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Videos of Knack remind me of the werehog from Sonic Unleashed. :-P

It might be better, it probably will be better, but yeah, that's the type of gameplay I see.

I've realised today i've more VC games on my Wii U than 'new' games, and that includes everything on the eShop.

Thats mainly down to Mega Man games and also the 30p sale which made me think I might as well download but... It's still a worrying sign.



I have a Wii, but I seriously only play GameCube games on it. My GameCube broke about a year ago and I've forgotten to see if I could get it fixed (or just get a new one; they aren't all that expensive especially used).

Both Double Dash and Mario Kart Wii discs broke at one point. I ignored the Mario Kart Wii disc. I immediately went and got a new copy of Double Dash. :-P

Posted (edited)

The Wii has its up and down but once again a lot of games by Nintendo (and some 3rd party love) makes it worth buying/owning:

Developed by Nintendo (any section):

Super Mario Galaxy

Super Mario Galaxy 2

New Super Mario Bros Wii

Metroid Prime Trilogy

Metroid Other M (*sigh*)

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Zelda: Twilight Princess

Zelda: Skyward Sword

Super Paper Mario

Super Smash Bros Brawl

Mario Kart Wii

Punch Out!!

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

WarioWare Smooth Moves

Kirby Epic Yarn

Kirby Return to Dreamland

Rhythm Heaven Fever

Published by Nintendo:

Sin & Punishment: Star Successor (Treasure)

XenoBlade Chronicles (Monolith)

3rd Party:

Pandora's Tower (Ganbarion/Nintendo/Xseed)

Sonic Colors (Sega)

Klonoa (Remake) (Namco)

The Last Story (Mistwalker/Xseed)

Monster Hunter Tri (Capcom)

Zak & Wiki (Capcom)

Tatsunoko Vs Capcom (Capcom)

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (Konami)

[Originally Wii exclusives]

No More Heroes (Grasshopper/Ubisoft)

No More Heroes 2 (Grasshobber/Ubisoft)

RE: Umbrella Chronicles (Capcom)

RE: Darkside Chronicles (Capcom)

And those are just some top picks. There are tons of other games missing off this list that are enjoyable at the very least, a lot more by Nintendo (Mario subseries, "Wii" series, etc)

All these work on the Wii U thanks to Backwards Compatibility so if you didn't pick them all up the first time well, you can always pop them in the Wii U

Lots of people complain about the Wii but this is an awesome list of games to me. *shrugs*

Anywho, Nintendo has a pretty good lineup heading for the Wii U, lets hope they use their magic to make the Wii U shine. So far 3DS went from looking REALLY bad to being an awesome device, I'm hoping the same for the Wii U.


While I'm looking forward to Mario Kart 8, and I can play Double Dash both on my Wii and in Emu in HD... kinda wish they'd release another version of Double Dash (like MK:DD:HD) with some online play added.. would be pretty awesome! That and get some F-Zero GX action going on... Miyamoto said he doesn't know where to go with that series... Just have Sega make another game like GX... or even if they want to be lazy GX:HD with online play added too. I know some people would gripe at this though

Edited by Crowbar Man
Posted (edited)

The online sucked, it was underpowered, and still it has a long library of awesome games. I still play Punch Out, DKC Returns, Metroid Prime 3...all the time. Good going crowbar man. People hate on the Wii like it's nothing but it had a big list of great games and is a platforming and/or arcade-style gamer's wet dream.

Edit: Don't forget about MadWorld. Awesome game that you can get for like 2 bucks.

Edited by megadave

Here's some more:

Little King's Story

Rune Factory Frontier

Arc Rise Fantasia

Fragile Dreams

House of the Dead: Overkill (though the ps3 rerelease might be better, I dunno)

A Boy & His Blob

de Blob (and de Blob 2, but that was on all systems)

Lost in Shadow

Cursed Mountain

Endless Ocean: Blue World (and the original, but the sequel is so, so much more)

Not all the above games are super high-quality, but they are all fun and unique in their own way. Plus you can probably find them super cheap these days (though if you can find some of them at all, consider yourself fortunate). I especially recommend Little King's Story. It was just so lively and pure.

