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Seriously, though, what the hell? At this point, they've made it perfectly clear that they're just doing this because they're assholes. I don't even think the most violent of Sony-bashers can back them up at this point.


there are two things that could happen here

either people figure out who these guys are and they get arrested

or people figure out who these guys are and they get a really fucking nice job

probably the latter sadly

there are two things that could happen here

either people figure out who these guys are and they get arrested

or people figure out who these guys are and they get a really fucking nice job

probably the latter sadly

Even more probably, both. In that order.


I don't know the details of the hack, but you might misunderstand the level of technical skill required to pull this off.

More often than not it is done by social engineering or by really simple methods like guessing passwords or SQL injection.


If anything, these guys are probably hacking to show which people have lacking security, hence the name; I doubt these guys are too deep to come up with a name that means much more than "if we hack you, your security is lulz-worthy". To be honest, though, these guys should be thanked; hackers, in general, are the people exposing security flaws, and it's not like the flaws wouldn't exist had lulzsec not hacked in the first place.

The only way to know your security has a hole is for a hacker to exploit it first; in that regard, digital security is ALWAYS a game of catch-up, with the hackers always taking the lead position. If not for lulzsec, all of the people they've hacked so far wouldn't know about their own flawed security, so they do owe them a bit (considering at least these guys are hacking for teh lulz, and not to steal 70 million account passwords).

They could be less dickish about it, though.


No, they're hacking for their own personal amusement, as they've said repeatedly. If they really cared about just exposing security holes, they would contact these companies privately. But they don't. They're hacking Sony over and over, for example, because they don't like Sony. Saying anyone owes them anything is absurd; it's like saying if a thief broke into your house and bragged about it, you should thank him because he showed you that your locks weren't strong enough. I don't think so.


Did I say that they hacked solely to prove security holes existed? No, I said that it's better to have someone hack you for teh lulz than have someone hack you to steal something. Lesser of two evils, considering you are going to get hacked eventually. No digital security is perfect. These guys hacking sucks, but they are showing to these companies that their security is flawed; like I said, they could be less dickish (by showing them in private), but oh well.

If you are given the choice between getting hacked by thieves or getting hacked by 13 year olds looking for some fun, which would you rather have? I'd rather have the neighborhood kid break into my house and show me that I'm using 3rd rate locks than have a thief break into my house and steal my TV.


Echoing zircon here- I know quite a few hackers who hacked into school/company security systems, contacted the hacked parties about it, and showed them how bad their security was. Then they were given jobs there.

Here, it's just a bunch of losers from 4Chan (ie, any random person from 4Chan and/or /b/) being dicks because LOLUL ANONYMOUSE WE R LEGION LOLOLOLOLOL INTERNET HATE MACHINE LULZZZZZZZ

In other words, faggots. Or to use Alex Kierkegaard's terminology, "fagots"

What's worse is that the mass media treats these people like they're some big collective group of hackers or something, giving them the attention they do NOT deserve.

Did I say that they hacked solely to prove security holes existed? No, I said that it's better to have someone hack you for teh lulz than have someone hack you to steal something. Lesser of two evils, considering you are going to get hacked eventually. No digital security is perfect. These guys hacking sucks, but they are showing to these companies that their security is flawed; like I said, they could be less dickish (by showing them in private), but oh well.

If you are given the choice between getting hacked by thieves or getting hacked by 13 year olds looking for some fun, which would you rather have? I'd rather have the neighborhood kid break into my house and show me that I'm using 3rd rate locks than have a thief break into my house and steal my TV.

If they are going to get hacked eventually, why does the fact that they've been hacked for the 'lulz' prevent them from being hacked by thieves down the line ?

If, like you are saying, they are gonna get hacked anyways, wouldn't the preferable way by being hacked as seldom as possible ?

No, they're hacking for their own personal amusement, as they've said repeatedly. If they really cared about just exposing security holes, they would contact these companies privately. But they don't. They're hacking Sony over and over, for example, because they don't like Sony. Saying anyone owes them anything is absurd; it's like saying if a thief broke into your house and bragged about it, you should thank him because he showed you that your locks weren't strong enough. I don't think so.

This basically.

If you are given the choice between getting hacked by thieves or getting hacked by 13 year olds looking for some fun, which would you rather have? I'd rather have the neighborhood kid break into my house and show me that I'm using 3rd rate locks than have a thief break into my house and steal my TV.

I'll be sure to send a few 13-year-olds with bats your way. Maybe they can beat some sense into you on the side. Intent means dick.


