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Say, shouldn't this project be moved to that official projects section yet?
no, because first we must finish the first wip stage to point out actual ReMixers and decide which songs accept when there are two or more from the same tune.

THEN we can start the second wip stage (in the project section) by working on the approved tracks that would make the final version. however, as prot said in that section, if the project isn't interesting it must be moved to GenDisc again. I think S3&K is amazing and I really want to see it as a project, but waiting a bit more is surely a good thing.

(I think)

If voting on mixes happens before ALL THE SONGS ARE COMPLETE.... this will be just a waste of mine, and other peoples time.

I am sure voting and all that other fun shit will happen after the songs are complete..well the ones that there are more than one mixer for anyways.

Voting on shit before the mixer even gets a chance to finish....that would be just pure bullshit.

The voting will be after everything is done


If voting on mixes happens before ALL THE SONGS ARE COMPLETE.... this will be just a waste of mine, and other peoples time.

I am sure voting and all that other fun shit will happen after the songs are complete..well the ones that there are more than one mixer for anyways.

Voting on shit before the mixer even gets a chance to finish....that would be just pure bullshit.

The voting will be after everything is done

Agreed'd / 10


hmmmm....very interesting. That's the feel from the song I expected, when I thought of this song.

I really like it :wink: the thing is: sometimes the main synth (guess it's a sax) sounds off key a little. Like the pitch went up. I know you probably intended it to be this way, but it sounds a little off when I hear it...kinda makes you think the guy played a wrong note or something. But if that's how it's supposed to be I have no problem with it. :D

it's great nonetheless.

To Darkesword: your mix is very smooth. I love teh synth that you used. Makes the feeling of the song perfect to that of the original and then some :D

the thing is: sometimes the main synth (guess it's a sax) sounds off key a little. Like the pitch went up. I know you probably intended it to be this way, but it sounds a little off when I hear it...kinda makes you think the guy played a wrong note or something. But if that's how it's supposed to be I have no problem with it.

yeah...i'm trying to fix that...i believe it's a delay issue...still not sure. i have'nt really put a whole lot of time into this one, but since i'm almost finished with my other mix i'll be able to work this one out. thnx for the comments!

Awesome song, Rayza. Great racey feel to it. :)

Thanks.. I was thinking of getting some announcer sounding guy to be like "its a rainy day for a race here in azure lake.. etc.. " right at the start just where the pads are playing.. Good idea or bad idea..?

Ok, heres a newer version (no whacky piano) for the WIP 1 deadline. As stated earlier, I'll post the credits theme soon hopefully. Thanks for bein patient folks..


I love it. I can't tell if you tweaked the lead synth, or it's just been longer since I listened to the one that grated, but it's not bugging me anymore, which makes this pretty much perfect so far.

Thanks.. I was thinking of getting some announcer sounding guy to be like "its a rainy day for a race here in azure lake.. etc.. " right at the start just where the pads are playing.. Good idea or bad idea..?

Hmm, I think it would give the song a little bit of cheesiness, but try it out anyway, I say. It may actually be pretty cool.

I love it. I can't tell if you tweaked the lead synth, or it's just been longer since I listened to the one that grated, but it's not bugging me anymore, which makes this pretty much perfect so far.

Glad you're liking it more.. Yeh I worked through like 7 or 8 lead synths before settling on this one. I was getting frustrated after a while, heh.. Might make a good name though since this is a race tune. "Battle For The Lead" (synth).. :)

Why is everybody getting feedback except for me :cry:

In case you missed the link:


Not sure if anyone mentioned this before but its distorting due to high levels. Get your levels down and watch the volume meters, they'll tell you if you're distorting (clipping) or if you're ok. I kinda cringed when I heard that stock plucked sample, been done to death really. Even I used that thing way back in the day. :)

Around 2:54 its just getting way to heavy and muddy. Are you eqing your instruments? I think its mostly the problem that I mentioned above, overall level is too high. Keep that under control and this will sound a lot cleaner right off the bat.

I also think its too long for the nature of this song. Personally I think if you cut a minute off this thing it would be for the best. Theres just not enough variation going on to keep it interesting for 5 minutes..

I like the energy and style that you're going for but theres a few problems that need to be fixed before proceeding. #1 being the distorting.. Ch-ch-checkitout!


Great Song Nuts. But here's the thing, unless I got Lava Reef & Hidden Palace mixed up... I could swear that's the lava reef zone melody playing, not hidden palace. So, yeah, I may be wrong & have a messed up GYM file. But it should be listed under Lavae Reef Zone.

Great Song Nuts. But here's the thing, unless I got Lava Reef & Hidden Palace mixed up... I could swear that's the lava reef zone melody playing, not hidden palace. So, yeah, I may be wrong & have a messed up GYM file. But it should be listed under Lavae Reef Zone.

Yeah i pointed that out to him. i said almost the exact same thing, only i was a bit more stright foward with it heh. I am sure he will be able to work it out though.

Great Song Nuts. But here's the thing, unless I got Lava Reef & Hidden Palace mixed up... I could swear that's the lava reef zone melody playing, not hidden palace. So, yeah, I may be wrong & have a messed up GYM file. But it should be listed under Lavae Reef Zone.


Lave Reef and Hidden palace have the same start. The second section of the song is what makes them different.

This was a demo of less than two minutes, and one entire minute is dedicated to build up the intro with ambience. So that's only the beginning. The part that comes after it will portrait hidden palace song.


Well, they do share the same background synth progression, but not melody lines :?

Then again, whatif he's using Lava Reef as an Easter Egg or something? That could always be a possibility.

Anyhow, I'll be interested to see how it develops :)

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