so I can't give the best analysis yet, but I'm loving it from the 5 hours I've played so far. I think one of my favorite things thus far is that I'm ACTUALLY PLAYING the game as opposed to an overwrought tutorial like the first and second entries. I haven't played a KH game since 2, but this one was surprisingly easy to get into. It has an appendix to cover terminology and history in the game, and certain "flashback" cutscenes can be rewatched and skipped at your leisure. Well that's user-friendly!

The game's combat is surprisingly deep, and while it isn't AMAZINGLY challenging on normal(it ain't no slouch, either), there are A LOT of attack options that make combat feel pretty satisfying to try and master. One of my favorite combos is using the Zero Gravity ability to put all enemies in my range in elevated stasis, then either use Thunder to AoE them all or Strike Raid to smack 'em with a keyblade toss. The way you learn abilities is through using the very Pokemon-like(and fun) "Dream Eater" system, where you'll have cute little critters that you can create and add to your party, then after acquiring enough AP, unlock abilities on a skill-tree that each one possesses somewhat like FFIX or FFXII's License Board. During battle, Sora and Riku have different ways that they can interact with said creatures by linking with them. Sora will have them activate certain attacks, while Riku will "fuse" with them for added combat effectiveness.

The game has an interesting "drop" function that will automatically switch you between the two characters and their story arcs after the "drop gauge" has decreased during your playthrough with one of them. When this occurs, you can use drop points to give bonuses to various stats of the next character to give them an easier time of things. I personally think that this adds an interesting meta element to the game that works well with the narrative it's trying to tell, but I can see how it can get frustrating. Fortunately there are items called drop-me-nots that will add more time so this doesn't become an issue. If you're not a fan of Kingdom Hearts or at least the concept, then this game probably won't change your mind, and I feel that most of the review scores from negative to positive have been pretty fair, but if you love some Keyblades, Disney and SE cameos, then you'll probably feel good about it.

All and all, I'm enjoying both games immensely. Happy gaming, all.

Edited by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

I just been playing KH:DDD too. I've really been enjoying it, it has the look of Kingdom Hearts 1, except it can be in 3D to boot.

Also for those brave enough to try brave mode I highly suggest Notre Dame BEFORE the Tron level. I was getting one-shoted by little minions in Tron, it was rough. That's the thing about Kingdom Heart's hard modes, you WILL die during the beginning often, but it normal's out and hit's that sweet spot of difficulty after two or three worlds.

The flowmotion controls make this fixes a huge problem the game had, which is moveing between places you have already taken out. Fast, solid movement which not only help me stay alive, but helped me do average damage when I was just scraching normal enemies in the beginning.

If you liked the command deck from the Birth by sleep (Which I did) it's still here, and I'm glad they kept it in.

Malaki pretty much got the Dream Eaters and drop system down pat.

Oh and the Card Mini-game with the dream eaters are pretty neat, it's like Chain of memories battle system, but you don't control movement. It's pretty fun.


Square-Enix, y u no announce localization for Bravely Default!?

Incidentally, Fire Emblem is getting its second round of DLC maps n' quests n' shiz pretty soon and Bravely Default already has announced costume(I think) DLC in the works. It makes me wonder what their plans are for this DLC once they release these games stateside. Personally I think as long as it's meaningful stuff(what I think they've been doing) and not just "xp booster packs", I'm pretty OK with it. I can't say that I know the rest of the Western gaming community will agree.

Either way, dammit SE! Bring this game over!


Good news: I bought KH3D today!

Bad news: My brother dropped my 3DS is some water while I was gone and now the thing is buggy and I don't have a warranty. He's drying it with rice right now and he'll pay for some of my new 3DS if its broken, but still. Fuck.


Alright I finished KH3D. Overall I gotta say the story was convoluted, I really could not understand what was going on for the longest time, even when it was trying to explain. It's missing the magic and simple story of the first one, and didn't really have the sweet rivalry of organization 13. It feels like it's there to connect KH 1 & 2 instead of having a story of it's own. But I will say it made me ecstatic for the third installment.

Everything else in this game is legit so I still recommend this game whole heartily.

Posted (edited)
Square-Enix, y u no announce localization for Bravely Default!?

care to explain said game? you have me interested.

OH ALSO i don't think i ever mentioned this but the new fire emblem is also great. it has a very similar feel, with a few more side-questy type deals. you definitely miss a lot if you don't read along with the game, and it is very wordy (i've had a time trying to get through the whole thing in japanese but i still pretty much know what's going on) but the character interactions are fun and playful, if not slightly cliched. also the battle scenes are done out in full 3d and look very pretty, though after seeing them a bunch of times you'll still fastforward through them. i'm not all the way through it yet but there's multiple story arcs; i was surprised when the first one ended and then they were like "oh hey part 2" and i was like whuuuuuuuh

Edited by The Derrit
Alright I finished KH3D. Overall I gotta say the story was convoluted, I really could not understand what was going on for the longest time, even when it was trying to explain. It's missing the magic and simple story of the first one, and didn't really have the sweet rivalry of organization 13. It feels like it's there to connect KH 1 & 2 instead of having a story of it's own. But I will say it made me ecstatic for the third installment.

Everything else in this game is legit so I still recommend this game whole heartily.

Funny, didn't seem that way at all to me. Looked like it was also bringing a lot of stuff from BBS in too, in addition to somewhat explaining a few things from Days and CoM. Really, it ties all those games together, and paves the way for KH3 quite nicely.

This(especially that last part :-P) is the long and short of it. It's essentially Final Fantasy: The Four Warriors of Light 2. If you were into that, then you're probably game for this one.

i never played the first one but this looks very pretty. was warriors of light traditional ff style or crystal chronicles style?

Posted (edited)

Warriors of Light was traditional FF style. I never got to play that much of it, but from what I understand it was essentially FFV job system meets FFIII turn-based with a bit more stylized FFIII DS visuals(if you can get anymore stylized).

Also, just beat Kingdom Hearts 3DS earlier today and holy shit was that some amazing game. Now I'm on a Kingdom Hearts kick and very much looking forward to Kingdom Hearts 3.

Edited by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

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