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Hello and welcome to


Project Director - KungFuChicken!

Co Director - SnappleMan

Second W.I.P Deadline "May 22,2005"

Hello Again! KungFuChicken(or SithLordAku, whatever) here. We have completed the first deadline(which established who was serious about this project). But now we are moving into the second deadline. This is where all the playing stops and we get things going into high gear. By the time this second dealine hits, I expect high quality remixes(very near complete/complete). I'm talking remixes that show we gave it our all.

The main focus of this period in the projects progression is TEAMWORK. This isn't a project about one paticulay person. This damn sure aint about this nigga ;). No, this is OUR project. For the people, by the people. And in our project, we should give the best crtique we can to each other. How are you going to win if you don't give your teammates advice?

I have set up a Quality Control section. This insures that you know where you stand in getting up to standards. It's this simple; "Of Quality' means that you are working with something really good that is more or less up to standards with what I expect. "Neutral" means that while is surely isn't bad, it can use a bit of work before it gets on the "quality" side of things expected. "In the RED" means that I don't see the song getting on the project in it's current condition. Any "In the RED" songs left by the end of the second deadline will sadly have to be excluded from the project. But hopefully, all the songs will be of quality by then!

THANKS to all involved with this project.

Special Thanks to GrayLightning, Snappleman, Xelebes, Rayza, Ritcher, hobo, and Liontamer.

But the biggest thanks I have to give is to DarkeSword. Despite being busy, and me bothering him (or so it seemed) he still helped me alot (indirectly or not). And if it wasn't for him, NONE OF THIS would be going on. There would be no project. In a way, he is like Co-Director.


After thinking about it for a long time, there will be no WIP links posted on the from page. If you want the links, you can ask the mixer personally or find them for yourself. OH, and the project name right now is a temp. It's a code name. It will NOT be the name of the final project.

Data Select - claimed by KungFuChicken!*

Angel Island Zone - claimed by Rexy*

Hydrocity - claimed by yoshi_84 and Gman(collab)*/or Xenon Odyssey*/or AkumajoBelmont*

Marble Garden - claimed by KungFuChicken!(pending)

Carnival Night - claimed by Less Ashamed Of Self*

Icecap - claimed GaMeBoX*/or analoq*/or Kanjika/or Sir Nuts(maybe)

Launch Base - claimed by GeckoYamori*

Mushroom Hill - claimed by GaMeBoX*

Flying Battery - claimed by Beatdrop*

Sandopolis - claimed by DarkeSword*

Lava Reef - claimed by GaMeBoX*

Hidden Palace - claimed by Sir Nuts(with a classified collab partner)* /or Joker*

Sky Santuary - claimed by nesper*/or Sora*/or Kanjika*/or Upthorn*

Death Egg - claimed by DJBren*

Boss 1 (S&K version) - claimed by ffmusicdj*/or General Slicer*

Boss 2 - claimed by Sir Nuts*

Doomsday - claimed by Joker*/or UltimateSonicFan*/ SnappleMan

Final Boss - claimed by Hadyn*/or DjNova*/SnappleMan

Ending Credits(S3 version) - claimed by Rayza*/or Kanjika*/or Sora*

Special Stage - claimed by DCT*

Competition Menu - claimed by nesper*/or antipode*

Azure Lake Competition - claimed by Rayza*

Balloon Park Competition - claimed by Ichitootah*

Chrome Gadget Competition - claimed by Hetcenus*

Endless Mine Competition - claimed by jeffreymroberts*/or Siamey*

Desert Palace Competition - claimed by IcyGuy*

other mixers announced to appear on the project: housethegrate, zyko, ellywu.

Quality Control(this will update as I relisten to songs):

Of Quality for the Project -

DarkeSword - Sandopolis(could use a slight volume level increase and the synths could be played with a little more, but smooth).

Rexy - Angel Island Zone(I feel the drums could be beefed up more and all the sounds could use a bump up in quality, but nice work so far)

GaMeBoX - Mushroom Hill(Not too much now, but the display you showed me is very nice indeed. You are doing the song justice so far.)

AkumajoBelmont - Hydrocity(Nice disco feel you put on the song. It needs better variation on the original song melody, and the synth used could have some effects, panning, ect., but you are on the right track. The voices are distracting, and should be reconsidered on done less distracting. And it takes too long for the original to kick in.)

analoq - Icecap(:D)

Beatdrop - Flying Battery(Some obvious sound issues, but I know you will improve them, and the song is already rocking out.)

Kanjika - Sky Santuary(I think the arrangment can be smoother, but nice work so far.)

Hadyn - Final Boss(The volume and EQ can be worked on a bit moreand the ending is nonexsistant, but this is a very nice remix, and your best work so far IMO.)

Sir Nuts - Hidden Palace(I'm digging most of this already. I feel that the synths could be improved with more effects to make it sound cooler, and the arrangement could be a bit tighter (but it's good now) and the volumes could be balanced more to make it cound less messy, but it's awesome, and that piano is going to be awesome when Me and You know who comes in.)

Neutral (needs a bit of work to get up to quality standards) -

Rayza - Ending Credits(S3 version)(Just needs more is all.)

jeffreymroberts - Endless Mine Competition(Needs a sound upgrade on the synths and whatnot, bonus theme is out of place.)

GaMeBoX - Icecap(very decent remix, it just needs more, it sounds bare.)

Rayza - Azure Lake Competition(The arrangent and idea expressed are cool, but they can all be made much better than what is displayed. The synths can be much more interesting by adding effects, panning, EQ, ect.)

