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Anyway, I was if the music on the teaser site will ever be released in MP3 form for mass consumption.

Yes. when the project is released... It does mention that you might have to unlock them somehow. I'm sure this wont be a big deal.

Hayden might want to clarify things.

Unlock them? How?

Collect 7 or 14 emeralds? Get all emblems? Press up, down, left, right, A and start at the title screen? :P

Judging that this is Sonic 3 & Knuckles, we'd have to collect the 7 Chaos Emeralds, and then the 7 Super Emeralds, along with the special Golden Emerald.

Or we could press <, <, ^, ^, >, >, while hanging on the first vine in Angel Island Act 1 to unlock the Sound Test.

If it's like the Sonic 3 standalone version, UUDDUUUU as Sonic flies in on the title screen, I think I'm going to shoot someone. :evil:

Anyone who's ever tried it will know what I'm talking about...

I've tried that cheat around 200 times...

And I only got it to work TWICE

See that you have to do the code using a special pattern. UP (wait), UP, DOWN (wait), DOWN, UP (wait), UP (wait), UP (wait), UP.

Since the Genesis controler can't press UP-DOWN at the same time, you will understand that you have to succeed pressing UP and one fame and DOWN at the next frame with no interruption!

(wait) simply means you must have at least 1 frame of interruption between button presses.

Sonic 3 was made in Japan on 50 Hz PAL so I guess it's extreamly hard on NTSC 60 Hz. However, it is possible to do the code. I did this code with NTSC 60 Hz enabled in Gens. I succeed most of the times. I got the pattern from testing frames and key presses with a debugger, so this is the only way, and it works.

Original topic.

Anyway, glad to see this is nearly done. Loving the teaser tracks, site design is amazing, etc. :)


Maybe Hayden would like to clarify things, IF YOU SPELT HIS F*CKING NAME RIGHT.

I'm not really pissed off, I just thought I'd scare you.

Uhm, originally there was going to be a mini-game you had to complete to unlock the tracks, but I think it'll just be a straight download instead. The mingame never got further than a beta - that is to say it works, but isn't nearly polished enough for mass consumption. It was pretty cool though, I may still post the unfinished version. But yeah, bonus tracks will probably just be a zip file download, probably 128kbps.



I had a talk with DJPretzel a few days ago, and we've decided it be best to let OCR1500 go first. So once that's done and sunk in, we'll start the release process.

The website is done save for filling in the info and uploading the tracks to it. All mirrors will get the tracks early, once everyone is uploaded we will set up the site, take off the protection and let it loose on the world.


Speaking of mirrors, I e-mailed that guy, Thrawn, but haven't got any reply yet.

Anyone who's offering hosting, please contact me either by email, PM or MSN (pierrecap@yahoo.fr), we'll plan things up together.

It would be better if you had SSH access on the machine, or could provide an FTP account, as transfers would be done in no time. And I've been told the project's size would be around 170 MB, be prepared for a bit more (especially If you were to mirror the bonus tracks, as they currently use 30 MB).

I can't also estimate how much bandwidth it will generate, currently the teaser site hit 4.5 GB in 17 days, 27000 hits, and yesterday was the highest peak with 1 GB of transfer, getting higher and higher every day.

EDIT: We can also have partial mirrors, as links for each song are independent on the website. Even if I don't know the final size, people with only 150 MB should be able to host ther the main soundtrack or the special themes disc.

I wonder if I'm the only one on this project who has never played the game. Blasphemy, I know. But I never owned any Sega systems.

Well, its not really too late. It's an amazing game.

You could always use an emulator... not that i encourage piracy, but the game is next to impossible to find these days.

Its really something, when you compare it to the rest of the games that were released on the sega it blows them out of the water, better graphics, game play and sound. They did a good job.

I wonder if I'm the only one on this project who has never played the game. Blasphemy, I know. But I never owned any Sega systems.

If you have a Gamecube, PS2 or Xbox, get Sonic Mega Collection and play Sonic 3 and Knuckles

I wonder if I'm the only one on this project who has never played the game. Blasphemy, I know. But I never owned any Sega systems.

If you have a Gamecube, PS2 or Xbox, get Sonic Mega Collection and play Sonic 3 and Knuckles

Didnt they rape the music in those ones though? Sonic would never really seem the same to me without the music.
But yeah, bonus tracks will probably just be a zip file download, probably 128kbps.

Hm. I dunno, do you think it would be worth the bandwidth to zip the files? i can see people selectively choosing which ones to download, seeing as they can hear them in the background anyways. Even a directory listing seems better then forcing every song on people.

its not really that big of a deal... just a thought.

I wonder if I'm the only one on this project who has never played the game. Blasphemy, I know. But I never owned any Sega systems.

If you have a Gamecube, PS2 or Xbox, get Sonic Mega Collection and play Sonic 3 and Knuckles

Didnt they rape the music in those ones though? Sonic would never really seem the same to me without the music.