Posted (edited)

Well, if you read what those posts said:

Just giving examples of how Nintendo can support a console all own their own (despite people always putting down the Wii, it has amazing games) and even if 3rd party support isn't strong as others, 3rd parties still can create some unique experiences for their console. Plus the Wii is BC to the Wii U anyways, so if you missed out the first time around you can still go grab some of those oldie but goodies.

Now one thing that the Wii had that the Wii U doesn't is an insane fad that created a large installed base. Nintendo needs to work on that installed base problem, and the only one that can fix that is Nintendo. Tons of people aren't going to rush out and buy a Wii U for a game they can get elsewhere (which most 3rd parties are barely putting good ports, let alone unique games, because there is no installed base).

If the tons of great games being released here soon on the Wii U doesn't turn around things, Nintendo needs to drop that price ASAP (price drop + good games saved the 3DS).

$350 Wii U (Deluxe) vs $400 PS4, even as huge fan of Nintendo's work I can see the better choice/value at that point would be PS4. You get so much more with the PS4 it isn't funny. I'd say $250 like the Wii would be a sweet spot, but I don't think they'd drop it lower than $300 (they are probably going to phase out the Basic model rather than drop it to $250)

Edited by Crowbar Man
Well, if you read what those posts said:

$350 Wii U (Deluxe) vs $400 PS4, even as huge fan of Nintendo's work I can see the better choice/value at that point would be PS4. You get so much more with the PS4 it isn't funny. I'd say $250 like the Wii would be a sweet spot, but I don't think they'd drop it lower than $300 (they are probably going to phase out the Basic model rather than drop it to $250)

Every single console this time around needs to have a price drop by at least 100 bucks. It's just stupid and overkill.

Posted (edited)

Eh, 360 was $400 when it launched. $400 is an OK price really. It isn't like the ridiculous $600 PS3 launch price. I'd say this round of consoles is priced more fairly than last generation (minus Nintendo's Wii U).

But $350 for what boils down to a last generation console is way too steep, especially stacked next to a relatively cheap $400 PS4, which is a generation ahead.

Wii's massive success was due to a new popular idea (motion controls) combined with its low price point ($250).

Wii U's new feature is NOT a runaway success (in fact it has confused the market more than anything), and its price point is not only above "impulse buy" ($300+ is an investment) but way too near another product which is superior. They didn't even have manufacturing problems, which funny enough probably increased the Wii's popularity because it was hard to get one for almost a year.

It really does mirror the situation with the 3DS, where the 3D didn't take off, and it was priced too close to a powerful rival (Vita).

Good games + Price drop saved it and now 3DS is doing great. Nintendo had to take a hit for a while and sell it at a loss, and I know Nintendo probably won't like selling the Wii U at a loss, but they have plenty in the bank from the GBA/Wii/DS surplus of money they could do it just fine. MS/Sony always sell at a loss at launch anyways

Edited by Crowbar Man
Posted (edited)

I was just refering to hardware.

3DS: GC/Wii level graphics, single analog stick, single touch

Vita: PS3 level graphics, twin analog stick, multi touch

both priced at $250, and both at the time not having very many good games, the Vita looked like a better value (minus those crap expensive proprietary memory cards that spoiled everything on the Vita)

3DS: Price drop + lots of good games, the 3DS is awesome and Vita is struggling to stay relevant

The situation is similar (but far worse for Nintendo, and far better for Sony) with the Wii U vs PS4 since they are sitting in the same price range. Nintendo needs every advantage they can get and I think the price is putting them at a big disadvantage when the odds are already stacked against them at this point

And 500 bucks for basically a hardware upgrade of the Xbox 360. Every system this time around seems more like just an upgrade, rather than a new game console, and they are charging a buttload of money for it

Aren't all new consoles technically just a hardware "upgrade" for the previous console? I don't understand this statement.

