Gollgagh Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 because every sentiment that isn't joy is rage Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 See, the best games and hardware are the ones that are built for each other, especially when the system was designed around a certain game. For example, the N64 was designed for Mario 64. You can just tell from how the system is built: the analogue stick was included to give mario free movement in 3D, the C buttons were added to control the camera around him, etc. The Wii was designed to play Skyward Sword, it just happened to come way late in the console's life.I haven't yet seen that game for the Wii U. As fun as Nintendo Land looks, it's more likely than not a case of "we have all these awesome features, what games can we make to take advantage of them?" And while there's nothing wrong with games like that per se, the best games are the ones which had the hardware built around them. I'm going to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt however and assume that they have such a game in development. I believe a Metroid (maybe Prime, maybe not) title could be that game. The HD graphics, the second screen with touch functionality... All those features would be right at home in a Metroid game. I'd argue that the Wii was designed to play Wii Sports. It might not seem like much of a game in hindsight, but it was as influential as any launch-date title and perhaps moreso. Note that I love both Zelda: Skyward Sword and Metroid Prime Trilogy, and can't imagine playing either of them without the Wii Remote (I strongly prefer the Wii controls for Prime). I agree that I am yet to see a game that works _because_ of the innovations present in the WiiU as opposed to alongside them, or worse, in spite of them. Quote
jnWake Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 All the rage that Bayonetta 2 has created is very funny Quote
GTAHater836 Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 Those Bayonetta fanboys sound like a suicide cult; how are they any better than Blainetologists (Episode 504, The Super Best Friends)? One more thing I gotta **t** about Nintendo on: Ever since the beginning of 2005, they've released stand-out games on a feast-or-famine basis. More than half of the high-end Wii games were made in the 2007-2008 school year or 2010, with the biggest exceptions being both Wii Zeldas. I just think it would be nice if things were spread more evenly. Quote
Overflow Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Llk5Pq6aNUI&feature=g-u-uThis sums up the general reaction of things pretty well. I know it's big, but.... This is pretty much my reaction to that video. Quote
noTuX Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 Let teh dolphin vagina kicking commence!!!!! Quote
ocre Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 (edited) Haters gonna hate. Whether you like it or not, Nintendo is sending a message with these early efforts, and it is being responded to(and no I'm not talking about a few apparently suicidal retards with an online soapbox). I'd like to think that anyone with the mentality above that of a 2 year old will buy whatever interests them, not cry like a baby or engage in juvenile name-calling. There's a reason the 3DS has completely overtaken the Vita in sales(though I'll concede the proprietary media is a huge factor of that too), and it starts with a 'g'. There's a reason so many people emulate Nintendo games. Anyway, I see good things in store for Wii U owners. Edited September 14, 2012 by ocre Quote
Dexie Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 Let teh dolphin vagina kicking commence!!!!! 'Dolphin' was the development name for the Gamecube, y'know. It's also a well-known Wii emulator. THEY MUST WANT TO ACTUALLY KICK GAMECUBES AND WIIS. IT'S A CONSPIRACY ZOMG. Quote
Calpis Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 Haha, Shenmue III.I feel like this style of gaming has already been tried with Crystal Chronicles...maybe they'll figure out how to do more with it this time around. The main problem with CC was the lack of depth masked with repetitive level design, and the fact that it required too much extra hardware. Not really a problem for the Wii U. I see where you're going with this though. I think the main hurdle making Wii U games will be for developers is deciding how to implement multiplayer games. Do they to a 1 tablet, 4 controllers game and make it harder to port? Do they do just an all pro controller game and not really make use of the tablet? Do they also have to make an engaging single player game? Do they have to make it work with both the tablet and pro controller? I can see in some instances, these can be viewed as hurdles rather than options. I guess most big devs are gonna just stick with whatever will give them the largest audience. Quote
Modus Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 When I first heard the launch library was so big, I was very excite. Now, looking over the list... Fuck. Boring. Obviously I'm excited for Pikmin 3 but everything else is what you'd expect and not a dime more. Even the Gamecube had a more exciting launch with the promise of Luigi's Mansion. I remember the hype for Animal Crossing and how excited I was for something so different and strange. I remember being excited for Wind Waker because it was so different. I expect them to pick things up post-lauch. I was all ready to return to my pro-Nintendo roots for this next generation. I'm far from counting them out but the first round of disappointment has settled in. again. Quote
