Gollgagh Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 welp if I ever get a 3DS I guess I'll be getting this Quote
Thalzon Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 I don't want to sound accusatory but I'm beginning to think that we as a whole have gotten too greedy and completely unsatisfiable. I mean on the surface Malaki's suggestions sound easy enough to implement but it would actually require many extra months of development to implement any single one of them in a satisfactory manner. And if they WEREN'T you know we'd be complaining about the slapdash effort to add extra content to what is already a beefy and fulfilling game experience. So.... yeah. Maybe try being happy with what's there for a change. It's always nice to be wowed, but it simply won't happen all the time. Sometimes our expectations get way too high. Quote
ectogemia Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 I can't believe I'm admitting this, but I never really liked the 3D Zeldas. Majora's Mask was kinda cool, but I never played OoT again after I beat it when I was a kid. Does this make me worse than Hitler? Like.. robo-Hitler from Wolfenstein? Quote
The Damned Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 Yes. Now hand yourself over to the International Courts. Quote
Avatar of Justice Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 If I want to play a remake of Ocarina of Time rather than shelling out for a 3DS, I'll go play Twilight Princess. Or A Link to the Past. Or Wind Waker. I still haven't played Spirit Tracks. I bet it follows the formula..... I mean seriously. All those games follow this formula: 1)Complete three dungeons 2)Get new sword 3)Complete 6-8 more dungeons and for each dungeon (order is not always certain) 1)Get map 2)Get compass 3)Get big key 4)Get dungeon item 5)Fight boss, it's weak point being the dungeon item. I love Zelda to death, but these games could be considered remakes of each other gameplay-wise. Quote
The Damned Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 You can say the same for lots of games in different genres. Halo sure as fuck didn't switch it up much one game to the next. Neither did Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat. Hell, Final Fantasy manages to change everything each game and it's still feels like the last five titles. Quote
Avatar of Justice Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 You can say the same for lots of games in different genres. Halo sure as fuck didn't switch it up much one game to the next. Neither did Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat. Hell, Final Fantasy manages to change everything each game and it's still feels like the last five titles. Right, my point was that you would probably be better off playing one of the other games in the series rather than shelling out a bunch of money for a 3DS for Ocarina with a new coat of paint. Quote
Penfold Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 http://ds.ign.com/articles/117/1176744p1.html This was pretty funny. Quote
Penfold Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 See last page for the same video. Whoops. Well, apparently it was good enough to be posted twice Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 New dungeons.New Weapons/items. Reworked sword combat mechanics, AI, and/or increased difficulty. A mode that lets me play as Sheik. Include an online Four Swords as a separate game. New dungeons would make it NOT Ocarina of Time. Each dungeon pertained to the story, adding more dungeons = changing the story = not a remake. New weapons and items... not really the same as above. I suppose if you're talking about insignificant little fun items like masks then yeah, but nothing major like adding dual hook shot. I agree on the mechanics bit, the Sheik mode sounds kinda dumb, and the four swords thing sounds kind of irrelevant. Quote
DarkeSword Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 New dungeons.New Weapons/items. Reworked sword combat mechanics, AI, and/or increased difficulty. A mode that lets me play as Sheik. Include an online Four Swords as a separate game. So what you want is actually a new Zelda game and not Ocarina of Time. Quote
RDX Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 They could've added some beta stuff. Like the white tunic. Or the ice temple. Also you pretty much lost all credibility when you mentioned wanting Sheik mode. That's a terrible idea. Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 Or the ice temple. YES. I tried so hard to get in there but I could never do it. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 Bit of a tangent, but the ice cave in OoT always puzzled me, just because there's so much more there than necessary. You can get everything you need to complete the game and not even touch half the rooms. Was it just copied over from an incomplete beta dungeon? Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 Bit of a tangent, but the ice cave in OoT always puzzled me, just because there's so much more there than necessary. You can get everything you need to complete the game and not even touch half the rooms. Was it just copied over from an incomplete beta dungeon? I think it was just designed to keep you busy while you wondered why the heck you were even there. The White Wolfos at the end was the only interesting part about it. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 Those were just dumbass examples I came up with on a whim. If anything, shame on you guys for taking "possibilities" to mean anything more than that. Ocarina of Time is probably one of the greatest games ever made, that much I can agree with. I was actually thinking to myself earlier this morning that I could probably go back to it right now and still enjoy it from start to finish. But that's just my point. If I wanted to, I could go back to it right now, at this very moment. I don't have to spend another $40 bucks(not including the $250 for the 3DS) if I want to experience the EXACT same thing. Furthermore, I'm personally against giving Nintendo anymore money for nostalgia trips. I've already done plenty of that and I kick myself every damned time. I'd like to see more. I guess Darkesword is right. I'd like to see a new Zelda game, or at the very least a more compelling reason to grab OoT for the 4th time(many more if we count every Zelda entry after it). I guess I apologize for raining on everybody's fanboy parade, but Nintendo's "new" strategy of giving us every old thing they have is a bit annoying to me. Quote
Bleck Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 Or the ice temple. adding another temple would probably necessitate changing the overall structure and progression of the game which would be a waste of time and money "nerr they should have made the best game ever better" this is a dumb thread I guess I apologize for raining on everybody's fanboy parade, but Nintendo's "new" strategy of giving us every old thing they have is a bit annoying to me. I don't know if you've noticed in between your cool "fanboy" rants but remakes have been a thing in the entertainment world since there ever was an entertainment world saying that nintendo is the only company that rehashes things is incredibly ignorant Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 The thing is if you don't find a reason to get it then you DON'T. I don't think regrabbing the old OoT crowd was their intention in its entirety. Remember that it's been a long time, there are new gamers who have never touched an OoT before. I have this nagging feeling that this game is more targeted towards those people (and others like who can't sit down in front of a TV or only play mobile games), and instead of porting it for them, they clean it up and make it a little more presentable. Quote
The Damned Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 I don't know if you've noticed in between your cool "fanboy" rants but remakes have been a thing in the entertainment world since there ever was an entertainment worldsaying that nintendo is the only company that rehashes things is incredibly ignorant King Kong, for example. Remade twice. And the remakes also got terrible sequels. As well as the various old TV shows remade into movies, like A-Team, McHales Navy, etc. If anyone is guilty of the remake thing, it's Hollywood. They've been doing it longer and probably more often than video games have. Also, I find it kind of funny that you're complaining about a video game getting remade with some new content on a site that deals with remaking video game music with some new content. Quote
Soma Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 I tried to buy this at Target, but the guy got wise and wouldn't sell it to me, they fully had about 4 or 5 of them out. Quote
RDX Posted June 16, 2011 Posted June 16, 2011 I think you're forgetting that Ocarina isn't the best game ever. Wind Waker stands up far better than OoT does today, and when TWW came out it wasn't even a fraction as groundbreaking as Ocarina was. OoT has its place in history, but that's about it. That being said, everything after the Master Sword in OoT was just straight dungeon crawling, so I don't think adding an Ice Temple would've broken it up that much. Though to be honest all I really want is for Nintendo to thaw Zora's Domain post-Water Temple like it was originally planned. It would've been nice, and it wouldn't really have changed anything (Aside from taking away the moral of "you can't save everyone", but then again I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who analyzes video games. so.) Quote
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