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I'm listening to it right now.

Wow. The first half is very energetic... and so is the second half! :) I don't know what to say, it really leaves me speechless.

If this is any indication of what the project is going to sound like, I will be downloading these songs ASAP.


Yay! What a great track to debut the highly anticipated Hedgehog Heaven! Congrats Richter & company for (what should be) a great project.

As for the remix, not much to say, other than the fact that it's typical analoq awesomeness. 8)


Ahah It's here!

I've been waiting for this project to be released, perticularly just for more of analoq's songs and I'm not dissapointed!

I love hearing the guitar riffs, analoq always gives us and that's an awesome organ

I gotta go download the 2 other songs now

Great job, Analoq!


Wow. Simply wow. Its some of his best stuff yet. I really dig it. It just has a groove to it. I dig how the piano and distorted guitar just flow together. This is some good shit! Analoq has to have one of the best track records on OCR.


i knew something was amiss when i read about the 'organ solo' in the write-up.

"But there's no organ solo in Next My Generation..."

anyways, long story short:

during the course of the project two of my remix names got mixed up.

this wasn't the one i wanted on OCR to 'debut' the project.

but, it's no biggie -- this one does the job.

only thing i'd like to mention is that this is not a recent work:

it's well over 2 years old.



Whether it's a mix-up or not, I'm still digging this. :) I've been waiting patiently for the results of the project for over a year now, and to see it finally unveiled is great to take in. I appreciate much of the groove brought to it, as well as much of the twisted variations on the theme that have been implemented down the line. I see that to be a great way to be able to start the project.

While I did end up having qualms about the piano sound choice, I somehow managed to see that as no biggie as the music went on - possibly an intention given the source material.

But hey, this is great work from analoq, and I'll be sure to check out the remaining portions of the project soon ;)

i knew something was amiss when i read about the 'organ solo' in the write-up.

"But there's no organ solo in Next My Generation..."

anyways, long story short:

during the course of the project two of my remix names got mixed up.

this wasn't the one i wanted on OCR to 'debut' the project.

but, it's no biggie -- this one does the job.

only thing i'd like to mention is that this is not a recent work:

it's well over 2 years old.


Took long enough for you to finally get sonik metro on OCR, eh? :P

So will the error be rectified, at least for the project? I guess NMG is still a good title for this track, but I know that wasn't what you originally intended on calling it.


I really enjoyed this track, as well as the rest of analoq's material in this project.

Infact, analoq's remixes are about the only salvagable tracks from the train wreck that is Hedgehog Heaven. The songs range from mediocre, to complete and utter trash. I found myself cringing a few seconds into most of these songs.

I don't mean to be a cynic. I mean, it's more than I could do. But I feel like this project is a complete injustice to Sonic 2's stellar soundtrack.


Brilliant! I love the piano that provides some rhythm, and the guitar is wonderful as well. Organ comes in near the end for a nice touch!

Love the whole project as well!


Among all the video game tracks I heard when I was younger, I think most of them were only average.

Only a fistful of them were good, and I can still remember them.

But, there was also a third category.

It was the very annoying ones. They would always get on my nerves and I would even mute the TV because of them!

And there was that one track that was particularly annoying, particularly irritating.

It was the Metropolis Zone theme.

So, why am I telling you all that?

That's because, contrary to the original, this track is a killer!

When I recognized it I thought: "no way, it can't be THAT track"!

To manage to spot what can be done to turn a bad track into a terrific one is... beyond great!

One word (please imagine me saying it with my heavy French accent): BRAVO!

the only salvagable tracks from the train wreck that is Hedgehog Heaven

Richter's going to kill you in your sleep, you know.

First of all, I love the name "Next My Generation." Sweet titleage, so I like that it is on HH and OCR.

Second, and more importantly, rockin' good song. I, in contrast to FantasioSpirouEtSpip, have loved the Metropolis song since I first got that far in Sonic 2 a long time ago. And analoq, you've given it everything that it was missing. As I was listening, I thought nostalgically that if you had given me this song ten years ago, you would have been my hero forever.

As it happens, you've given it to me when I am older and jaded, so you'll have to settle for a lot of slightly envious admiration. This song, in a word, rocks.

I really enjoyed this track, as well as the rest of analoq's material in this project.

Infact, analoq's remixes are about the only salvagable tracks from the train wreck that is Hedgehog Heaven. The songs range from mediocre, to complete and utter trash. I found myself cringing a few seconds into most of these songs.

I don't mean to be a cynic. I mean, it's more than I could do. But I feel like this project is a complete injustice to Sonic 2's stellar soundtrack.

Not to be mean, but I agree. Hedgehog Heaven is, compared to RotC and Kong, quite below the bar. A lot of the songs are good concepts, but just sound wrong. It actually sounds a lot like it's still a WIP. :-/

That said, I do like a few tracks in the album, and this one is particularly good. I'd like to compliment Analoq, who once again has gotten a really freaking catchy song stuck in my head.

~Sorry if I sound too cynical; It's just an opinion


I liked a small group of tunes from the Heaven. In my opinion, they ALL could've been better. I only have about two jammed in my head, and they are Sadorf's "Aquatic Project" and Snyderman's "Chemical Reaction."

I don't care if they aren't too close to the actual tune (though they do lose points for it), they still sound good.

My opinion. That's all.


I have no idea how you do it analoq. Your stuff always sounds so simple and catchy **hums a little of dolilop do wop**. Again, this one isn't complicated with off-the-wall crazy effects or 1000 different samples and it still is amazingly cool. Love the opening piano...love it.


This track is one of my favorites from Sonic 2 and it has gained 99 lives and invincibility with this ReMix from analoq. Crazy shit, man, and wonderful.

As for the rest of Hedgehog Heaven, its absolutely amazing as far as projects go. I couldn't find a single track I like from the DKC project, despite loving the games sndtrck, even the ending theme which they screwed up. The Metroid project was unmemorable. projectx's MM2 project, while great, had only 5 tracks I've kept on my PC. HH? Not only are all the tracks listenable with the exception of 2 or 3, there are several very good ones, and over a quarter are OCR-quality IMHO ... namely

analoq's "Oil Spill"

Joker's "House Of Cards"

IcyGuy's "Cavern Escape"

analoq's "Next My Generation" - duh :P

FFmusicDJ's "Hidden Palace Future"

Richter's "Robeatnik's Theme"

PsawniK's "Fortress Of Glory" *best track simply for the power of those guitars* Now that's glory!

Hadyn's "Party In The Emerald Hills"

all of which I have looped dozens of times already. I don't know about the technical precision but just on the awesomeness of the tracks these had my toes curling as a Sonic 2 fan.

I only fault HH for not delivering the powerful, bass-explosion version of the Chemical Zone music I have been waiting for. I end up turning off every mix of that track I have run across and booting up Meridian to listen to the original, since every last mix has subdued the wave_bass to below the original. Unacceptable.

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