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Workin' on signatures for you lot...

For the Mega Man bracket competitors:


For the Proto Man bracket competitors:


Remixer Numbers are assigned in order of listing in the official brackets (Mega Man is numbers 1-16, Proto Man is numbers 17-32), and obviously everyone gets their own name and mugshot.

Speaking of mugshots, I need a decent one for Ground Man -- everyone else I already have images for.

EDIT: Never mind, found what I was looking for. Never fails; the moment you ask for help, you end up accomplishing it yourself.

Would it be too much trouble to place the name of the robot masters on there somewhere as well lol? Rather than the number(feels like an id number or somethin) why not just use the name of the robot, that's much easier to remember than a given number for each person.

It's a play on the DLN/DWN system. =) I was going to abbreviate it as RMX, but that's too confusing... I'll see about working the Robot Master names into the design somehow.

Also, Anti-Syne, you're supposed to be Remixer-001, not -000. That was a mistake on my part, which I'll fix in a moment.

Here's an idea for the bracket. The "division final" might be called the Proto Man/Mega Man Championship Battle. But the winners of THAT get to go all out in a "Grand Master Battle". How's that?


In the vein of the Maverick Battle, it'll probably be called the Bass Bracket.

EDIT: Updated signatures for Anti-Syne and BlackPanther.



Churning out more shortly.


I'm glad you all like the design. =)

The signatures are all completed, and I'll be sending each of you a PM containing the URL for your image. Kindly save and upload them to your own image host so as not to eat up all my bandwidth.

I'm glad you all like the design. =)

The signatures are all completed, and I'll be sending each of you a PM containing the URL for your image. Kindly save and upload them to your own image host so as not to eat up all my bandwidth.

Much appreciated, good sir! :-D

Are you guys making any sort of generic, minimalist GRMRB 2011 banner for a sig? I'm not remixing, so it'd be inappropriate to use one of the bracket sigs, but I'd like to support the compo.

Hadn't thought of it, but I'm sure I can come up with something for the competition's supporters.

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