The Pezman Posted January 21, 2011 Posted January 21, 2011 Anyone who knows my real name or has seen my Facebook profile can probably figure it out. Quote
BlackPanther Posted January 21, 2011 Posted January 21, 2011 So I came up with a name that I now use as my password so I can't really say what it was. O_o? Uuhhhhhh Quote
theshaggyfreak Posted January 21, 2011 Posted January 21, 2011 Well, Shaggy comes from my love of Scooby Doo. It was my favorite cartoon when I was a kid. My mother used to scold me back then about my posture and said that I'd look like Shaggy if I didn't straighten up. I told a friend of mine that story when I was in one of my first bands and everyone just started calling me Shaggy. The name stuck from there on out. There are certain friends of mine who refuse to call me by my real name and I'm alright with that. Quote
Gollgagh Posted January 21, 2011 Posted January 21, 2011 Anyone who knows my real name or has seen my Facebook profile can probably figure it out. it has something to do with the candy right? Quote
DCT Posted January 21, 2011 Posted January 21, 2011 I won my artist name in a battle to the death. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Quote
noTuX Posted January 21, 2011 Posted January 21, 2011 Back when I had long hair I used this stuff whenever I wanted to to get it braided: The day I registered for this site, I just happened to be getting my hair braided, and said "Hey, that would be a cool name." Quote
DusK Posted January 21, 2011 Posted January 21, 2011 DusK is a shortening of ItStartsAtDusK, a nickname I made a couple of years ago based on the fact that I did almost all of my gaming at night when I got off work. My side project, From The Forest Itself, is inspired by a Matisyahu lyric, which was taken from a line from a Midrash. "From the forest itself comes the handle for the axe." Quote
eilios Posted January 21, 2011 Posted January 21, 2011 My forum name means "wind" in a made up language. (Then again, aren't all languages made up?). I'm probably going to change it to something else later when I get better. Quote
relyanCe Posted January 21, 2011 Posted January 21, 2011 i designed my name as a huge kick in the teeth to proper spelling and capitalization Quote
DrumUltimA Posted January 21, 2011 Posted January 21, 2011 When I was a kid, the faithful day came where it was time for me to choose an AOL username. I had ten characters to work with, so I wanted to pick something that reflected things I was interested in within that limitation. I had just started playing drums, and I loved video games--my favorite at the time being Final Fantasy III, which I would play at my friend's house. So I put Drum and Ultima together, and made it look fancy. At the time, those two things represented me. They still do. Quote
wildfire Posted January 22, 2011 Posted January 22, 2011 Mine's an extremely vague reference to this book series: Quote
Diodes Posted January 22, 2011 Posted January 22, 2011 diotrans is my internet name that I've had ever since I was like 14 or so. I used to write a lot of fantasy stories with weird character names that I now cringe at, looking back on them. There was a character named Diode Transing because I don't know, I thought it would be cool for a girl to be named Diode. Diode was crazy and the whole point of her existence was to go around and make things more confusing for other people and basically create chaos. It's probably a good thing I switched to diotrans because before that, I was known as PsyCrow, from Earthworm Jim. Man I was a really strange kid. Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted January 22, 2011 Posted January 22, 2011 When I was around 7 or 8, I saw my brother "DarkeSword" and my other brother "SaifBlade". Naturally, I wanted one too. I just jumbled my name (Nabeel) into the coolest way I could think of. I ended up with NeblixSaber (i had to end it with a sword like they did), but then my brother talked to me about it years later and I decided it's best I shouldn't just be a spin off of him. Thus, I am Neblix. I think one of the perks of this name is that it's something I've stuck with for a while, not to mention a quick google just brings up ME ME ME (unlike a certain stud finder around here) Quote
Arcana Posted January 22, 2011 Posted January 22, 2011 I was first familiar with the word "Arcana" from the SNES video game. I learned soon after that it was also associated with the occult, of which I had a momentary interest in at the time and decided to adopt the name. However a really well-known band also has 'Arcana' as a band name and they've been around for like, the past 15 years or something. I've been wondering if I should change it to something else recently. Quote