Ichitootah - Balloon Park Competition(So close to being up to quality in my book. I feel that the drums that do come in are a bit too over powering. I also feel that a groove or some drums would make this sounds better instead of them popping up twice for a short time. Try to play with the panning a little more as well.)

GaMeBoX - Lava Reef(I feel it needs some work in the EQ department on most everything, but the ideas you have right now are on the right track. I suggest you add some live guitar.)

Hetcenus - Chrome Gadget(SOUND QUALITY I TELL YOU!!!, and it sucks too, cause I REALLY like it.)

ffmusicdj - Boss 1(needs more.)

Kanjika - Credits(This is really great, although the style is of a surprise for this track. I think a more expanded upgraded arrangement is due. Needs more.)

Yoshi and Gman - Hydrocity(needs more, but the strings don't fit to me)

nesper - Competition Menu(Needs more arrangement, it's fairly repetitve, but the sounds aren't too bad, and you will be rapping over it soon. The Hayeah is so funny to me.)

In the RED (needs a LOT of work) -

Icy Guy - (I need way more than what you gave me, it hasn't set any foundation yet)

DjNova - FinalBoss(Alot of stuff seems offkey, the drums aren't really much, and the arrangment needs to be rethought, and some of the sounds are mediocre and sound very default FLish.)

DJBren - Death Egg(All of the arrangement and sounds can be improved. I suggest you start the song over.)

UltimateSonicFan - Doomsday(All the sounds are pretty crappy. That sax is HORRIBLE, and the drum thing you did was really strung out. Everything else was just messy. Start over.)

nesper - Sky Santuary(I was liking it ok till I heard a few off key notes and that horrible sax. Well, the sax isn't really bad, but it clashes with the feel like so bad. Try again.)

**All other tracks will not be used**

Voting Info

***THE VOTING WILL TAKE PLACE AFTER ALL THE TRACKS ARE COMPLETED. STOP ASKING.*** Also, as of now, no more new people.(unless you ask and I approve you.)

Please Mixers, Send songs that you think are 100% complete to ME. Do not post them in this thread. -NO TALK ABOUT THE PROJECT NAME IN THIS THREAD TAKE THE DISCUSSION HERE: http://ocrp.kazorum.com/ocrp.html -

Have fun' - SithLordAku

Click Here for the CORRECT Sonic 3 and Knuckles GYM files.


As much as I love S3&K, it's simply too soon after the Sonic 2 project to be starting this. Also, you have no mixers lined up right now. Recruit first, generate serious interest, get some names, and wait. The timing is not good right now, so soon after the official release of a project, especially of a project in the same series of games.


After initiating discussion with sithlord-aku, I have decided to reopen this thread, due to an interest shown by mixers in the community. I am still opposed to the timing of this project; however, because the interest is there, it seems viable for the time being.

Unlock, leave.


Here's hoping this turns out as well as the Sonic 2 one did. You know what they say, "Strike while the iron's still hot." Good luck to rounding up all the help.


It's spelt "Hadyn" - I know, my parents can't spell too good... :P

Oh, and yeah. I herby proclaim Lava Reef as mine. ^^

Edit: oh crap, someone already claimed it.

Well then, i'll take... let me get back to you on that one. *goes to listen to the ost*

It's spelt "Hadyn" - I know, my parents can't spell too good... :P

Oh, and yeah. I herby proclaim Lava Reef as mine. ^^

Edit: oh crap, someone already claimed it.

Well then, i'll take... let me get back to you on that one. *goes to listen to the ost*

Well, if you want to collab, we can share it. I'm not sure about the timeframe that this project's going to take on, so I'm not even sure if I'll be able to get it done if it's a very short timeframe. Hopefully it won't be as long as the S2 project, but I don't want it to be like 3 weeks long either.

It's spelt "Hadyn" - I know, my parents can't spell too good... :P

Oh, and yeah. I herby proclaim Lava Reef as mine. ^^

Edit: oh crap, someone already claimed it.

Well then, i'll take... let me get back to you on that one. *goes to listen to the ost*

Well, if you want to collab, we can share it. I'm not sure about the timeframe that this project's going to take on, so I'm not even sure if I'll be able to get it done if it's a very short timeframe. Hopefully it won't be as long as the S2 project, but I don't want it to be like 3 weeks long either.

sithlord himself said "There is no need to rush at all, time makes things better in my opinion.", so there should be plenty of time. I'll let you take the track yourself though - you claimed it first, and I think i'd rather hear a piano version of it than whatever i'd make ^^


*snatches Hydrocity*

Yes, please put me down for that track, sithlord-aku. I'll be remixing act 2 of that zone. That particular song will be kinda tough, me thinks, but I'll see what I can do. :) Finals are in a week so hopefully I'll be able to produce a wip during spring break.


hm, well if this project goes ahead I wouldn't mind having a stab at the Angel Island Zone theme :)

And yeah, it did feel rather soon after the Sonic 2 remix project, but whichever happens it'll be interesting to see how far it could go ;)


Keep your gleamy paws off death egg! Not that im participating in this project or anything...but Im currently working on a remix of it...Ah hell, dont these projects do remixes that have already been done anyway? Damnit to hell!


I can't mix (yet...) but I would be happy to help in any way I can. I don't want to see this project shot down...


Anybody mind if I attempt "Sky Sanctuary"? I can only really come up with a midi so I dont want to claim it if someone else does but I would like to give it a try. Maybe by the time it's due I'll be able to convert it to another program that isnt midi.


S3&K has one of my favourite soundtracks ever, simply LOVING some of those tunes. you know that I am not very good at remixing so it's better that I remix nothing, but I must encourage this project and if you think I can do something for you just tell me.

but, why mods don't move this thread to the project section?

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