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Great piano playing agreed, although whoever said that was right...a few spots seemed a bit muddy or something? Also in the vicinty of 3:40, the scalish part...the harmony sounded a bit unsophisticated, and the notes were like bashed together. But anyway, I still like it.

  • 4 weeks later...

I'm glad this piece finally went somewhere. It had a lot of potential and a lot of it was fulfilled--yet some parts of it sound not just muddy, but out of rhythm. While piano doesn't quite rely on that kind of rhythm totally, if there isn't any at all it starts to lose a lot of its tastiness.

This DOES have a lot of tasty goodness in the middle, though, albeit it sounding rushed and just attempting to throw in some prelude-tastic flair under the actual Aeris theme. It's only semi-hard to swallow, though, and once you actually get used to it, it's really nice.

Despite me beating on the mix, it's still great, and one of my favorites--something I listen to a lot. :)

  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

This is one of my favorite melodies of all games I´ve played, and KL does a good job turning it into a pianoremix, which is one of my favorite instruments, so this can´t really be any better. It also became a good result combining the FFprelude with aeris theme, and the parts around 4:00 and forward really shows how you can turn it up faster.

Thanks for reviving Aeris for us, Laudude. 8)

  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

What else can I say? This is amazing, the piano is just beautiful. It really captures the beauty from that BEAUTIFUL scene from the game. (I would go into detail, but I don't wanna go into any spoilers.) This is definitely material for a re-release of FFVII. It's the best done remix of Aeris's theme on the site I've heard so far. Keep these coming, okay?! ^_^

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

gotta say, one of the best songs on the site.

never liked aeris, she wasn't much of a good fighter, nor was she a good character. sure she had great personality, but the only things she really did to help the plot was to die.

sorry to any fan's of her's for those comments.

but one thing i can say about her. even though i didn't care much for her, i still weeped for her. and boy did i love her theme.

and this remixer here has brought back all the good feelings that i got from her. warmth, sorrow with a hint of hope, love, and anything else. whilst listening to this song for the first time, i completly forgot any complaints i had about her as the charecter and focused on the good.

well, i've rambled enough.

overall, excellent, excellent song.

  • 2 months later...
Um, so this is the best piano remix on the site I've found so far. Remixer happen to write down the music for it? Can I have it? Please?

Kevin did in fact create sheet music. Get it at his site, http://www.kevinlaumusic.com/.

I don't know if Kevin will ever read this himself, but if you do, great work. You won't remember me, but I met you at a wedding shower in Pickering for Liz and Mark. I'm checking out more of your stuff on your site. Haven't had time to hear much yet (Liz only pointed your site out to me this evening), but I especially like the version of Eternal Harvest. Yes, I know it's a remake, but well done just the same.


BIGSTEVE says this OC Remix is off the chain!!! Love it! I like beyond Midgar better, but this is still really good. It kind of calms you down if you listen to it when you're under stress!

Bottom Line: It's Awesome. Download it.

  • 5 weeks later...

A hauntingly beautiful piece. Not many composers can catch the resonance and the soul of a song, let alone two of them. The majesty, the depth, the simple yet profound manner in which the piece comes across is pure brilliance.

Then suddenly as if the power of the music is not enough to grip and stun you, the prelude passages knock you off your feet in a sublime "One, two" combination. 8O

My review does not do this piece justice, but one hopes that it accurately portrays my enthusiam. Thank you Kevin Lau for the gift of this music.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Wow. Simply beautiful. I've always loved Aerith's Theme and this remix does it so much justice.

It's one of the few songs I've heard that brings me to the verge of tears.

This is brilliantly beautiful.

  • 4 months later...

A wonderfully beautiful piano mix. It captures perfectly the character of Aerith, that scene from the game, the relationship, and the emotions that go along with it. It captures that beauty and sorrow at the same time wonderfully. The simplicity of just having the piano play is great, and is in no way 'too simple'. It's easy to go OTT with pieces sometimes, but the simplicity of this was good for conveying the emotions involved.

Someone earlier said that it's good to relax you when under stress, and that is very true. But although that's a good practical use of the song, it's just enchanting to listen to. Well done. And I wish I could play piano this well!

  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I absolutely love this mix. What you've actually done to Aeris' theme is excellent, and the playing is beautiful as well. The only things I would change are dynamics - I especially wanted more of a forte at the 2-minute mark - but overall a bit louder would be nice. Aside from that, truly amazing. Well done, sir.

  • 8 months later...

Beautiful piano piece. Final Fantasy VII was always easily one of my favorite games as well as the music that went along with it. I never get sick of the story or music, and I love how you brought Aeris back with a simple yet powerful piece. Very well done.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01295 - Final Fantasy VII "Aeris Lives"

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