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If you like Metal and guitars this is the song for you... unfortunately it has a little too much screaming guitar for me. Nice, just not for me.


This is indeed wicked. Nobody would know this more than I would. This one is going into the favorites list. Congrats for breathing more life, or in this case, more death into a game that was getting a little tiresome to hear remixes of. It'll definitely spice up my playlist. THANK YOU.



maudite bonne toune:P

c'est aussi pas mal cool de voir un ptit québécois parmi ocremix:D

jsuis aussi ete ecouter la plupart de tes mp3 sur ton site... incroyable!!! Tu as enormement de talent!!!

et que dire de Marc-Andre!!!! woooooa!:P

jrisque meme d'acheter le cd qu'il vend sur son site!

bonne job! et j'espere avoir d'autre mix de toi bientot :D (et si un jour on se croise au ashton quand y fait -30 comme cette semaine, je serai le gars avec mon cd player qui ecoute tes tounes en mangeant ma poutine:P!!)

ps: tu connais un Pascal? c'est un super bon guitariste que ma blonde connais bien, malheureusement le nom de son groupe m'echappe en ce moment... hummm entk jme suis tout de suite demander si vous vous connaisiez... anyway!:P

in english: bah... just saying how much I like the song and how cool it is to hear from someone living in the same city as I!


I felt compelled to comment on this piece in that it is one of the best I have heard in a while. I am a product of the 80's in a manner of speaking and hearing the guitar/metal brought back many memories. Awesome mix, now if only someone can do that to Cyan's theme I would be in heaven. Also before anyone comments yes I did request it, a few times, but I know everyone does what they want and I certainly can't do it so I am not going to get belligerent about it. I just have to bide my time and pray for someone to hear my plea. :hint: :hint:

:just kidding:


maudite bonne toune:P

c'est aussi pas mal cool de voir un ptit québécois parmi ocremix:D

jsuis aussi ete ecouter la plupart de tes mp3 sur ton site... incroyable!!! Tu as enormement de talent!!!

et que dire de Marc-Andre!!!! woooooa!:P

jrisque meme d'acheter le cd qu'il vend sur son site!

bonne job! et j'espere avoir d'autre mix de toi bientot :D (et si un jour on se croise au ashton quand y fait -30 comme cette semaine, je serai le gars avec mon cd player qui ecoute tes tounes en mangeant ma poutine:P!!)

ps: tu connais un Pascal? c'est un super bon guitariste que ma blonde connais bien, malheureusement le nom de son groupe m'echappe en ce moment... hummm entk jme suis tout de suite demander si vous vous connaisiez... anyway!:P

in english: bah... just saying how much I like the song and how cool it is to hear from someone living in the same city as I!

This is the best comment that I heard in my life. Is just to talk other language here. Vous êtes original. Félicitations! :)


The guitaring throughout the entire piece is great and yes, the solo is great too. We need more songs like this.

I am a hardcore guitar fan. And I think by you doing this piece, you made a lot of other people guitar fans.


This suffers from some mixing problems and a fairly weak percussion part that hinders some of the development of the arrangement by the occasionally awkward timing. Despite that, the energy and accuracy of the guitar playing and soloing really shine. The tone is a bit lo-fi, but it seems to be put to good use, and the layering on the guitars works really well. That solo at 2:36 kicks ass.

Good work. I just wish this was re-mixed with a different percussion part...


I listened to this song this afternoon and absolutely adored it. I've had enough of orchestral offal permeate its way through this once-glorious remix site. I thought your arrangement went particularly well, considering that the song is quite difficult to handle. I adore the guitar work - not overdone, not screechy, and it has just the right tone to match the song.

Adhesive, what exactly did you find weak about the percussion part ? I'm interested in hearing more.

I think some of it is a matter of opinion, because the drums are kind of dry when compared to the effects-laded guitars (the way it's mixed doesn't really mesh well with me). The part works well when doing the faster runs, but it's pretty sparse and mechanical in other places and the stops and starts that sync with the rhythm guitar like at 1:04 just feel awkward.


it's... interesting. I usually don't listen to anything with this much distorted guitar, but it's great to hear something like this ever so often. I know it'll drive my dad insane, and that's good enough for me!


Definitely a very interesting song to listen to a few times. While not the sort of thing I'd add to my OCR collection, mainly because I can not envision programming while listening to this, it's definitely the sort of thing I still appreciate running through half a dozen times or so. My lack of familiarity with the source work may also be part of this, since there are definitely some songs I've kept more out of nastalgia than anything else.

Then again, there are plently of songs I was initially repelled by, such as Megaman X Brainsick Metal and Dragon View Apocryphal, that I just simply became addicted to after giving them a few dozen runs to make up my mind. (Protricity and aluminum, if that's a crude way of putting it, I apologize in advance)

Actually... this song kind of reminds me of Plok at around 4:15. (hehe, such a far out soundtrack)

Oh, and that's an acoustic guitar at around 4:50, right? Either way, it's a nice touch, helps avoid an abrupt ending, somewhat sobering I suppose.

Great work! Thank you for submitting it!

-Austin Spafford


I had this amazing metal piece on repeat like 10 times or so before i broke free of the wonder spell :D

There were times during the solos that i stopped and thought "Jimi Hendrix, you had much to learn!" i mean i rarely hear solos like these even these days.

Otherwise it's a somewhat solitary, dissonant and utterly brilliant masterpiece metal song .

Go and download it :twisted:


When the lead guitar got up to the higher notes, it seemed like some of them were somewhere between a 1/4 to an 1/8th step off-key. I don't know if it was intentional or not, but either way, its not a big deal. It's just for someone such as myself who frequently checks/adjusts his guitar's intonation, these sorts of things pop up on my radar.

Overall its neat, but I dont like how at some parts you seem to have the drums, rhythm guitar, and lead guitar all doing their own thing at once. This alone isn't always a problem, but when you throw chromatics into it, its distracting.


I don't like this remix at all. It is very good playing, but the arrangement and the sound the guitar makes leave something to be desired. There are good ways to make a guitar sound "evil," but this isn't one of them.

In the end, though it's not my taste, this is a decent remix, though it doesn't do Uematsu's masterpiece justice.


Well, I find it kinda rude to post something like that without ever mentionning what exactly you didn't like. The thing is, maybe I'd like to improve on this arrangement's weaknesses for my future ones, but with this post you're not helping me at all !

What is it about the guitars and the arrangement that you didn't like ? The flow of the song, the tone, the playing style ?


An elaboration, then. My biggest complaint is the sound itself, which could either be attributed to the production or to the effect you had on the lead guitar. When you're playing, some of the long notes are painful to listen to, particularly some of the high ones in New Continent. You really need to do away with that "screeching" noise; it sounds like a test of the emergency broadcast system. And this complaint is coming from a metalhead.

Now, the rhythm sounded fantastic, and if you would just leave the lead either distorted or clean, rather than making me say, "WTF is this," you'd have a winner.

Don't take it personally, and I'm not being rude. I'm being "bluntly honest."

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