On top of that there is nothing similar to the 360 in the One. Xbox One is a completely different hardware architecture wise than Xbox 360. PS4 is completely different architecture than PS3. Wii U is marginally different than Wii (some shared architecture stuff, but not as bad as GC to Wii where it was literally the same thing)

Edited by Crowbar Man
That, and Outrun 2: SP, of course, I guess Outrun is an entirely different game (still a personal favorite).

I don't know man... I think this other game has even Mario Kart beat. Mod Nation Racers is freaking awesome on the PS3. You can mod your cars and people to look like the Delorean from Back to the Future with say Sephiroth driving :) Racing is challenging and fun. Only downside is the need to have PS+ in order to transfer saves.



Seems like it has happened to all 3 of them now (Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo)

I think Sony's was the worst, compromising everyone's personal data and credit cards and rendering the PSN offline for about a month. But this just goes to show, noboddy is safe from de hackers.

Not even Mac users!

To be even MORE completely fair, Steam store was the only gaming service I use where hackers legitimately got my card info and tried to charge something like $3,000 which was blocked by the bank. Contacted Steam support about it and they played it off like they had no idea it happened, though I think having a $3,000 charge on the Steam store suddenly appear would be suspicious. Then again, maybe Tom Cruise is really into Train Simulator DLC.


oh no club nintendo japan was hacked

now people's addresses are known. and their points are no longer safe D:

really i'm not sure what else there is to worry about from CN being hacked... yeah, names, numbers, and addresses are known but... there's only so much you can do with that stuff

maybe the hackers are serious stalkers?

Posted (edited)

Not sure how this is specifically Wii U related, but from the description it doesn't mention where the hackers obtained the data TO log in. It doesn't sound like Club Nintendo itself was hacked, but rather they detected someone was using a hacked database (from someone else that got hacked)/brute force of emails/passwords to do a mass login of their site.

According to Nintendo's investigation, there were 23,000 unauthorized log-ins (with 15 million attempts)

If they were truly hacked why so many failed attempted and only 23,000 success? It doesn't sound like the site itself was hacked.

Though either way, their website needs to have better threat detection to allow this to happen for 5 days

The best news though is there isn't any financial risk, and hackers don't care about your personal info per se (except maybe to use to get into other accounts on other websites)

Edited by Crowbar Man

To be even MORE completely fair, Steam store was the only gaming service I use where hackers legitimately got my card info and tried to charge something like $3,000 which was blocked by the bank. Contacted Steam support about it and they played it off like they had no idea it happened, though I think having a $3,000 charge on the Steam store suddenly appear would be suspicious. Then again, maybe Tom Cruise is really into Train Simulator DLC.



Not really a Wii U exclusive (in fact it's already out on steam and 360 I believe) but I'm picking Dungeons and Dragons Mystara up when it comes out this month. If any of you pick it up let me know because the online is supposed to be rock solid. Also, some of you guys haven't added me. I can't be that annoying can I? daveoneal is my user name. Come at me homies.

Posted (edited)

Well the biggest problem is there is no Nintendo to buy on Wii U. That is why the Wii U is having a hard time selling in the first place. That is changing, so once sales pick up, I'm sure 3rd parties will become interested again. But unless they were expecting every person who bought a Wii U to buy the game I don't know how it didn't churn out a profit. Another case of overspending and unreasonable sales forecast (and/or they were expecting insane numbers like the Wii had)

Sad news though, unlike EA's garbage ports, Ubi brought some nice material to the table with ZombiU and Rayman Legends, and Wii U isn't getting a ZombiU 2 (at least not unless sales suddenly shoot sky high) and Rayman Legends got delayed AND moved multiplatform.

But just like EA, it the market picks up, there is no reason they wouldn't visit it as an option. But thats a big IF. The problem here is Nintendo has to pull their weight and get people to buy the console in the first place, and they are the one to do it, not a 3rd party.

Pikmin 3 is the first "system seller", and it was supposed to be a launch title, and is coming out next month :/

Edited by Crowbar Man

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