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Posted (edited)

The Damned: If it was released on VC, the most you'd get is a resolution bump. VC = emulators running the original ROM/ISO. So no remake or anything. It would have to be a Wii U Ware or just disc release to be a remake. Also, I'm not sure how it could possibly be on the VC, as I don't think Nintendo would ever feature Sony / PlayStation console emulators, but I could be wrong. I think maybe that website isn't so reliable

Edited by Crowbar Man
Posted (edited)

Legality is iffy, if they completely reverse engineered the BIOS themselves it could be legal, but its a pretty grey area at best.

Most PS1 emulators just use a BIOS rip, which is perfectly legal to rip yourself, but not legal to distribute in any fashion. Which Nintendo would need be.

They could get a license to use Sony's PSX emulator they use on PSP/PS3, but I dont think out of pride or competition purpose Nintendo would EVER pay Sony a dime for anything

Theres also the fact that since they are PlayStaion rips, and the name "PlayStation" would be used in the category, they would have to pay Sony some sort of license fee to use them to begin with.

Overall, I dont think Nintendo would promote the PlayStation brand in any fashion, so VC release seems largely impossible.

A port in a Wii U Ware or disc release would be the only possibility IMO. Heck, Square could even license the PSX emulator themselves that way if they wanted to be super lazy. I just dont see Nintendo ever adding PlayStation category to VC

Edited by Crowbar Man
Posted (edited)

PriZm: How do you mean? You could at least say why. I dont pretend to know everything, but if I've stated something wrong there point it out so I can correct myself.


You may have misunderstood my post, because its rather randomly put together and rambling.

Basically all I said was Nintendo wont be adding PlayStation games to their Virtual Console service, so FFVII being a VC release is impossible. FFVII can be released as "Wii U Ware" download or plain ol disc, but not VC.

If you understood my post, I don't know how i could "have no idea what im talking about"

Edited by Crowbar Man

Why do people still believe that Square is going to do a FF VII remake? Why would you guys think Sony would allow them to port it to a Nintendo console? Didn't they milk that game to death enough with a stupid CG movie and games?


I wasn't planning on buying Nintendo's next console at launch, but I was looking forward to it being unveiled. The Wii U wasn't what I was expecting. I don't like it, I'm going to wait awhile and see how it plays out. I was just expecting a Nintendo branded Xbox, basically, that's what all the Nintendo nerds were clamoring for. At least they are still trying to innovate. I sold my Wii in 2008 (for the same price I got it at launch, thanks fake production shortage) and haven't missed it since, and I have owned and enjoyed every Nintendo console in the past.

As for a FFVII remake, I think it will eventually happen. They have ported and remade most every final fantasy game. I think every FF up to 6 has been at least ported to a different system, 5 on PSX and 6 on GBA and PSX. Remakes include 1 and 2 on GBA and PSP, and 3 and 4 on DS. I think it's inevitable.


Its not like Square Enix is owned by Sony. They can release Final Fantasy games on any console they want. Hell, XIII was released on PS3 and 360. And Sony consoles have got remakes and ports of games that were originally on NES and SNES, so why would WiiU getting FF7 be out of the cards?

Of course, I'm not holding my breath for an FF7 remake. If it happens, then that's awesome.

On another note that Zelda tech demo sure was spiffy. The fact that it wasn't pre-rendered really surprised me, it looks absolutely incredible.


Well I had a huge post and I lost it.

The short version is: With the hour I got to spend with the Wii U, I think the technology is amazing but I remain slightly skeptical. The controller can do a hell of a lot of things but I want to see what its full potential will be in both core 1st party games and solid 3rd party games.

The HD graphics are a nice welcome addition but I am hoping they get more anti-aliasing up in there. It looks nice but jaggies are still present. It's still leaps and bounds better than the original Wii though. I'm looking forward to what the future holds for Wii U.

you know what i'll say this

i hope the wiiu is just as popular and hard to find as the wii was

that way i can make over $1500 selling 4 of them like i did in 2006 and 2007.

Hopefully it won't be as hard to find as the 3DS!! :roll:

you know what i'll say this

i hope the wiiu is just as popular and hard to find as the wii was

that way i can make over $1500 selling 4 of them like i did in 2006 and 2007.

That's a pretty f'd up thing to do for people who actually care about playing the games. Anything for a quick buck huh?

Posted (edited)
That's a pretty f'd up thing to do for people who actually care about playing the games. Anything for a quick buck huh?

$1500 divided by 4 units is $375 each. The cost of a Wii in 2006 and 2007 was $250. That mean he, on average, made about $125 profit on each unit.

Compare that to the people that were selling and buying individual Wii systems for upwards of $1000, this isn't anywhere near "f'ed up". He had an item that people wanted and sold them for a minor profit, well below what he could have.

Hell, let's say that $1500 was entirely profit. He sold each one for a much larger profit, and it would still be lower than the average online or private sell at those times.

