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Yeah, I just logged in and saw that. You're right. I keep forgetting that they release the physical-based games later on. Damn. Embarrassing. Anyway, let's just pretend I didn't post anything today and resume whatever argument was taking place beforehand. :-x


Let's not.

Instead, let's celebrate the release of Harvest Moon (SNES) on the Wii U Virtual Console!

One of my favorite SNES titles (that I just HAD to have as soon as it came out, after reading about it in Nintendo Power many many years ago.)


How is Nintendo's online stuff these days, anyway? I recall hearing painful things about the process of moving Wii VC stuff to your Wii U because they don't have any sort of XBL/PSN account system that your stuff gets associated with. Have they changed that with the Nintendo Network they're using now, or is it still just tied to your hardware and if your system craps out or something you're SOL?

(Also, I did almost the exact thing as ocre re: Harvest Moon, except with Harvest Moon 64.)


Harvest Moon 64 was the best in the series, which is funny because it's secretly a terrible game

I really wish a competent company would buy Harvest Moon from Natsume (or is it Natume? pffftf ahahaha) and make something super great out of it


I honestly can't even explain what it is I like about Harvest Moon, so it's really hard for me to critique it. All I know is that I've enjoyed every Harvest Moon game that I've played except for A Wonderful Life, which I found terrible, also for reasons I can't really explain.

How is Nintendo's online stuff these days, anyway? I recall hearing painful things about the process of moving Wii VC stuff to your Wii U because they don't have any sort of XBL/PSN account system that your stuff gets associated with. Have they changed that with the Nintendo Network they're using now, or is it still just tied to your hardware and if your system craps out or something you're SOL?

(Also, I did almost the exact thing as ocre re: Harvest Moon, except with Harvest Moon 64.)

I believe it's fixed to your Nintendo ID now. If it's not implemented yet, then it's coming soon.

On the same note, I found that doing the system transfer from Wii to Wii U makes it impossible to use your Brawl save data on the Wii again unless you transfer (everything) back. That's pretty balls. It was really disappointing to have friends come over and find that we could only play with the starter characters because my Brawl data was moved over to the Wii U.


Yeah, Nintendo has confirmed recently that by the end of the year you'll be able to buy games for your Wii U and 3DS via a smartphone or web browser, which kind of implies unified accounts. Add on rumors that the 3DS will be getting the NNID/Miiverse update this fall, and it makes even more sense.


Guys, what about a full-blown Find Mii MMO?

Also, got Pikmin 3 today too, and it's been excellent so far. I fought the first boss, found some fruit, and raised a pretty nice army so far. Loading is virtually nonexistent, which is a nice surprise.

Yeah, the manager actually went over to him and told him to "Watch your tongue, we have kids in here." and another parent thanked him for that.

I'd say "kids these days," but that I remember that the kids I was in school with when I was that age were also swearing up a goddamn storm, so...


If you have a Wii U and don't buy Pikmin 3, you are a gigantic fool.

It's fantastic! (I recommend playing with Wii Remote controls!)

Finished up the story today (with all fruit gathered).

Working on Missions now, and they're quite fun!

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