I wonder if I'm the only one on this project who has never played the game. Blasphemy, I know. But I never owned any Sega systems.

If you have a Gamecube, PS2 or Xbox, get Sonic Mega Collection and play Sonic 3 and Knuckles

Didnt they rape the music in those ones though? Sonic would never really seem the same to me without the music.

No. Sonic & Knuckles collection (which is a PC compilation of Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles, and Sonic 3 & Knuckles) was the one that had the messed up music.

Mega Collection has the exact games/music/everything as they were on the Genesis.

I wonder if I'm the only one on this project who has never played the game. Blasphemy, I know. But I never owned any Sega systems.

If you have a Gamecube, PS2 or Xbox, get Sonic Mega Collection and play Sonic 3 and Knuckles

Didnt they rape the music in those ones though? Sonic would never really seem the same to me without the music.


Yeah, i personally think thats the best way to get the "sonic experience" if you will..

EDIT: Oh thank god, that crap is awful. You have two choices then housethegrate.

Speaking of mirrors, I e-mailed that guy, Thrawn, but haven't got any reply yet.

Anyone who's offering hosting, please contact me either by email, PM or MSN (pierrecap@yahoo.fr), we'll plan things up together.

It would be better if you had SSH access on the machine, or could provide an FTP account, as transfers would be done in no time. And I've been told the project's size would be around 170 MB, be prepared for a bit more (especially If you were to mirror the bonus tracks, as they currently use 30 MB).

I can't also estimate how much bandwidth it will generate, currently the teaser site hit 4.5 GB in 17 days, 27000 hits, and yesterday was the highest peak with 1 GB of transfer, getting higher and higher every day.

EDIT: We can also have partial mirrors, as links for each song are independent on the website. Even if I don't know the final size, people with only 150 MB should be able to host ther the main soundtrack or the special themes disc.

I'll tell Thrawn to check his email. He's been sort of busy lately (hasn't been on very much), so he probably hasn't looked.


Its awesome to hear some of the older tracks again!!

I managed to save a good amount of files back when this project first started, I can't wait to hear the finished project, prob be the biggest OCR project to date.

Maybe Hayden would like to clarify things, IF YOU SPELT HIS F*CKING NAME RIGHT.

I'm not really pissed off, I just thought I'd scare you.

Uhm, originally there was going to be a mini-game you had to complete to unlock the tracks, but I think it'll just be a straight download instead. The mingame never got further than a beta - that is to say it works, but isn't nearly polished enough for mass consumption. It was pretty cool though, I may still post the unfinished version. But yeah, bonus tracks will probably just be a zip file download, probably 128kbps.


I would love to see what you've come up with for the mini-game. I might even be willing to wait for it...

Else, imitating S3&K's cheats/debug mode would be cool.

--ooh! Or entering a code relating to the release date! (Yeah, that's never been done before! :wink: )

Might I also ask for higher bitrate encoding; like 160 or 192? Since this isn't OCR, you know that we can have higher filesizes than 6MB.

I wonder if I'm the only one on this project who has never played the game. Blasphemy, I know. But I never owned any Sega systems.

It can happen. Like, I did some stuff on the Cave Story project and I have no intention of actually playing the game because of unreliable computer hardware.

Still, you have some good choices on playing the games through and through. Whether it be emulation or Mega Collection (presumably on your XBox?) I hope it goes down with you ;)

Still, you have some good choices on playing the games through and through. Whether it be emulation or Mega Collection (presumably on your XBox?) I hope it goes down on you ;)

Fixed. :wink:

But whatever you do, don't play S&K Mega Collection for the PC (if you even can still). That was my 1st exposure to the game and it left a real bad aftertaste that lasted for years.

And oh yeah: Screw you DJP for delaying this project even more! :twisted:


See that you have to do the code using a special pattern. UP (wait), UP, DOWN (wait), DOWN, UP (wait), UP (wait), UP (wait), UP.

Since the Genesis controler can't press UP-DOWN at the same time, you will understand that you have to succeed pressing UP and one fame and DOWN at the next frame with no interruption!

(wait) simply means you must have at least 1 frame of interruption between button presses.

Sonic 3 was made in Japan on 50 Hz PAL so I guess it's extreamly hard on NTSC 60 Hz. However, it is possible to do the code. I did this code with NTSC 60 Hz enabled in Gens. I succeed most of the times. I got the pattern from testing frames and key presses with a debugger, so this is the only way, and it works.

Original topic.

Sorry to keep off-topic, but even with my emulator slowed down to 25%, I can't do it.

For the love of God, can't anyone post a savestate?


q-pa, stop cleaning up my posts! :P

But still, while emulation is good, it's no good without the actual gaming setup, rather than sitting in front of a computer with a joystick. But that's probably me forcing my opinions on you O.o

Just get Gens, it has a built in Game Genie. Type in the codes, and you can have Super Sonic in Angel Island. ^_^
Or you could get all the emeralds plus super emeralds, beat the game then have super sonic in any zone you want :D

its not that hard, and its far more rewarding.

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