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Very peaceful and catchy as hell. This is a real smooth piece that ups the level from perfectly chill into the world of too cool. The lyrics and easygoing smoothness of this just makes me think that this could be the theme of someone whose day is just going so fucking fantastic that words can't express it. Bright and badass. Well done, good sirs.


I don't often listen to the mixes of OCR as I used to, but I saw DrumUltima and Harmony on here and I had to check it out. DrumUltima has always impressed me ever since his Cave Story remix with his mom (definitely one of the best mixes on the site), while Harmony's Dragon Song has the distinction of being probably the best Secret of Mana remix, with the vocals on that track creating a great atmosphere and tension along with superb percussion.

I skipped most of DJP's write-up and dove right into listening to the mix. It starts off with a great soundscape of the mind with what I'm guessing is a vibraphone patch and guitar slowly teasing and building up to the melody of Star Light Zone, one of my favorite vg tracks when I was growing up. The evolution in the first two and a half minutes is natural, as it turns from this wandering chilled out melody into a nice snap rhythm groove, and it is truly exquisite. Then the track transitions to Spring Yard Zone and the vocals kick in at 2:35...and seem totally out of place and weak compared to the strong arrangement and overall sound established up until that point. This is a bit harsh but I think they actually ruin the track. I think if vocals were to work, they really needed to be established earlier because they hit you and all I could think was "Whoa, why? Where did that come from?" It's not just the timing but the sound of the voices, they simply do not fit the music in this case.

It's an excellent track that could have been an undisputed classic, but it's tarnished by the vocals.

It starts off with a great soundscape of the mind with what I'm guessing is a vibraphone patch
Thanks for the thoughtful review. I've heard a few people make assumptions about what the first sounds on the track are and since no one has guessed correctly, I'll clarify here. Those are acoustic guitar pinch-harmonics. Everything was recorded live, so no patches except for the drums, which were patches that were played live. I think that's an important point because in recording/mixing for this I tried to give the listener a bit of the sense of the actual jam session at Doug's house that eventually spawned this track. Good times, and I'm glad at least parts of it were appreciated.

Man, this song is incredible! What's crazy is that this was the first song I chose to listen to when I downloaded the album because these two guys by themselves are musically gifted. I don't even see how it's possible from going to the sound of the original to going to a sound like this. I get choked up listening to this, great work yall =D.

  • 4 weeks later...

Uh.. Great song... but. what's with the maraca in the first half?.. could be a brush on a cymbal too.. but it feels. Rather out of place, like it was just added so both people could have one "background" instrument playing.

And that end vocal.. aside from sounding kind of drunk.. it practically annoyed me. (probably because my little brother yodels around the house like that sometimes.*sigh*)

Other than that it's nice to listen to, I'll probably try to get people I know who aren't as... uh.. "opinionated" as I am about it to listen.

  • 9 months later...
  • 3 years later...

This is a really awesome song, probably my favourite from SoS. I'm big fan of such jazzy arrangements, and this track is no exception. Everything is so smooth here! Especially love the vibes, they really help this mix shine :) And yeah, gotta love the vocals as well, they're pretty mesmerising. I would really love to see a live performance of this song. Great collab!

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02222 - Sonic the Hedgehog "Under Construction"

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