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8O wow... sorry to hear that KFC, hope you regain full health soon.

...but is it just me or does KFC seem really gangsta with the "i've been shot before, no big deal." thing? lol :P

wishing the gangsta project leader well!


Project News and Updates

- Thanks to Darkesword, he has allowed me to return to the Site Projects mod position. This was removed a few months ago for various actions, but he trusts that I have learned my lesson.

- The project's break that we had will be over Monday. All mixers will be expected to resume work on their tracks.

- A pending deadline for the final tracks is brewing. This is to make sure that mixers are more prompt on working (myself and Snapple included).

Project News and Updates

Here's my response for a all three updates:


I'm glad that things are going to resume and people are (hopefully) going to get back to work.

Am I the only one worried that the upcoming deadline will catch a lot of the 'unfinished' mixes and mixers off-guard and result in a sudden mass drop-out? (...that's just my pessimistic side speaking.)


I wasn't really on a break myself, I've just been too bogged down with other work. I have holidays in another two weeks, I can definitely finish then.

I'm considering canning the bonus thing I was making for the site, though. I have some massive assignments that take priority over it, and there's probably not enough time for me to finish it. Either that, or I'll make a simpler version than origianlly planned. In fact, I'll try to do that second idea. A lot of work already went into it, it'd be a shame to not use it in one way or another.

Oh, I finished the site with sound effects and all. Obviously the content and background music is just placeholder stuff right now, but that's easy to change and so everything's good in that respect!

If KFC or Snapps want to organise some webspace I'll be able to update the content and upload it during my little holiday.


Someone/something needs to rejuvenate this project. It's been a while since any major updates/deadlines. I think that the remixers that are supposedly working on their mixes should be prodded with PM. Even a status update regarding their progress would be great.


I agree, i hear a final deadline is cooking.. About hosting, i could probably host the thing, but there is a problem, i dont know how large traffic im allowed, so finding alternative mirrors will be a have to in that scenario. Or, i could host just the page if not the songs. In any case i could put it on a subdomain, like projectchaos.bitmapstereo.com, i guess it will be linked from ocr anyways ??

My status report:

Mushroom hill - FINISHED

Boss 1 - (Pretty much finished, putting on the final touches)

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