Hm.... These "Lulz" guys.... It could be worse. They could be working for Microsoft and are carefully plotting the annihilation of every decent company in the world... Come on, we all knew Bill Gates was planning some sort of World Domination. >u<

Hm.... These "Lulz" guys.... It could be worse. They could be working for Microsoft and are carefully plotting the annihilation of every decent company in the world... Come on, we all knew Bill Gates was planning some sort of World Domination. >u<

This is the most anti-Microsoft statement I've ever heard, and I use Linux. :<


Here, it's just a bunch of losers from 4Chan (ie, any random person from 4Chan and/or /b/) being dicks because LOLUL ANONYMOUSE WE R LEGION LOLOLOLOLOL INTERNET HATE MACHINE LULZZZZZZZ

Because 4chan is behind every hacking incident ever. /facepalm

If they are going to get hacked eventually, why does the fact that they've been hacked for the 'lulz' prevent them from being hacked by thieves down the line ?

If, like you are saying, they are gonna get hacked anyways, wouldn't the preferable way by being hacked as seldom as possible ?

I think the point here is to do something about the poor security so the worse case scenario is less likely to happen. Not just use the same obviosly broken security again

Basically if you get hacked majorly by these guys there's something very wrong with your setup


I am really at a loss here...

So if someone invented a new type of key that could open any lock it would be OK for people to use it to break into other people's homes just to show them that their security is not up to date ? If I break a window to get into a store at night but I don't steal anything I am actually a good guy because I'm showing them that they should have had countermeasures for that ?

Also correct me if I'm wrong but didn't those group made personal information about users accessible through IRC and such ? It's not exactly harmless fun. I really can't understand how people can defend these criminals. Their intention are not really important, they are stealing private information and trespassing on digital property.


i stated this before,

These hackers are going after every game company they can get into to get personal information such as credit card details.

Any and all game companies should be wary and all customers who have accounts with them should watch they're back.

There is no question they are after peoples credit card details, why else hack a company other then to steal information.

If they hack valve and steam then some shit will go down.

Until that storm comes, good luck to all.


Not sure why you continue to assume im defending the hackers.

But also not sure why defend people who obviously need to get better security.

As I've stated both sides are in the wrong.

Its really kinda sad to see all these companies big or small falling to some script kiddies attacks.


No! We perceived you to take a stance on a subject, and regardless of whether or not it's what you meant, we will continue to bringit up until such time that we forget it was made, because this is serious internet business and it must be pursued, even if there's no actual basis for doing so in the first place.

And you will sit there and like it!

Not sure why you continue to assume im defending the hackers.

But also not sure why defend people who obviously need to get better security.

As I've stated both sides are in the wrong.

Its really kinda sad to see all these companies big or small falling to some script kiddies attacks.

Because the people who "need to get better security" didn't do anything wrong. They are the victims. They obviously HAVE security, but if you have a large group of people intent on causing as much chaos as possible, they're going to get through no matter what (as Jack said.) Whether they have low or high security, social engineering and sheer manpower will break through to some degree. So, it is senseless saying we shouldn't defend the victims when literally any organization, no matter their level of security, is a potential victim.

Really, what is the more likely explanation? Scores of high-profile, multi-billion dollar companies and organizations have no idea what they're doing when it comes to internet security, including Citigroup (one of the largest corporations on the planet and one that deals with financial data?) Or that securing yourself against an army of people with motivation and too much free time is simply very hard? As with conspiracy theories, the more possible places for the theory to fail, the less likely it is to be true.

Because the people who "need to get better security" didn't do anything wrong.

Well, yes, yes they did! They didn't have good security. Customers are trusting them with their data, and they aren't protecting it. That is wrong. How could having low/bad/no security, and/or not protecting the data past that security be "right" and/or "not doing anything wrong"?

Scores of high-profile, multi-billion dollar companies and organizations have no idea what they're doing when it comes to internet security

Why are you so set that's an absolute impossibility? Lulz has broken into sites with a simple SQL injections, sites which had everything stored in plaintext. There are some companies, yes even major corporations, who are handling data in a very unsecured and dangerous way. Maybe not all of them, but not sure why the possibility just can't exist, and that everybody on the victim side did everything right. That is a bit sugar coated.

For those who have everything up to date, and using good security practices, and keeping data encrypted, well, they probably wouldn't be broken in by Lulz for sure, but tough break

To those that are more than likely running off little or no security, practicing bad security habits, and/or have everything in plaintext: These companies are negligent and incompetent. And again, in the wrong for it

You are making Lulz out to be some hyper awesome cyber attackers who can break down anything. That is not the case.

Echoing zircon here- I know quite a few hackers who hacked into school/company security systems, contacted the hacked parties about it, and showed them how bad their security was. Then they were given jobs there.

That is still illegal, as is anyone else hacking into a system without the owners written consent. Period. Ethical hacking exists for a reason and none of these people or your "hacker" friends are doing that.

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