But yes, let's berate him for selling his own property at a profit during a market that would happily pay far more for it at the time.

Edited by The Damned
That's a pretty f'd up thing to do for people who actually care about playing the games. Anything for a quick buck huh?

It's literally capitalism at work. What are you, sum kinda communist?

Jokes aside, I doubt the Wii U will be as hard to find as the Wii was. Nintendo will probably have to drive the price up a bit to account for the new hardware features + the controller, and if the 3DS launch is anything to go by, they have learned from the Wii and made a lot more units available at launch.


Yeah, I had to go to stores all across town and scour for weeks to find the console that I actually wanted to buy and play. Part of it was Nintendo's fault and the other part was that of a bunch of opportunists thought it a good idea to take advantage. Whether you have a moral compass or not it is selfish and it takes the joy out of people who work hard for what they buy. Not everyone on the planet is born with a silver spoon.

I had to work extra hard just to buy a Wii and it took years after for me to acquire a 360 and that was more of a donation. I'm tired of the worn-out excuse of "supply and demand." The law of supply and demand doesn't give you the right to interfere with it. Scalping is what it is strictly defined is and it is anti-consumerist and goes directly against the rights of consumers.

Sure you have the right to go and derive people of what you want for a quick buck just like I have the right to say that these people are morally bankrupt for depriving fans who actually work to buy something whereas someone who could care less instead skips out of a day of honest work to scalp something that means nothing to him.

Want to make profit? Create a product yourself and sell it like I do. I sell hot sauce. I grow the peppers myself, and make the recipes myself - I do it all and I sell it at a profit on the local market in an honest manner. Sell cars, sell insurance, sell crack. But don't jump in line and call yourself a salesperson. When I need to take a shit does someone jump in the line and offer me ten bucks so I can take a shit faster?

Supply and demand my ass.

Standing in line and hawking consoles on ebay doesn't make you a salesperson. The salespeople are the ones at the counter doing their best to supply us with the product and not be ran over by the angry mob and weirdos camping outside.

And yes I will berate the hell out of anymore who scalps any product, whether the person be Chuck Norris, Jesus Christ, Tina Turner, or even a contributing artist on overclocked remix. Stick to making good music. Seriously.

Posted (edited)
Yeah, it'll be the same as the Wii... They'll ship 2 or 3 to retailers while hoarding a few warehouses full of them that nobody but Nintendo knows about. :tomatoface:

If nobody but Nintendo knows about them then how do you?

Yeah, I had to go to stores all across town and scour for weeks to find the console that I actually wanted to buy and play. Part of it was Nintendo's fault and the other part was that of a bunch of opportunists thought it a good idea to take advantage. Whether you have a moral compass or not it is selfish and it takes the joy out of people who work hard for what they buy. Not everyone on the planet is born with a silver spoon.

I had to work extra hard just to buy a Wii and it took years after for me to acquire a 360 and that was more of a donation. I'm tired of the worn-out excuse of "supply and demand." The law of supply and demand doesn't give you the right to interfere with it. Scalping is what it is strictly defined is and it is anti-consumerist and goes directly against the rights of consumers.

Sure you have the right to go and derive people of what you want for a quick buck just like I have the right to say that these people are morally bankrupt for depriving fans who actually work to buy something whereas someone who could care less instead skips out of a day of honest work to scalp something that means nothing to him.

Want to make profit? Create a product yourself and sell it like I do. I sell hot sauce. I grow the peppers myself, and make the recipes myself - I do it all and I sell it at a profit on the local market in an honest manner. Sell cars, sell insurance, sell crack. But don't jump in line and call yourself a salesperson. When I need to take a shit does someone jump in the line and offer me ten bucks so I can take a shit faster?

Supply and demand my ass.

Standing in line and hawking consoles on ebay doesn't make you a salesperson. The salespeople are the ones at the counter doing their best to supply us with the product and not be ran over by the angry mob and weirdos camping outside.

And yes I will berate the hell out of anymore who scalps any product, whether the person be Chuck Norris, Jesus Christ, Tina Turner, or even a contributing artist on overclocked remix. Stick to making good music. Seriously.

People who do this kind of stuff have no problem with people deciding not to buy from them and just waiting for things to come back in stock at regular price.

Edited by Neblix
If nobody but Nintendo knows about them then how do you?

People who do this kind of stuff have no problem with people deciding not to buy from them and just waiting for things to come back in stock at regular price.

People who do my kind of stuff have a severe problem with bastards who like to deprive me of what I work hard for and rightfully deserve. I shouldn't have to wait because someone can't make money honesty. You can make 150 a night waiting tables for heavens sake.


Wait, these sellers are actually taking the system from your hands, right after you took one off the shelf, in the store? Like, they just walked up and snatched it from you in front of everyone?

That's harsh, man. I can see why you'd be pissed about that.

Also: rightfully deserving a luxury item, and making money dishonestly by selling something they already own.

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