Penfold Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 The main problem with CC was the lack of depth masked with repetitive level design, and the fact that it required too much extra hardware. Not really a problem for the Wii U. I see where you're going with this though. I think the main hurdle making Wii U games will be for developers is deciding how to implement multiplayer games. Do they to a 1 tablet, 4 controllers game and make it harder to port? Do they do just an all pro controller game and not really make use of the tablet? Do they also have to make an engaging single player game? Do they have to make it work with both the tablet and pro controller? I can see in some instances, these can be viewed as hurdles rather than options. I guess most big devs are gonna just stick with whatever will give them the largest audience. Maybe they'll finally make an effort at console-handheld connectivity. It'd be great to use a 3DS instead of a second tablet controller for a Crystal Chronicles-like game (assuming they will eventually make games that support 2+ tablets). Quote
Devyn Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 The console is going to bomb. That is until Nintendo invents a peripheral that connects to your genitals and they release the long awaited "Wii Sex" which will skyrocket the company past Apple, at which time the two will merge and become the new world order. Trust me. I'm from the future so I know these things. Quote
Ptazza Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 Wonder why there's so much hate for this little console. I have high hopes for it though I don't have the money to buy it right out the gate. Quote
Gollgagh Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 because you're seeing hate in disinterest Quote
Meteo Xavier Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 Wonder why there's so much hate for this little console. Because haters like to hate, that's what they do. They take a subject they're passionate about, enjoy it on the level of a consumer (and much less often as someone who's actually done it and an authority on it), and think they really know shit after doing it for a few years. Then they start getting butthurt when their fantasy world of said subject no longer runs parallel with reality and they make shit up and broadcast it as far as humanly possible to both stroke their own unearned egos and vent a childish grievance in lieu of coping with it like an adult. Average Gamer: ERMAHGERD NERNTERNDER Y U NO MAKE HERDCERR GERMES FER ME Nintendo: Well, if you had supported us better when we were struggling with the N64 and Gamecube, we wouldn't have to cater to children as our base. They gave us money, you didn't. Why would we spend millions of dollars in developing games for you if you're already telling us you're not going to buy our system? Average Gamer: DERP ITS NOT MY FAULT I DERN'T HAVE MERNEY - I GAVE IT ALL TO SONY That's a very simplistic way of how I see it anyway. Point I'm trying to make is, if you hardcore gamers are just going to blow your money on PS3 and XBOX and PC anyway, what the fuck do you care what Nintendo does? They don't owe you shit. You had the chance to direct their focus to you and you didn't do it. You're lucky they're offering what they're offering now. Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 I like how their wider audience catering is seen as some kind of "problem". I like "kids" games. Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 Cause you are a kid. So is everyone else who finds fun in Mario? We just had someone in IRC who said they're not interested in the kids games but they are in Epic Mickey. Wtf? Quote
Modus Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 I'm sorry, I'm sorry but.. Epic Mickey was terrible. Quote
Bleck Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 Epic Mickey was terrible. It really was, it really was. Quote
GTAHater836 Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 (edited) To Modus Operandi and Count Bleck: The late 3rd of 2010 had some solidly criticized games, but none more so than Epic Mickey from September of O-Ten! Even Epic YARN and Goldeneye 007 [remake] were better! To Meteo Xavier and anyone his comment might concern: Look, I know I'm quite young, but I still think Super Mario 64 was better than either handheld installment in the New Super Mario Bros. series. As a child, I was only given really old game systems made by Nintendo, many years after they'd launched. Except for the Wii because we were better off in February 2007. I'd only bought one SONY game because my much older brother had all the first 3 PlayStation consoles, and that one game was the cult classic that later got represented with O-Clocked's Arrangement Album #31. Lo and behold, my older brother (or "oniisan") doesn't see much in the PS3 either. The only games he's played a lot of in the past >2 years have been PC MMOs. Unlike many of my classmates whose favorite franchises are mostly FPSs, I like the long-running Nintendo franchises, mostly The Legend of Zelda (I'm for, not against Skyward Sword). I just have accepted my opinion that Nintendo's product quality has dipped in recent years, and now I have to play things safe myself (the industry already plays a lot of stuff safe) and wait until they're on sale or used! Edited September 14, 2012 by GTAHater836 Quote
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