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The whole Cosmo Canyon/Nanaki/Great Warrior songs from Final Fantasy VII were always my favorite. They always seemed to evoke and portray a great deal of emotion.

I really like the way this piece was arranged. Everything flows together beautifully, and the piano accompanyment is great. Don't get to hear a lot of pianos, usually.

Reuben Kee did a great job of still pertaining the emotion the original songs produced, and honestly, isn't that what is important? This is without a doubt Kee's best work next to "Legend of the Snake."


Excellent piano in beginning.

In 00:09 the strings are added.

In 00:45 the strings present more power.

In 01:32 appear beats and voice of "mormons"!

Wow! What is this? In 01:59 something occurs unexpected: Japanese instrument and flute.

In 02:27 the strings appears again.

In 02:53 disappear strings. But they appear again in 03:14 with the "mormons" voice (again). :)

In the end, only strings, beats and the piano.

Yeah! That is great! This work contains a powerful energy. That is full of life and light. Thank you: Reuben Kee and Nobuo Uematsu! =^.^=


Although I didn't really believe this to be a 'solo piano mix', It's still a great Mix nonetheless.

Reuben Kee, in the name of the United States Armed Forces, I salute you!


When I saw the title, I had to listen to it (Loving the Red XIII and Cosmo Canyon theme) and listened for a while in glee. I really loved the dynamics used later into the song and I was actually getting chills. I think it is very dramatic and brings the piece out very well. I'll admit when I was listening to the start, the piano, I was eagerly waiting for the main melody to be brought out and the first time I listened to it I didn't really hear it. The second time I heard it quite clearly. I just love the peaceful piano was interrupted with a loud percussion (and shout?) at 1:32 and it leads into the more recognized rhythm from the original. Very impressing (but having no talent as a muscician or a critic, I'm easily impressed... BUT very sincere).

In 01:32 appear beats and voice of "mormons"!

I can't help but ask... why Mormons?


I couldn't believe how much wonderful talent people have here! I love the beginning piano which is just saddeningly beautiful. This really is a great piece of work, even if you are not a fan of the piano, for the chanting and accompaniment supports so well.

Excellent, just excellent.


For the record, the start of this had me crying. It's so very beautiful. The transition into the second section seems a bit forced, but once you get used to it it's as painfully beautiful as the first part.

Well done :)


I got this song a little while back while looking through the WIPs, and I'm glad that it made it through the OCR submission ordeal.

The beginning of the song doesn't really telegraph how great it will get, but a straight piano arrangement is also pretty good. It doesn't get phenominal until 1:32, when the drums and chanting come in. It kind of accentuates the tribal-y feel of the original song, and ties the piece together. The flute is a bit harsh at times, but in general it just makes the piece better.

Something that definitly adds to the excelence of this song is the fact that the source material is a really nice piece as well.

All in all, it's an awesome song, but the most impact comes from the second listen through. The first doesn't really give you enough time to fully appreciate the transition from piano to fully developed song-ness. The second go 'round lets you sit back and enjoy the full song experience as a whole, because it's not as abrupt a transition when you know it's coming.



Beautiful, emotional mix. I absolutely love it. Everything fits together so perfectly to make an amazing arrangement. This is definitely one of my new favorites.

By the way Txai, I happen to be Mormon, and nothing about those voices make me think about my religion. Sorry about that.


I admit that I loved the original version of this piece, but you did a fantastic job with the song (: It's different, and just as good heh; it made me cry as well. Hope you stick around OCRemix for awhile *grin*



Well I'll be damned......I didnt know what to excpect when I downloaded this.....but by god this is great....

The piano intro, the voices...the beat's.....I found myself forgetting to breathe while I was listening to this a few times.

This has some powerfull emotive nuances....love it


My god...this is breathtaking. I can't even begin to describe how much this song affected me while I was listening to it(everyone, try it with headphones for a really incredible experience); the peacefulness of the piano, the power of the drums, the swell of the orchestra and the choir...I honestly began to cry during this. Wonderful. Just absolutely wonderful work. Thank you so much for this song.


It began with a piano, searching for something. It searched until it found a familiar tune, and walked around it, admiring it, with violens singing their menlancholy tune, passing the Piano by with heavy hearts. The cellos than came, feeling a grateful sense of closure and admiring the Piano's optimism. They sang of the good that came with their trials. The Piano than said something serious, and the cellos sang one last long note.

Just the beginning of this wonderful remix surprised me, but when I thought things would get no better, thay did. The original tune came into focus in an oriental orchestra, and the piano came back with a beautiful melody. The soundtrack opened up to a broader range of instruments, varying their involvement to create different harmonies, different emotions, until the suspenseful moment in which I felt as if I had climbed my way to Cosmo Canyon and wished that I was still ascending into the sky itself.

Needless to say, it is already added to my gallery of worshipped music tracks.


I like who this piece started off as a piano concerto. It was simply amazing. You can really see what arrangers can do with music and exspecially piano arrangments. I like the well round of insterments, and the ethnic feel. All the samples were exellent and this overall remix was A+.


Oh wow, I haven't commented on this yet? I've been listening to it nearly nonstop for the past couple days. Play videogames? Turn down the ingame music and listen to this. Doing homework? Listen to this. Eatting? This. Etc.

The beginning, with the higher register notes present images of raindrops on clear surface of water. That surface of water is represented by the strings, subtly pulling tension in the background. The lower piano notes provide substance to this image and world... the still lake yet runs deep.

And then we have this tribal sounding area, bringing to mind a quest... a seeker... the lonely wanderer represented by the flute, the urgancy of the quest by the drums, the... mandolin? plucks describe to me the tall pines all around. In a moment, the piano returns, but now it represents the lonelyness of the wilderness. While forign, the string plucks sounded more familiar than the piano in this section, leading me to believe that those string plucks are the forest familiar, near home, and the piano is the wilderness, far away from all that is known.

The quest intensifies. The flute SOARS! Something important is happening here, it's hard to tell exactly what, but it is of the utmost importance. Perhaps we are flying... but not in a machine, not in an airplane... on the back of a bird, or perhaps we've spread our own wings and we ourselves are pumping the wind to leap to the very sky above.

Something happens.

But now the narrator refuses to tell us what just went on... we have an epilogue. Elsewhere, and perhaps days, years later, someone is telling the story to children around a campfire. The camera in my mind pulls up as we end things off, viewing the sparks of the campfire rising in the wind, floating up to the sky as we rise our view above the level of the familiar tall pines and witness the sunset.

There's still a sense of urgency, our wandering hero is still doing something important, the importance has not fled. Perhaps a new hero must arise to follow the path the other one set. Something must still be done... but that is clearly a tale for another day. This one is done.

Hence the need to put this on repeat. The story itself seems to loop, over and over again. Never any clear resolution. Something is always happening... but what, exactly? And how does it end? We may never know. I kinda wish we'd returned to that lake in the end, to really make things full circle, but that longing for circularness is part of what makes this song so powerful, so haunting, so drawing...

Awesome song.


I don't get it, this is the most average song I've ever heard. Why is everyone going crazy over this? I downloaded it the first time and deleted it after listening to it once, then redownloaded it again after seeing all the reviews and noticing how its been sitting on top of the most recent list for so many days now. On listening more carefully a second time, all I hear is a lackluster piano opening, and later on a soundtrack that totally reminds me of eating in a chinese restaurant with bad chinese opera on in the background. Seriously, what's the deal here, this song is slightly better than a Justin Timberlake Ashlee Simpson remake of the macarena. But that's just my opinion.

EDIT: wow, that was a huge reply, now I have to redownload this

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