The Coop Posted January 22, 2011 Posted January 22, 2011 Alma Mater by Alice Cooper Rain is falling down my cheek searching for the sea. Tomorrow like the rain, I'll be back home again. I watch the bus as it pulls out of view. Someday like that bus I will be leavin' too. But you know it breaks my heart to leave you camelback my high school. And now alone cryin' in my beer, 'cause old friends said goodbye I guess I'll be leavin' too. But you know it breaks my heart to leave you Cortez I'll miss you. Yes I will, yes I will, you know I will. Yes I will, yes I will, you know I will. Well so long (so long) everybody (everybody). I hoped that I would see you again (again). Goodbye (goodbye) everybody (everybody). I finally grew up. They finally let me out of school. Hey remember the time... remember the time we took that snake and we, we put it down little Betsy's dress? Now I don't think Miss Axelrod was much impressed. Now I don't think Miss Axelrod was much impressed. Well I don't think Miss Axelrod was much impressed. Oh goodbye (goodbye) everybody (everybody). I hoped that I would see you again (again). So long (so long) everybody (everybody). How do you like that? They finally let me out of school (I finally got out of school). Goodbye (goodbye). Ah I wanna get out of here (so long). They let me out of school. How 'bout that, huh (I finally got out of school)? Goodbye. Hey, goodbye guys! Maybe I'll see- maybe I'll see you around some time, huh? Ey, don't make a stranger of yourself, huh? Remember the Coop, huh? I mea- I ho- I hope you don't forget me or nothin'. Goodbye. Quote
Kidd Cabbage Posted January 23, 2011 Posted January 23, 2011 I named mine after the Burt Reynolds movie. Quote
liquid wind Posted January 23, 2011 Posted January 23, 2011 if everyone had elemental associations, I would be water/wind most people assume it's a wet fart joke though :/ Quote
Brushfire Posted January 23, 2011 Posted January 23, 2011 Mine was a pokemon theme deck that I used a variant of back in the day. Oh wait, this thread is for credible OCR folks. Sadface... Quote
Monobrow Posted January 23, 2011 Posted January 23, 2011 I used to have a more girly name back in like 2001/2002 on the forums/on irc... I got a lot of flack back then for just being a WOMAN ON THE INTERNET. I got tired of it and also I remember having debates with some dude in college about him using the word "Monobrow" instead of "Unibrow", which was a joke we had, but I remember taking it kinda seriously... I just one day thought... Why the hell would you take a debate like that seriously? So I decided to kill two birds with one stone and make a name that was not gender-specific and also stop taking myself so damn serious, as I sometimes tend to do... I still fall into that pattern every once in a while. :J AND THEN MONOBROW WAS BORN ON THAT DAY, ON THAT VERY DAY Quote
Murmeli Walan Posted January 24, 2011 Posted January 24, 2011 Walan is the original version of the name. It's simply my real first name, Alan, with a W in front of it. At the time I had thought of it, I was a big fan of Wario games (Wario Land 4 is still one of my favorite original GBA games ever). The Murmeli part came from a poster from the old UnModerated forums by the name of Omega. He's from Finland, and one day out of the blue he sends me a private message telling me that the word "murmeli" is the closest Finnish word for groundhog. I'm from Punxsutawney, the town that created Groundhog Day, so I adopted Murmeli into my username. So there ya go. Quote
Halt Posted January 24, 2011 Posted January 24, 2011 if everyone had elemental associations, I would be water/windmost people assume it's a wet fart joke though :/ hahahaha. I lol'd. Mine is after a character out of a book series i read. Quote
JH Sounds Posted January 24, 2011 Posted January 24, 2011 Oh wait, this thread is for credible OCR folks.Sadface... Which the voice you have and your involvement in OCAD, I'd easily consider you a performance artist. Quote
Strike911 Posted January 24, 2011 Posted January 24, 2011 Let me tell you a tale, when the Playstation 1 was still the bees knees! Probably around 1999. And a little button mashing dancing game called "Bust-A-Groove" was around. Character was named Strike, so I picked it. Along with the number "911" as in "call the Police" since the character was a criminal. And it stuck. And I kind of dislike it now but I don't want my email to change, or for the few people that know me to lose contact with me (or my website). >_< Still, I like how a lot of the names popping up in this thread are little time capsules from a decade ago. Quote
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