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Can we just use this explanation, and just let the shit go? Did we seriously HAVE to make a thread about it?

Saw the first post. Saw the thread got over 70 responses in less than 12 hours.

No surprises.:)!!

It's a good topic though.

So we're all okay calling all soda pops "Coke" because everyone knows what we're talking about.
...Or music players 'iPods' or facial tissues 'kleenex' or lib balms 'chapsticks' or flavored fruit drinks 'juice' or....

I'm okay with all of those. While they are all misnomers, none of them necessarily represent misunderstandings. They know Coke is a carbonated beverage, Kleenex are tissues, iPods are music players, etc. Whereas people who say "sounds like MIDI" generally (invariably, in my encounters) don't actually know MIDI is a protocol.

A closer example may be someone who uses 'copywrite' when talking about 'copyright'. It seems a simple mistake, but in order to make that mistake you have to have little understanding of what copyrights are.


Hahaha, I remember way back in the day before I found OCRemix and VGMix (yes, that long ago) and I only knew about VGMusic. I thought midi files were the best thing ever and collected them. That collection ended up being deleted after I found the aforementioned places, however... >>;

So what's the correct term for "midirip"?

Original source cover


Minus a few prerendered cutscenes, almost all of 8 and 9 sound track used the PSX's sound chip. No streaming/XA/Redbook, just sequenced PCM chip tune. PSF dumped as well. Square just had a lot of time to play with the PSX and pull the most juice out of it, so the audio/visual quality of their games jumped between 7, 8, and 9.

FFT is the most amazing sounding though and thats STILL playing off the chip and not streaming.

...Or music players 'iPods' or facial tissues 'kleenex' or lib balms 'chapsticks' or flavored fruit drinks 'juice' or....

One of our interns at work was telling us how her mom would always offer everyone "orange juice" and how she'd have to warn them before hand because what she was REALLY offering them was Tang, lol

That shit is a deal breaker, man. Tang is NOT orange juice :(

Oh my god, i wish when people were in my car and my hd radio is on they'd stop saying "this sounds like a cd!" cd's don't make sound, fuckstick, the songs on them do! God!

Er, I know you're being sarcastic (I hope), but CD's should technically "make" sound. Their audio tracks have all the audio information (44.1 Khz 16bit PCM audio waveform) on the disk and should sound basically the same no matter what your set up is (minus minute equipment clarity difference). "sounds like CD (quality)" is legit, because there is a quality of sound level


you nerds don't even know what a troll is

I'm an asshole, not a troll

also Coop, the only punctuation I don't use in normal posts is a period; additionally, I do capitalize "I" and proper nouns

No, but seriously, no one's really disagreeing with you, Crowbar (least of all me) but I can assure you that thephoenix's post was completely tongue-in-cheek

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