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Didn't see any posts on this, so I thought I would contribute.

Realizing Sega's current track record with reviving retro Sonic, this looks like it has some potential, whatever it is they're planning.

I like how the world is a 3d version of an old Genesis world, but it's covered in dust, almost like it hasn't been touched in a while. Probably reading into it a bit much, but that's what it looked like to me.

Anyway, just thought I'd share. Thoughts, theories, etc.?

Realizing Sega's current track record with reviving retro Sonic, this looks like it has some potential, whatever it is they're planning.

this is the exact opposite of what I thought


I guess it depends on which way they run with it. One of the theories on it was just turning the old sonic games into 3d versions with the current graphics, which I personally think would work better than their attempt at turning the 3d game 2d (Sonic 4 didn't do a whole lot for me).

If nothing else, it could be a good nostalgia trip.

And like I said, probably reading into it too much. :tomatoface:


Oh shit, Sonic finally did it. He banged Amy, just like she always wanted. Either that or he did that human chick from that one game... What a twist.

You know, I can see their potential hook to this game - two playable characters, so this game could have co-op. There's a big problem with that, though - co-op didn't even work back when Sonic was good, so what would make them think it'd work now?

If there's no co-op (or anything to make it stand out) then it's just another rehash of Sonic that we've been seeing for the past decade. Nothing new (other than the question of who's offspring that is, Sonic and...?).

I daresay its the best Sonic game in a decade. It does what they failed to do for so long: be FUN.

Almost, but not quite. Sonic Adventure 2 released just under ten years ago, making that the best Sonic game in a decade.

Didn't we already do this when Sonic 4 was coming out? I swear I've vehemently advocated the underrated SA2 before.

It's okay though, we can go through it again for the next Sonic announcement as well, we never seem to get tired of it.


Sonic: Unleashed was actually good if you discount the werehog levels (seriously, don't tell me

wasn't fun). Sonic Colours was basically Sonic Unleashed without the werehog levels, so it was a good, if a bit short game. I think cautious optimism could be warranted this time around.
Sonic Adventure 2 released just under ten years ago

You're getting away on a technicality there, you jerksock.

And while I don't MIND SA2, it was a schizophrenic mess that needed some serious mechanical polish and a more refined level design. Also no racing levels, goddamn they were terrible.

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