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Christ, I come back today to find three pages of degeneration into bullshittery. The thread has been manually rolled back.

It's so funny when n00bs argue. :roll:

Anyway, sithlord-aku, you need to be fair and equitable when dealing with potential mixers. This is the nature of the project in the manner that you envisioned it, and as such, you have to be consistent accross the board.

To everyone else, that's enough of the bullshittery, please. :roll:

Carry on.


Dont worry, you wont be dissapointed. Mushroom hill zone was always my favorite song on the soundtrack. That and Azure lake. But whatever.

Sweet project sith. Good job running it too. If you need any help, let me know. I'll do anything I can fit in to help.


Jesus, 7 pages in one day? DarkeSword is right, don't jump into this too quickly. I wanted to be part of this, but I wanted some time to refine my skills. Hedgehog Heaven just came out, and you want to shoot off another project in less than a month? I give you all of my encouragement, but timing, guys, timing!

I want in, but I'm not good enough yet with a synthesizer, and I don't know how to use soundfonts. *sigh* If you absolutely need somebody, talk to me, but I'm a "remixer-to-be" as my sig says, not a complete remixer yet. I'm saying all this because my hopes are crushed and I need to vent.

COME ON! I was all excited to be part of a project. God dammit. Okay, I'm done.

Those tracks aren't being used.

Why not?

Well, in my opinion, 25 tracks is enough!

And besides, both the Knuckles theme and Invincibility theme have two different versions each, the Sonic 3 version, and the Sonic and Knuckles versions.

Hello and welcome to


W.I.P Deadline "Saturday; April 9th, 2005"

I have been wanted to do remixes for this soundtrack for as long as I can remember. It is my personal favorite Sonic soundtrack, and knowing that people want to do this project just made me want to do it even more.

One issue I had with trying to make this soundtrack into a remix project was the fact that it has quite a few tracks within it. I thought about it and came up with a simple solution.

Let's use "Mushroom Hill Zone 1 and 2" as an example.

These are two seperate zones, but under the surface, they have the same melodies. This has led me to decide that we should just put the zones togheter and let you pic the source material from the two zones of the area you decided to try and remix. Sound simple?

Here is the list of tracks that will be used in the soundtrack:

Select Game - claimed by sithlord-aku

Angel Island Zone - claimed by Rexy

Hydrocity - claimed by yoshi_84

Marble Garden - claimed by RoeTaka

Carnival Night - claimed by DCT

Icecap - claimed by analoq

Launch Base - claimed by GeckoYamori

Mushroom Hill - claimed by Lord Maestro

Flying Battery - claimed by Beatdrop

Sandopolis - claimed by DarkeSword

Lava Reef - claimed by nesper/or Xerol (tenative)

Sky Santuary - claimed by Azar

Death Egg - claimed by DJBren

Boss 1 - FREE

Boss 2 - claimed by Sir Nuts

Doomsday pt1 - FREE

Doomsday pt2 - claimed by Hadyn

Ending - claimed by Rayza

Special Stage - claimed by DCT

Competition Menu - FREE

Azure Lake Competition - claimed by Rayza

Balloon Park Competition - claimed by Ichitootah

Chrome Gadget Competition - claimed by Hetcenus

Endless Mine Competition - claimed by jeffreymroberts

Desert Competition - claimed by UncleSporky(temporary for now)

Here are a list of 100-80% surefire remixers on the project-







Sir Nuts(YAY)

myself :)




There is no need to rush at all, time makes things better in my opinion. As for myself, I will be working on a track (Select Game) while I wait. I hope that this becomes a successful remix project. Anyone can grab a track, and if someone has a track that you wanted to do, you can work on it as well, and then there will be a vote. Have fun' - SithLordAku

Click Here for the Sonic 3 and Knuckles GYM files.

I'll take Boss 1!

Those tracks aren't being used.

Why not?

Well, in my opinion, 25 tracks is enough!

And besides, both the Knuckles theme and Invincibility theme have two different versions each, the Sonic 3 version, and the Sonic and Knuckles versions.

Yeah, but the S&K ver. of those tracks overide the S3 ones, when you connect the games anyway. If it was seriously concidered tho, the tracks that have two versions could be put into one track; Invisibilty, Knuckles, etc.

Anyway, I'm just pointing out afew short deccent ones that weren't on the first page.

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